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Meeting Info



Meeting Minutes 

October 9,2024 

2:00 to 4:00 PM  
McNeill Hall 1051 

Call to Order 

Roll Call 

Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Lee Bingham, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Kyle Glover, Jennifer Groves, Christie Hernandez, Nathan Hodge, Chloe Kitts, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Brittany Philbert, West Porter, Casey Shotton, Robyn Smith, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Angie Wiggins, Lauren Wipfield, Leslie Wright, & Taniesha Young   

Confirmation of Quorum – quorum met 

Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement 

“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.” 


Took a few minutes to acknowledge our sister schools regarding Hurricane Helene-Officer Hodge just returned and gave an update on experience while there serving-they are asking if you want to send anything, send money to help everyone-it’s getting colder so new coats/blankets-UNCSO has provided 4 weeks of leave-will keep us informed if other sister schools can offer shared leave 


September Minutes Approval

  • motion to approve-second
  • all in favor-Approved 


ITS Report – Aaron

  • Cyber Security awareness month-reminder emails going out all month=Windows 11 ends Oct 14, 2025
  • Go to TIMS verify to migrate as early as January
  • UNCW mobile app download it and use it-additional services will be added 
  •  App-Seahawk Life not on the app-and some events aren’t on there-Aaron will work it out 
  • Hotspots in common areas? IT looking at it to expand wireless access 


Treasurers Report 

  • in good standings-golf tournament reimbursements going through 


HR Report  

  • Oct 15 9-10am update webinar-portion on open enrollment 
  • Reminder expanded opportunity for CSL-county board of elections-can use 24 hrs can be used on non-partisan work-requires supervisory approval 
  • Compensatory Time/Professional Scheduling/Etc-they will come to next meeting with more information on these 
  • HR forum info, where is it? An announcement will come out with a link to join 
  • CSL to help hurricane victims? Elaine will check on this 


Guest Presentation:  Frank Brinkley, Chief of Police – University Police 

  • Campus safety app-emergency notifications-email police if you do not want to receive notifications 
  • You do not have to have the app to receive the alerts-we are not using Live Safe anymore-SafeZone 
  • It doesn’t share anything with them unless you want to 
  • You can set a timer for a location and police will contact you to check in if the timer goes out 
  • Follow them on Instagram or have coffee with a cop 
  • Make sure you’re staying up on your active attacker training-will come to you in person for this training 
  • Alerts will still come via email/phone with the app in place-yes 
  • Students with interest in law enforcement-guard program-security guards provide security-some full time some part time-quite a few become police officers-we do offer internship program-come spend a semester with us (limited spots available) Ride-a-longs-yes they will schedule that 


Deborah Spencer, Director of Compensation – Human Resources 

  • FSLA presentation 


Committee Reports 

  • Bylaws-had a discussion on all the things we were tasked with-table it and have another meeting next month 
  • Communications-continuing to monitor Instagram-they have a content calendar-let us know if you want to add something  
  • Engagement 
    • Fall 2024 Engagement Opportunities  
      • Dollar Coffee Social  
    • For the fall semester, the Engagement Committee is hosting the Dollar Coffee Social!  
    • As you may know, Dub City Brew, AKA the Bookstore Cafe, runs a weekly special, on Monday, for $1 Coffee. To highlight this deal, generate collegiality, and to encourage our campus staff to take a 15-minute wellness walk, our team will be hosting monthly coffee socials, from 1-1:30p, in the Fisher Student Center.  
    • Future Socials:  
      • November 11th 
      • December 2nd 
    • Other Campus Events:  
      • UNCW Recycling Center Tour - Hosted by OoS - Learn about the recycling process on Thursday October 17th, 11a-12p - Sign Up:  - Recycling Coordinator: Amelia Woodruff  
      • HRL Presents:  Pumpkin Patch - Family Friendly Pumpkin Patch - Pumpkin Carving, Painting, Refreshments, Free T-shirts - Saturday October 19th, 12-4p - Seahawk Quad (Pelican, Sandpiper, etc.)   
      • HRL Presents:  Seahawk Tree Lighting Ceremony / Festival of Lights - December, Near Finals  - Tri – House Quad    
      • CHHS “I am CHHS” 5k - Register for the College of Health & Human Services 5k - Saturday November 9th 2024 - Sign Up here:
      • Cape Fear Heart Walk - Raise awareness for cardiovascular diseases by walking in the Cape fear Heart Walk - October 26th, 2024 - Register here:   
    • In Development (Fall 2024):   Please keep in mind that these events are in the Planning Stages, more to come regarding these potential opportunities 
      • Vocal Visibility in the Workplace Course - Synchronous Professional Development Opportunity for Senators, through UNCW Dare2Learn - Spotlight Dare2Learn Professional Development (general)  
      • Seven Days of Sammy - Sammy themed scavenger hunt to promote services across the UNCW campus during the holiday season  
      • Spring 2025  
        • Soar Into Summer - Dates are currently in review. More details to come once confirmed  
        • **check his email-need to add hurricane info** 
  • Faculty Senate
    • Proposed budget did not pass in legislation. Will have to wait until Jan/Feb as some priorities are being pushed until then. However, money for academic programs is still good. Holding off on new programs, though. 
    • Open enrollment through Oct. 25, be sure to update/enroll 


  • Nominations
    • met to gain familiarity with each other 


  • Orientation 
    • We are waiting to hear back from Mel on how we can support her on her goals and objectives with where she is envisioning NEO to go 
    • Please check in with any new employees in your division/departments to see how they are doing and if they have any questions or just curious about anything UNCW 
    • Continue to invite and spread the word about appreciation events, social events, and everything else going on around campus.  


  • Scholarship 
    • We met, discussed promotional strategies, our flyer is in the queue for production, and we plan to share copies for distribution by the Dec. staff senate meeting 
  • Staff Priorities
    • link to this month’s pulse check in Susan’s email this morning-December will be the last one-link posted in the chat 
  • Roundtable & Kudos Updates 
    • Reminder-annual picnic  
    •  Lane accepted position in Advancement 
    •  Career center-doing a career closet to take donations-this particular round is focusing on blazers-professional tops-career center and sponsoring Wilmington after hours Nov 6  
    •  Music dept-we get free tickets-show this past weekend was awesome 
    •  Voter registration is coming up so be willing to help students or direct them 
    •  Thank you to depts who helped with seahawk Saturday-close to 1300 on campus 
    •  CHHS -health and human services week (get info on date/time) if anyone has an idea for a program email Wes Porter 
    •  Janet B Royster scholarship-a lot of applicants this year 
Adjourn motion to adjourn: 4:01pm 



Respectfully Submitted, 


Heather Peedin 

Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024) 

Call to Order


Roll Call

Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Kyle Glover, Jennifer Groves, Christie Hernandez, Nathan Hodge, Lane Joyner, Chloe Kitts, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Brittany Philbert, Wes Porter, Casey Shotton, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Brandon Stonesifer, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Lauren Wipfield, Leslie Wright, and Taniesha Young


Confirmation of Quorum – Quorum met


Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement

“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”




August Minutes Approval – motion to approve-second-all in favor-August Minutes approved


HR Report

  • Finalized date for benefits webinar on Oct 15-still working on the time-webinar is focused on updates with benefits for open enrollment
  •  2025 Open enrollment dates September 30-October 25


ITS Report - No update


Treasurers Report - No updates


Guest Presentation: Feletia Lee, Chief Sustainability Officer

Sustainability Presentation Staff Senate Fall 24.pptx

  • The Seahawk Trail System starts this Friday, Sept 13 at 2pm-Tar Kiln Trailhead, Reynolds Drive behind Cultural Arts Bldg-a little less than a mile
  • September 13, 2024. 2 - 4:00 pm. Tar Kiln Trailhead. Reynolds Drive behind the Cultural Arts Building. Join us to celebrate the official launch of the Seahawk Trail System! Celebrating movement and well-being by encouraging individuals to get outdoors and reconnect with the natural environment, the trail system brings together existing and new paths to help you explore our amazing campus.
  • Hoping to expand on the Swap Shop at some point-pop up tomorrow maybe 1-3pm
  • September 12, 2024. 1 - 3:00 pm. Wagoner Dining Hall. Wanna do a little shopping after lunch? Come check out the Seahawk Swap Shop Pop-Up outside Wag. All items are free, and there's sure to be something for everyone!
  • Another tree planting coming up
  • Gold Talon Events went to Sustainable Events
  • Dubs Grocery Run-once month take time to inform others on transportation on the red line that goes to Harris Teeter-after the education piece, they get on the bus and go to the grocery store
  • Friday. September 20, 2024. 2 - 4:00 pm. Office of Sustainability. Join the Office of Sustainability and Hawk's Harvest on a field trip to the grocery store using UNCW's Wave Shuttle!
    • First, we'll meet at the Office of Sustainability (Warwick 152) to learn how to become a knowledgeable and frugal shopper, and then we'll figure out how to navigate UNCW's shuttle service to get us to the store and back. There is time for you to do some shopping built into the journey, so bring a grocery list, your reusable bags, and some cash!


Special Thanks: Lucy Holman, Assoc. Provost & Dean of the Library

  • Thank you to Staff Senate for your help at Randall Library


Committee Reports

  • Bylaws 
    • The Bylaws Committee met yesterday, Sept 3rd, to discuss the current Charge to our committee to amend a few areas of the bylaws. The entire committee read over the suggested changes, and we felt those changes were important for our Bylaws and will put it together in the document for the Chair and Chair-Elect to review and if approved, we will then proceed with presenting it to the Staff Senate as a whole to be voted on. I hope to have this ready by Next Month so those changes can be implemented immediately.
  • Communications
    • Submitted request for Instagram to become a UNCW-related account. If approved, we will be added to the UNCW Social Media Directory and we can begin to make progress on having the Instagram embed on the Staff Senate website.
    • IG Post about Engagement Committees Coffee Social and Janet B. Royster, upcoming: content calendar being established for September, developing new component, Resource Round Up- highlighting faculty/staff benefits and resources
    • Beginning to explore areas of updating on SharePoint, finding photo content, etc.
    • New members still awaiting access to edit the website to be granted
  • Engagement
    • Fall 2024 Engagement Opportunities
    • Wings Up for Wilmington -Wings Up for Wilmington is a day of service hosted by UNCW Student Community Engagement in partnership with a range of organizations in the greater Wilmington area such as ACCESS, Cape Fear Habitat, and the Food Bank of CENC.
    • As a reminder, this Friday, September 13th, is the day of service. Sign up for volunteer opportunities here:
    • Seahawk Trail System Grand Opening
      • Location: Tar Kiln Trail Head (Behind Cultural Arts Building)
      • Time: 2-4p (for guided walk through) o Sign up for a reminder here: Wavelink - Trail System
    • Dollar Coffee Social
      • For the fall semester, the Engagement Committee is hosting the Dollar Coffee Social!
      • As you may know, Dub City Brew, AKA the Bookstore Cafe, runs a weekly special, on Monday, for $1 Coffee. To highlight this deal, generate collegiality, and to encourage our campus staff to take a 15-minute wellness walk, our team will be hosting monthly coffee socials, from 1-1:30p, in the Fisher Student Center.
    • Future Socials:
      • October 7th
      • November 11th
      • December 2nd
    • Other Campus Events:
      • Lug Your Mug
        • Bring your own Mug for free iced coffee on September 27th, 11a-1p on Chancellors Walk
    • Seahawk Saturday
      • Opportunity to engage with rising first years and potential transfer students
      • October 5th
    • In Development (Fall 2024):
      • Please keep in mind that these events are in the Planning Stages, more to come regarding these potential opportunities
      • Vocal Visibility in the Workplace Course
      • Synchronous Professional Development Opportunity for Senators, through UNCW Dare2Learn
      • Seven Days of Sammy
        • Sammy themed scavenger hunt to promote services across the UNCW campus during the holiday season.
    • Spring 2025
      • Soar Into Summer
      • Dates are currently in review. More details to come once confirmed
  • Faculty Senate
    • had first meeting yesterday-moved to Lumina now-talked about the long-time plan for fac/staff to co-mingle (Dub Hub)-Sept 25 @ 4pm is ribbon cutting for Randal
  • Nominations 
    • The Nominations Committee met today Sept 4th basically to do our introductions and to just go over the Teams Channel of where things can be found as well as review the past Qualtrics. These first formal meetings are just a Q & A for us to get to know one another. I was also able to reach out to the committee to see who would be interested in working on a new spreadsheet of members and their terms as well as getting a team implemented to begin thinking about Qualtrics. As it stands currently, Nominations is off to a good start.
  • Orientation
    • Started discussions on improvements of Staff Senate orientation for 2025
    • Met with Mel Cox to discuss new employee orientation and brainstorm ideas
    • Want to find initiatives to improve the on-boarding process and engage new employees
    • A lot of great ideas came out of our brainstorming session, so now seeing what is feasible
    • Looking to collaborate with engagement and communication committees on future ideas/events to help spread the word to new employees
  • Scholarship
    • Keeping poster format from last year but updating QR Code and Dates.
    • Will print same poster amount as last year (including Spanish version) ~$150 (will need to coordinate with Treasure for payment)
      • There were leftovers last year, but would rather have more than we need then not enough
      • Will hand out posters at November Staff meeting for distribution
    • Tatum and I (Brandon) will take the NextGen Training in January
      • We are also recusing ourselves from voting so that we can ensure anonymity by assigning aliases
    • Including more clear language as to what constitutes "Immediate Family,"
      • Defaulting to HRs definition, going to check with Financial Aid to see if they have a different definition
    • Will work with communications to get the word out about the scholarship
      • Last year there were 26 total applications (9 Awardees)
      • Goal is to increase the number of applications this year. 
  • Staff Priorities
    • did a soft pulse check-36 responses-starting official follow up with what was captured in last year’s survey-pulse check each month to cover all areas of survey-discussing what we want in next survey
    • (get QR code from Teams)


Roundtable & Kudos Updates

Dr. Washington-thank you to all for helping us exceed the retention goal (88% rate)-campaigns are full blast-new student survey will be deployed this month (pulse survey)-Oct will be a fair (reach out if you want to put up a table)


  • Christine Davis-great move-in-have amazing activities for six weeks to encourage getting involved-have hired interim director of new multicultural of student success center (see OUR)-Larry Wray on Friday met with leaders of Upperman and will be coordinating an advisory board to see how we can continue this programming while remaining in compliance
  • DEI questions re: Affinity groups-they can continue to meet like they have in the past
  • Staff that were students-you can take those classes and do your research
  • Advancement-teal starter apps are open-live November-can contact
  • Homecoming in February ( -
  • Center for Teaching Excellence-co chair of faculty/staff association-look us up-welcoming to all people interested in international-potluck coming up with international foods (Long Leaf Park)
  • If anyone is interested in sustainability-starting Sustainable Connection
  • Kudos to Jim Mothershed who came to OUR to give presentation on copilot-thanks for coming out
  • Kenan-huge schedule for Fall-all music dept events are free for staff
  • Oct 22 Chancellor’s Dare to Learn: Captain Scott Kelly-chatting with the Chancellor-free for everybody
  • A lot of new people on campus that wanted projects-SPR forms out there-if you hear of anyone wanting to start something, just reach out to Facilities
  • Sugg Box-recycling wants some fans outside and breathable shirts-we have advocated for that and sent to Miles Lackey
  • Also covered table like Annex between DePaolo and Kenan-that request has also been sent
  • Janet B Royster – deadline extended through 11:59pm on October 15



  • He logged in from BOG-science of reading and writing and we were not in compliance with it a couple of years ago but are now-fac/staff working really hard to be in compliance-implementation of equity policy-email sent out today OUR-some feel institutions haven’t gone far enough and some too far-I feel very good that we are focused on student success-even though the structure has changed we are very much still focused on students and at the same time compliant with the policy-requested perf based funding but budget hasn’t passed yet-we will continue to work on that-system wide priority-have not forgotten about 1 %-just waiting for new ranges for EHRA
  • My goal is that all get at least 1%
  • Susan is a phenomenal ambassador for all of you and I’m very very grateful-I take her feedback-we’ll continue to work on those things
  • Infrastructure updates-Cameron expansion and Kenan Welcome Center will be first ones-this is the planning year-construction to start sometime next year
  • Affinity groups-can they still receive funding and be compliant? I don’t know the answer at this time-not necessarily a university group-we need to figure out what the boundary is and what we can and cannot do


motion to adjourn-second-adjourned at 3:22pm


Respectfully Submitted,


Heather Peedin

Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)

Call to Order 


Roll Call 

Susan Smith, Lee Bingham, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Jennifer Groves, Christie Hernandez, Nathan Hodge, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Wes Porter, Casey Shotton, Robyn Smith, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Lauren Wipfield, Leslie Wright, and Taniesha Young 


Confirmation of Quorum

quorum met 


Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement 

“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.” 




July Minutes Approval

motion to approve-second-all in favor-APPROVED 


HR Report  

  • EPS-exec professional staff-creating new salary ranges-broader need for more job category-doing some mapping to id gaps-need to figure out where they’re going to go Aug/Sept 
  • Title 9-relocating to Hoggard 244 
  • Kelly Kennedy-emergency loan $500-docusign form on website-search financial resources-pay back via payroll deduction-pay back asap 
  • Go to Aetna page to see if a doctor is in network and clear pricing project-it is up to the provider 
  • Sept 30 open enrollment begins 


Guest Presentation: 

Steve Schwarz, Director of Financial Systems and Kim Free, E-commerce Business Analyst 

Introduced themselves 


Treasurers Report

no report 


Committee Reports 

  • Bylaws – had our first meeting-nothing to report 


  • Communications 
    •  SharePoint page will be revamped and updated  
    • Senators and committee chairs please let us know if there is any specific updates that you may need and we can assist with updates  
    • Reminder communication requests can be submitted through the communications form  
    • We are looking into trying to get our Instagram feed embedded onto the website  
    • Any departments that want Instagram post/stories shared/reposted on our stories, please have them forward post to our Instagram. 
  • Engagement  
  • Faculty Senate
    • no update-Faculty Senate has not resumed 
  • Nominations 
    • Welcomed new senators-if you didn’t get a seat on the senate this year, keep trying  
  • Orientation  
    • New senator orientations have been going well! We have 1-2 senators that still need to go through orientation, but they are attend  
    • New UNCW employees are getting personal e-mails within the first month of joining UNCW welcoming them to the university and telling them about Staff Senate and encouraging them to get involved.  
  • Scholarships
    • no update 
  • Staff Priorities 
    • Review the survey that goes out-working on one this year-focusing on small pulse check ins  (get link from chat) 
    •  Hope to have some good stats for you 


New Campus app-focused more on students first-UNCW Mobile-pointed out new move-in area-can see where they’re checking in-this is phase 1-will have communications through app-working on an advisory committee-a lot more to come with this 


Roundtable & Kudos Updates 

  • New Policy (see handout) 
  • Janet B Royster Scholarship 
  • Career center-let us know if you have a need of hiring students-Sept 4 part time job fair-link will be posted in Teams 
  • Safe Zone is the new UPD app-UNCW alert safety app-link in chat-OUR also sent it out today-feeds into the mobile app 
  • Tour guide application open-send students to handshake-good opportunity to get connected-it is a paid position $11/hr 
  • Teal Tuesdays 
  • Aramark-pod markets are going through name change (market 47) at diff places all over campus-each market will have a diff color scheme 
  • Shoutout to UPD for having their social media and making is successful-connect easier 
  • DePaolo asked if we would advocate for a space for them to eat outside to make things better for them (like Admin Annex) 



motion to adjourn-second-all in favor-3:02pm 


Respectfully Submitted, 

Heather Peedin 

Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024) 

Call to Order 

Roll Call – Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Lee Bingham, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Kyle Glover, Nathan Hodge, Chloe Kitts, Lois Kubinak, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Wes Porter, Casey Shotton, Robyn Smith, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Brandon, Stonesifer, Danny Sujanani, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, Taniesha Young,  

Confirmation of Quorum 


Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement 

“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.” 




June Minutes Approval

Motion to approve-Second Motion-Minutes Approved 


Scholarship Presentation:

Special Presenters- Dr. Christine Reed Davis & Dr. Kara Pike Inman 



Travis Woods & John Robinson 


Staff Senate Scholarship 

Johnathan Blue, Isabella Murray, Shaylee Odle, Katie South, Benjamin Freeman, Jessica Ludwick, Jillian Miles, Veronica Nelson, & Daniel “Trey” Ricks 


HR Report  

  • 3% LI in July paycheck (refer to email sent out) 
  • changes to EHRA employment and SHRA to EHRA conversion-System Office has done that-now on the class and comp EHRA website 
  • Val Heil leaving – UNC Chapel Hill   


Guest Presentation: 

Steve Schwarz, Director of Financial Systems (cancelled) 


Treasurers Report

have general funds only right now-hoping to get $5k from VC Lackey 


Committee Reports 

  •  Bylaws-no update 
  • Treasurer Danny elected 
  • Parliamentarian -Denise and Lois nominated-voting-tie so waiting for the Senator absent to vote-voting survey going out to the Senate to submit votes 
  • Secretary-Heather nominated-noms closed-Heather elected 
  • Communications-no updates 
  • Engagement-no updates 
  • Faculty Senate-no updates meetings  
  • Nominations-no updates 
  • Orientation-no updates 
  • Scholarships-presentations today 

 Roundtable & Kudos Updates 

  • New committee assignments completed-introduction meetings have been set up 
  • Resilient 18 students here on campus 
  • No news on policy changes 


ITS  - Allison 

  • TAC msg yesterday that we were updating a certification-if having issues restart computer/laptop or call IT 
  • July 19 another update coming (internet not affected) 
  • Reminder to utilize Copilot for AI needs (training in D2L Jul 22 and Aug 7) will do group or dept classes 
  • Don’t forget they need help for move-in **sign up** 
  • Renew parking pass (Aug 1) 
  • Dr Reed Davis-assigned about 150 students to overflow housing-great sign of enrollment-busy preparing those areas-great orientation season 
  • Safe Zone-UNCW Alert App – use UNCW credentials to log in 
  • BOT meet Aug 1 and 2 to vote on campus master plan 



motion second and all in favor 


Respectfully Submitted, 

Heather Peedin 

Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024) 

Call to Order

Roll Call
Susan Smith, Ashley Adams, Abigail Beck, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Crystal Chapman, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Ashlee Jensen, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Nile McKibben, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, Taniesha Young

Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met

Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”


February Minutes Approved

Shawn Spencer, Global Travel Grant Recipient

  • Presented about professional development experience and process to apply.

Ginny Barr & Lola Dineen, Office of Annual Giving

  • Seahawks Give: April 2-3, 2024

Human Resources Report:

  • Engagement survey kickoff coming up
  • SHRA salary ranges>communication from System Office has not happened-goal was for all campuses to release at the same time-HR will probably post them next week and send out communication
  • Transitions to EHRA will be delayed-have to wait for the new ranges
  • Personal Leave-new category of leave-no effective date-no sooner than July 1, 2024-earn 26 days of personal leave (new employees) personal leave will never pay out
  • Next month a representative from Headspace will be here to present
  • Calm app-surpassed 400 employees sign up-can have up to 5 dependents-there’s only 500 seats available
  • SHRA/EHRA transition>other universities have already transitioned but we haven’t-UNCW has converted the groups they could-System Office knew salary ranges were coming so they had to stop the conversion until all ranges are in place-employees will be given 60 days to make their decision
  • Complaints regarding lack of transparency from HR on new career banding-we had to find out from other universities
  • EHRA new ranges will also be posted to website
  • SHRA competency profiles are on the website
  • Desk audit-consultant will sit with the employee and go through their job description/duties
  • Elaine Doelle is the one to reach out to if you don’t want to be in the forum setting
  • EHRA positions posted do not show the salary-can that be added? It’s an option to include it but most do not

Chancellor Report:

  • Please give for Seahawks Give campaign
  • enrollment (see Fac Senate update)-my goal is to make sure we grow - the way to get more money is taking on more students
  • Campus Master Plan please pitch in ideas - Welcome Center at north campus-we have a consulting firm working with us to give estimates for renovations, replacing, etc- I want to have a place where faculty and staff can meet to have a drink to get out of the office
  • Master Plan website
  • Transportation on Master Plan-very high on the scale
  • 5 schools doing well: Chapel Hill, NC State, Wilmington, App State, and Charlotte
  • Legal sports gambling just passed-any ideas how we’ll use that money? Athletics is a support unit-some of the funds went to the leg raise everyone received

Treasurer's Report:

  • Still in excellent condition

Committee Reports:

  • Bylaws
    No report

  • Communications
    No report

  • DEI
    Courage Rising Symposium: Sovereignty, Advocacy, and Self-Definition  
    March 28th (day before good Friday) from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm 
    Education Building, Multipurpose Room 162 
    Registration is now open
    Go to:, Search “Courage Rising”, click the first result News & Events 
    The Staff Senate DEI committee co-chairs will lead a workshop focused on converting the crowd-sourced DEI priorities from last year’s symposium into actionable next steps. Hoping participants leave that session with solutions within their power to create the change we wish to see as well as identify larger initiatives that may direct our workplan over subsequent years. 

    Want to recognize that March is Women’s History Month and also Social Work Month 

    Update on Campus Events: 
    Be Kind to Your Mind: Mental Health Awareness 
    This Saturday, March 16th, 11 am – 4 pm 
    Bowstrings Burgers and Brewyard (1002 Princess Street).  
    Fostering health, wellbeing, and belonging. Local Artists, Live Music, Mental Health Providers. And if you have ever hung out with our SSW, you already know it will be “Good vibes.” 

    LGBTQIA Allies – workshops Mohin-Scholz LGBTQIA Resource Center Search “Safe Zone”, first result 
    Active Ally - March 14th, 10:00 am - 12 noon REGISTER HERE 
    Using our History to Heal - April 25th, 10:00 am - 11:30 pm 

    3/31 International Transgender Day of Visibility: acknowledges that transgender rights are human rights, celebrates the achievements and resilience of transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming persons around the world, recognizes their bravery in their struggle for equality and inclusion, and recognizes the work yet to be done for them to be able to live authentically, safely, and with dignity. 

    Kenan Auditorium Events: always cultural events happening at Kenan, Search Kenan, second result, Kenan Auditorium, “see upcoming events” 

    March 19th, at 7:00 pm: Rebekah Taussig. Disability Advocate who invites us into her experience of living in a body that looks and moves differently than most.  

    CHHS HHS Week, April 8 – 12 :, Search HHS Week, first result 
    All are welcome, you can register right there on the website, truly something for everyone interested in promoting wellness and health equity in our community, maternal health summit, etc.

  • Engagement
    Making progress-not stressed

  • Faculty Senate
    Applications 21,800, 18% acceptance rate. Chancellor said: Thankful to be at UNCW and not having to reduce staffing and programs. We are in a good position- reputation wise, program wise, enrollment wise and financially. I’m not worried and when/if I am then I’ll let you know. If I’m not worried then you shouldn’t be either.

  • Nominations
    We have the letter ready to be sent out to Nominate Staff members for the Staff Senate and or nominate yourself etc., giving special thanks to Tatum for her willingness to spearhead the Qualtrics survey and update the letter going out. I will also ask that each committee member speak briefly about their committees and how much time someone could expect to spend if they choose to join that committee. I will also ask Susan to send out the letter via the Staff Senate Email. 

  • Orientation
    No report

  • Scholarships
    Staff Senate application went live on December 1. Priority deadline was March 1, 2024, applications accepted until June 1, 2024.

    Staff Global Travel Grant application open through May 31 for travel associated with the following academic year.

    We are collaborating with the communications committee to create a step-by step tutorial for navigating the scholarship application that we can use next cycle.

    We have received positive feedback from the staff senate scholarship promotion efforts, especially the social media posts – shout out to communications committee for their help

  • Staff Priorities
    Please take some time to read Chancellor Volety’s email regarding the UNC System Employee Engagement Survey

SGA Report: Justus Lacewell

  • Wrapping up the year which ends in about 3 weeks.

IT Updates:

  • In reference to the Chancellor talking about seeing someone on campus who doesn’t know where they are-working on developing  a campus app-Jarat Piner is project manager for this project-Aaron Culler with ITS talked about phishing has gotten more prevalent than ever-if you receive an email that asks you anything, always verify the sender-get a source of truth when contacting vendors-always reach out to IT directly if you have any questions/issues

    90 days’ notice is preferable for renewing or getting new software-once the software has been vetted once, it should not have to be vetted going forward

Round Table & Kudos:

  • Staff Assembly next Monday and Tuesday-new ranges will be discussed
  • Office of Sustainability looking for glass jars with metal lids -drop off in Warwick 8-4pm
  • Underway for campus race to zero waste Recycling | UNCW
  • UPD made a “Well-Being” brochure
  • Friday night at Kenan-poetry $15 for staff

Adjourned - 3:52 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)

Call to Order

Roll Call
Susan Smith, Ashley Adams, Abigail Beck, Tatum Bowman, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Ashley Cribb, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Ashlee Jensen, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Nile McKibben, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, Taniesha Young

Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met

Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”


January Minutes Approved

Dr. Christine Reed Davis, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs

  • Introduced herself-bringing the love from Student Affairs-talked about her background in university setting-I want to collaborate with staff-I’m in a space of listening/learning/hearing what is happening on this campus-I’m promoting Teal Tuesday (don’t see enough of it)-very active on Instagram @UNCW Student Affairs

Resolution from Roger Shew

  • Motion to table it and recommend a town hall meeting - second and approved.

Human Resources Report:

  • Career Banding-system office developed new market-based bands-approved in January-went to Governor for signature and will be released in next two weeks-waiting for guidance-will be updated in Banner and People Admin-and on HR website
  • LMAR is a possibility but won’t know until Legislature votes on it
  • EHRA salary ranges to be updated-by end of May
  • Conversion process-cannot start until we receive the new ranges-delaying to September timeframe
  • Changes to EHRA policy-change in nomenclature-Exempt Professional Staff (EPS)-leave program changes in effect Jan 2025
  • How will delay in conversion effect vacancies-vacant positions will convert to EHRA and we will use the SHRA ranges until EHRA ranges are ready, info coming in two weeks will come through email, SWOOP, and website, no money is coming with the new ranges-depts can use their own funding to give increases
  • Amy Hector: Engagement & Recognition (PPT)
  • Kelly Kennedy: check SWOOP for HR announcements and the black bar in the middle (takes you to HR News & Events-Feb 1 introduced CALM app

IT Updates, Aaron Culler:

  • OAuth 2.0: When using various applications, many of these applications, upon sign-up generally allow utilization of another account for authentication. For instance, using your Facebook account to sign-in to Spotify. These authentication agreements require selection of various permissions that the user (that’s you) grants the application (Spotify). These commonly include things like access to your profile info, your friends list, etc. However, some applications, to provide enhanced functionality, request permissions to access your data, access your email, or even send emails on your behalf! If staff/faculty are currently using OAuth for applications, they will see no change. All future OAuth requests will be blocked if above a specific permission threshold, exceptions can be granted upon request (ticket).

    Asset Management: Asset Management is becoming increasingly imperative at UNCW, from a security perspective I need to know what devices are on campus. I just want to make all staff/faculty are aware that efforts are starting to increase to verify and document all devices across campus, and you may be asked to provide information to ITS as we work through the process.

Treasurer's Report:

  • Thank you to Miles Lackey and Chancellor Volety for the funding, we got a tablecloth and tent

Chairs Report: 

  • Staff Priorities Survey Results Presentation (PDF), Susan presented to the Chancellor
  • Please encourage all of your staff to participate in the System Wide Engagement Survey later this semester so that the system hears our concerns.

Committee Reports:

  • Bylaws
    Met a couple weeks ago to finalize changes on the bylaws, adjusted per our discussion and presented the bylaws for approval (PDF). Motion to approve updates, motion second and approved.

  • Communications
    We are still working on the website updates, as stated before these updates take time. We are working with the web team to build out a SnapShot page for the website and hope to have it up this Spring. We have an IT ticket in to be able to post links to files and presentations on the website so stay tuned for that feature. The suggestion box link is working and there has been an added feature to email in staff kudos for Instagram.

    Shared idea for myth busters content to be developed to help educate on parking and other FAQs that may be misrepresented.
  • DEI
    Abigal Beck moved from DEI to Engagement. Ashley Adams created our SharePoint landing page to show members, resources, and document library. Committee reviewed OIDI reports, did not change the way we are structuring our work plan. Have our first meeting with our consultant Dr. Dyer (tomorrow) to prepare for the campus DEI symposium hosted by OIDI on March 29th, a workshop on Staff Priorities for DEI. BFSA Sharepoint Site: Search “BFSA” at or in the UNCW SPO. To help promote our campus partners and community programmings, the Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) has shared their link for Sharepoint page- check out their Events and Programming for a list of events you can support: Black Faculty and Staff Association - Home (

    Homecoming: Upperman’s 5th Annual Homecoming Fashion Show is this evening, $15 couples; $8 student; $10 general admission (UNCW Search bar)
    Black History Month: All in the calendar
    - WilmingtonNColor is a Black History Shuttle Tour that the whole family can experience! 200+ years of rich heritage packed up into a 70min ride in downtown Wilmington NC, home of the the only successful government overthrow in American history. Family friendly, work/staff retreat friendly, elementary to college class approved, Church friendly, Fraternity and Sorority fellowship and family reunion ready, this tour has so much in store. Now accepting groups as small as 3.
    - Explore Wilmington’s African American History: Venita Jenkins serves as a content communication specialist in the Office of University Relations at UNC Wilmington and wrote this piece for 2024 Wilmington and Beaches CVB, local guided tours, info sessions, etc. 
    - Film Screenings and Discussions: co-presentation organized by UNCW Office of the Arts, WHQR Public Radio, Cucalorus, Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers, South Arts, National Endowment of the Arts, and Working Films. All at Jengo’s Playhouse -
    - Friday, February 16, 7:30 PM, Breaking the News: A film about women and LGBTQ+ representation in journalism.
    - Friday, March 29, 7:30 PM, After Sherman: Film about how descendants of enslaved Africans use faith as a survival tool in the fight for equality.
    - Friday, April 5, 7:30 PM, We Will Speak: A film about the work of activists, artists, and youth to help save the Cherokee language from the brink of extinction.
    - Global Connections -- An International Education Symposium. Virtual, on the morning of April 8th. Co-sponsored by CHHS and OIP. Showcasing CHHS study Abroad programs and the transformative power of international education.

  • Engagement
    The committee has met and is in the beginning stages of planning for strides. We have secured May 14th and have May 21st as a rain date if needed. The committee has decided to stick to the Amphitheater as the location due to the shade and better setup for gathering and socializing. Some ideas we are floating around are featuring departments, businesses that offer us discounts and alumni owned businesses. We would also like to offer free or discounted birds for the event and have started those conversations. We have connected with the rec center to provide outside games for the event as an additional feature. We would also like to ask paws for people dogs to come out to the event for a certain amount of time. As a committee we have questioned if the name of the event should continue to be ”Staff Senate Strides” due to the evolution of the event post covid. We would love feedback from the Senate on this topic.

    We will gladly accept any help from senators as we plan this signature event. Our next meeting in Feb 23 at 10 AM, please email Lane Joyner if you would like to be added to that meeting.

  • Faculty Senate
    Chancellor’s Report-we have reached and surpassed the $125 million goal for Like No Other: The Campaign for UNCW. More than 35,000 campaign donors. More than $5 million given by UNCW employees. 273 new scholarships, and counting, established to support students. 86% of all gifts made during the campaign have been less than $250 and yet over $125
    million has been raised so far! Like No Other: The Campaign for UNCW will officially conclude at the end of the academic year.

    Thank the Admissions team for their wonderful work-UNCW has had no program cuts.

  • Nominations
    Nominations Committee met twice last week and assigned tasks for various members. We are finalizing staff numbers to ensure we know the number of nominations and elected officials that we will need for the next session in July. Tatum Bowman has created our Qualtrics Surveys to gather nominations information as well as the ballot that staff will use later this Spring for voting.

    We are still accepting nominations for Chair-elect from current Staff Senate Members. Members can nominate someone or members can Self-Nominate through March 13, the date of the next Staff Meeting. Susan is available for questions about this role if you have any. Voting for Chair-Elect will be held in April.

  • Orientation
    Have not met yet this month but have sent out 33 welcome emails to new employees since the January meeting.

  • Scholarships
    Reminders: Staff Senate Scholarship Application is open along with the Global Travel Grant.

    For the scholarship, initial reports show that we have around $3,000 to award for the 2024-25 academic year.

    We met with the GPIE team to learn more about our partnership and the selection process. Flyers are being printed to help promote the Global Travel Grant and we’ll have a guest speaker join us at the next meeting to share their experiences. If senators or fellow staff need anything to help promote and spread the word, please let the committee know.

  • Staff Priorities
    Survey presentation

SGA Report: Ben Woodruff

  • They will have someone going to Staff Senate and Faculty Senate and collaborate with everyone-reach out to him if we need help with anything

Adjourned - 4 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)

Call to Order

Roll Call
Susan Smith, Ashley Adams, Abigail Beck, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Ashlee Jensen, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Nile McKibben, Brandon Orga, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, & Taniesha Young

Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met

Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”


December Minutes Approval - Approved

UNCW Library Expansion: Dr. Lucy Holman, Associate Provost & Dean of the Library

  • Expansion information on website
  • Could use volunteers to assist with moving furniture and other materials
  • Will have some spaces reservable for Faculty/Staff only
  • Have a commercial scheduling system for students-some spaces could be on EMS
  • Hoping to get more metered or community parking spaces
  • Buses will stop/pick up here

Roger Shew, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences

  • Presented a motion to preserve 100 acres of longleaf forest lands on our main campus

Human Resources Report:

  • Mid-cycle check-ins need to be done-Sept/Nov timeline-Feb 1 self-appraisals due-March begins Full cycle process
  • New employee/supervisor training to learn about Performance Mgmt-HR website
  • In a prior meeting Lori gave an update about SHRA salary ranges being reviewed and updated-process still ongoing with more info to come
  • Voluntary shared leave program (reach out to Diana Waser or Kelly Kennedy with questions)
  • Any update on EHRA conversion? Currently working on it-division business officers have been contacted with position descriptions needed-additional work being done on exempt-some supervisors are having some direct outreach-will be able to participate in sessions to learn difference between SHRA/EHRA to determine what is best for them-it is voluntary-will have a 60-day decision period
  • HR will assist with writing job descriptions-not currently being offered but is coming-until then HR will do 1:1 meetings to assist with writing job descriptions

Treasurer's Report:

  • We are back in a good status-thank you VC Lackey, the Chancellor and Susan for pushing so hard for that

Committee Reports:

  • Bylaws
    Email coming out for a work meeting Jan. 24 at 2pm at Student Rec Center Room 219-bring questions to the meeting. Goal is to have a final document at next Senate meeting. We have completed our review of the bylaws and they have been added to the Teams Drive under general information. This is a PDF copy of the working document we have in our subcommittee folder as I don’t want any errant changes to happen in the document. If you have any questions or concerns about the updates, you can reach out to me and I’ll share with the committee, but we will also have a working meeting on 1/24 at 2 pm in Leonard Student Recreation Center Rm 219. During that work meeting, we will go through each change for anyone who is curious about why we have made the changes we have.  

  • Communications
    Remember to submit bios to them. Share kudos with them. Let them know if you have questions about the request form. Still updating website, added a section for recommendations. Any feedback you have please send it through Teams or email Lane or Crystal.

  • DEI
    We had a very productive meeting Monday using a new communication strategy proposed by Ashley Adams and developed by Taneisha Young. We approved a new filing structure also proposed by Ashley that will archive some information into previous years and take us into our fourth year of this committee. Happy to report that Dr. Jaquline Dyer, Director of the Doctorate of Social Work Program and Associate Professor of Practice at Simmons University's School of Social Work has agreed to consult with us on our workshop at the upcoming campus DEI symposium (in April) – the UNCW Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion will fund her work with us. Upcoming Campus DEI Events, more on Staff Senate General page calendar:  

    Pop-Up Career Closet (Career Center), Wednesday - 2/21/2024, 10:30 am - 2:30 pm, FUU Town Square, ask Leslie Wright 

    Parade and a workshop on inclusive language: MLK Day of Service with Upperman, 1:30 – 5:00 pm at DREAMS Center for Arts Education, All welcome. 

    Interested in volunteering with Hawk's Harvest? Register for our weekly restock shifts on GivePulse

    Upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Events and Programming!
    The Upperman African American Cultural Center invites the campus and community to a day of service to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Join others from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Jan. 15 at the DREAMS of Wilmington (901 Fanning St, Wilmington, NC 28401) to honor Dr. King's legacy. Please use the QR code to RSVP to mark your participation. Additionally, a MLK Celebration taking place on February 7th at 7PM in Kenan Auditorium.

  • Engagement
    No update.

  • Faculty Senate
    No update.

  • Nominations
    Postponed until further notice.

  • Orientation
    No update.

  • Scholarships
    Application is open-March 1 priority deadline-will accept until June 1-looking at confirming what the endowment funds will be-Global Travel Grant app is also open through May 31-reminder about the textbook scholarship program-can use this scholarship even if taking classes at a sister institution.

  • Staff Priorities
    We had 399 people take the survey, some quick demographic information for everyone: 236 were SHRA, 47 were SHRA Exempt, 116 were EHRA.

    Division breakdown: 178 Academic Affairs, 107 Business Affairs, 34 Chancellor’s Division, 63 Student Affairs, 17 Advancement

    Time at Institution: 52 under 1 year, 168 1-5 years, 93 6-10 years, 97 11+ years

    The committee will be reviewing the data closely and creating a presentation for Susan to share with the University Administration. There were a lot of qualitative responses to questions that will take time to go through, but the initial cursory look of the data seems positive. Once the presentation has been created, we will share with the Senate.

IT Update, Lauren Brant:

  • TIMs-no hard deadline-just check to make sure everything is accurate-reach out to the administrator if you have questions
  • Susan to add ITS to our agenda

Roundtable and Kudos, Updates:

  • New Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs begins Tuesday (Dr. Christine Reed Davis)

  • Homecoming TEALgate has sold out, other events still open

  • Next round of supervisor development has opened up 

  • ACE welcome back show Friday-next month is going to be insane to look at the calendar 

  • 30 new parking spaces along Plylyer for students 

  • Shout out to Crystal for all her hard work 

Adjourned - 3:46 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)

Call to Order

Roll Call
Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Denise Bradley, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Ashley Cribb, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Chris McQueen, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, & Taniesha Young

Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met

Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”


LinkedIn Learning: Brittany Denning, Senior Instructional Designer

  • Where might this live on the website? Distance Ed and learning -also through TAC and search LinkedIn Learning
  • Does it keep up with certificates? Yes-can see learning history and certificates.

Campus Master Plan: Zachary Manfredi, Capital Project Manager

  • Zach Manfredi is the point of contact-email him with questions/ideas (can also complete the online survey and feedback will go to a shared mailbox)

Human Resources Report:

  • Make sure you use your personal observance leave
  • Be sure to look at your paystubs in Dec-specifically medical deductions
  • Filled C&C position (Kelly Stephens) they are now fully staffed
  • Feedback on supervisor training-positive feedback after sessions ended-supervisors want more time to engage with one another-will work on that in going forward

Treasurer's Report:

  • Thank you to Miles Lackey and Chancellor Volety for the funding.

Chair's Update:

  • Full on-call meeting for full body of staff assembly-issues came up that we didn’t know about-huge proposed changes for staff-regarding leave for EHRA-has not been voted on yet-we want them to pause on the voting until we can get more information-current employees would be grandfathered in as long as they stay with their current institution-BOG has not made this vote yet
  • Reminder to use your personal leave time over Winter Break

Committee Reports:

  • Bylaws
    Finalizing the last of the changes and will be presenting the changes to the Senate in January, with a special work meeting 2 weeks after to address any concerns to the changes for a final vote in February.

  • Communications
    Busy updating website still-partner with Engagement for scavenger hunt-thank you to all that helped-working with other committees for any requests they have.

  • DEI
    Co-chairs Ashlee and Taniesha met with Chief Diversity Officer, Donyell Roseboro to discuss DEI initiatives taken place around campus and to inquire about support for the spring DEI Symposium. We were able to secure funds to assist with the programming for the staff senate portion. Additionally, DEI committee brainstormed with what faculty or staff either within our UNCW community or beyond would be a good fit.

    DEI committee reached out to last year’s presenter, Dr. Jacqueline Dyer who is an Associate Professor of Practice in the School of Social at Simmons University. She has committed to serving as an advisor to work with our committee for the presentation and building of the great work discussed last year. Committee will be connecting with Dr. Dyer the week of January 8th to set a workflow process for our collaboration.

    Upcoming Events- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade and Commemoration on Monday, January 15th  - This year’s theme is Where do We Go from Here Chaos or Community

  • Engagement
    Join us after the senate meeting for refreshments and time with your fellow senators.

  • Faculty Senate
    There will be an enhancement to the Staff Advising group-this creates 12 new staff positions, 6 professional advisors each in each of the two new colleges.  The goal is to have them staffed by July 2024.  Hiring process to begin in January with the 2 new directors’ positions first, and then 5 advisors for each college in March-April.

  • Nominations
    We have met and have been discussing when the Nominations Committee will be ramping up efforts, however we have also been tasked with the Chair Elect situation and Nile and I will be meeting about that soon. Other than that, all good with Nominations.

  • Orientation
    We are still sending out welcome emails to new employees inviting them to staff senate meetings. Expecting some possible changes in the spring semester if onboarding can do any in person new employee events.

  • Scholarships
    Staff Senate application went live on December 1. Priority deadline is March 1, 2024, applications accepted until June 1, 2024.

    We are working on promotional materials to market the scholarship on social media, website, SWOOP, CHWKTV, flyers, etc. 

    Please promote the scholarship in your areas/departments!

  • Staff Priorities
    We ended up receiving 448 responses to our Staff Priorities Survey – the committee is working on compiling all survey results into a presentation to be shared with the executive committee and the senate body after winter break.

Roundtable and Kudos, Updates:

  • Bookstore giving additional 10% on top of your 20% through tomorrow
  • New facelift for 2FA- (screenshot in the chat)
  • Life cycle computer replacement-only laptop options? More prudent for laptops to be primary version-there is a comment section and IT will have conversations with you if you have a desktop need-Inventory can be found on TIMS hub (link is in the chat) -if you have a computer in your inventory that you physically do not have, let IT know and they will have it removed from your inventory

Adjourned - 4:13 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
