Meeting Minutes October 9,2024 2:00 to 4:00 PM |
Call to Order
Roll CallSusan Smith, Abigail Beck, Lee Bingham, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Kyle Glover, Jennifer Groves, Christie Hernandez, Nathan Hodge, Chloe Kitts, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Brittany Philbert, West Porter, Casey Shotton, Robyn Smith, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Angie Wiggins, Lauren Wipfield, Leslie Wright, & Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum – quorum met
Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
Took a few minutes to acknowledge our sister schools regarding Hurricane Helene-Officer Hodge just returned and gave an update on experience while there serving-they are asking if you want to send anything, send money to help everyone-it’s getting colder so new coats/blankets-UNCSO has provided 4 weeks of leave-will keep us informed if other sister schools can offer shared leave
September Minutes Approval
ITS Report – Aaron
Treasurers Report
HR Report
Guest Presentation: Frank Brinkley, Chief of Police – University Police
Deborah Spencer, Director of Compensation – Human Resources
Committee Reports
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Kyle Glover, Jennifer Groves, Christie Hernandez, Nathan Hodge, Lane Joyner, Chloe Kitts, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Brittany Philbert, Wes Porter, Casey Shotton, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Brandon Stonesifer, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Lauren Wipfield, Leslie Wright, and Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum – Quorum met
Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
August Minutes Approval – motion to approve-second-all in favor-August Minutes approved
HR Report
ITS Report - No update
Treasurers Report - No updates
Guest Presentation: Feletia Lee, Chief Sustainability Officer
Sustainability Presentation Staff Senate Fall 24.pptx
Special Thanks: Lucy Holman, Assoc. Provost & Dean of the Library
Committee Reports
Roundtable & Kudos Updates
Dr. Washington-thank you to all for helping us exceed the retention goal (88% rate)-campaigns are full blast-new student survey will be deployed this month (pulse survey)-Oct will be a fair (reach out if you want to put up a table)
motion to adjourn-second-adjourned at 3:22pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Susan Smith, Lee Bingham, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Jennifer Groves, Christie Hernandez, Nathan Hodge, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Wes Porter, Casey Shotton, Robyn Smith, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Lauren Wipfield, Leslie Wright, and Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum
quorum met
Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
July Minutes Approval
motion to approve-second-all in favor-APPROVED
HR Report
Guest Presentation:
Steve Schwarz, Director of Financial Systems and Kim Free, E-commerce Business Analyst
Introduced themselves
Treasurers Report
no report
Committee Reports
New Campus app-focused more on students first-UNCW Mobile-pointed out new move-in area-can see where they’re checking in-this is phase 1-will have communications through app-working on an advisory committee-a lot more to come with this
Roundtable & Kudos Updates
motion to adjourn-second-all in favor-3:02pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call – Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Lee Bingham, Johnathan Blue, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Megan Canny, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Melissa Duffield, Kyle Glover, Nathan Hodge, Chloe Kitts, Lois Kubinak, Suzanne Mullins, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Wes Porter, Casey Shotton, Robyn Smith, EA Southerland, Shawn Sproatt, Brandon, Stonesifer, Danny Sujanani, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, Taniesha Young,Confirmation of Quorum
Reading of Conflict-of-Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
June Minutes Approval
Motion to approve-Second Motion-Minutes Approved
Scholarship Presentation:
Special Presenters- Dr. Christine Reed Davis & Dr. Kara Pike Inman
Travis Woods & John Robinson
Staff Senate Scholarship
Johnathan Blue, Isabella Murray, Shaylee Odle, Katie South, Benjamin Freeman, Jessica Ludwick, Jillian Miles, Veronica Nelson, & Daniel “Trey” Ricks
HR Report
Guest Presentation:
Steve Schwarz, Director of Financial Systems (cancelled)
Treasurers Report
have general funds only right now-hoping to get $5k from VC Lackey
Committee Reports
Roundtable & Kudos Updates
ITS - Allison
motion second and all in favor
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Susan Smith, Ashley Adams, Abigail Beck, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Crystal Chapman, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Ashlee Jensen, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Nile McKibben, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met
Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
February Minutes Approved
Shawn Spencer, Global Travel Grant Recipient
Ginny Barr & Lola Dineen, Office of Annual Giving
Human Resources Report:
Chancellor Report:
Treasurer's Report:
Committee Reports:
SGA Report: Justus Lacewell
IT Updates:
Round Table & Kudos:
Adjourned - 3:52 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Susan Smith, Ashley Adams, Abigail Beck, Tatum Bowman, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Ashley Cribb, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Ashlee Jensen, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Nile McKibben, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met
Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
January Minutes Approved
Dr. Christine Reed Davis, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs
Resolution from Roger Shew
Human Resources Report:
IT Updates, Aaron Culler:
Asset Management: Asset Management is becoming increasingly imperative at UNCW, from a security perspective I need to know what devices are on campus. I just want to make all staff/faculty are aware that efforts are starting to increase to verify and document all devices across campus, and you may be asked to provide information to ITS as we work through the process.
Treasurer's Report:
Chairs Report:
Committee Reports:
SGA Report: Ben Woodruff
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Susan Smith, Ashley Adams, Abigail Beck, Tatum Bowman, Denise Bradley, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Ashlee Jensen, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Nile McKibben, Brandon Orga, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, & Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met
Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
December Minutes Approval - Approved
UNCW Library Expansion: Dr. Lucy Holman, Associate Provost & Dean of the Library
Roger Shew, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Human Resources Report:
Treasurer's Report:
Committee Reports:
IT Update, Lauren Brant:
Roundtable and Kudos, Updates:
New Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs begins Tuesday (Dr. Christine Reed Davis)
Homecoming TEALgate has sold out, other events still open
Next round of supervisor development has opened up
ACE welcome back show Friday-next month is going to be insane to look at the calendar
30 new parking spaces along Plylyer for students
Shout out to Crystal for all her hard work
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Susan Smith, Abigail Beck, Denise Bradley, Brian Cardone, Crystal Chapman, Ashley Cribb, Andrew Ellington, Christie Hernandez, Sue Johnson, Lane Joyner, Lois Kubinak, Ezgi Mahnken, Chris McQueen, Brandon Organ, Heather Peedin, Timothy Roney, Shawn Spencer, Shawn Sproatt, Danny Sujanani, Lincoln Walburn, Angie Wiggins, Leslie Wright, & Taniesha Young
Confirmation of Quorum
Quorum met
Reading Conflict of Interest Statement
“As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.”
LinkedIn Learning: Brittany Denning, Senior Instructional Designer
Campus Master Plan: Zachary Manfredi, Capital Project Manager
Human Resources Report:
Treasurer's Report:
Chair's Update:
Committee Reports:
Roundtable and Kudos, Updates:
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Peedin
Staff Senate Secretary (2023-2024)