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Procurement Of Goods & Services

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Basic Purchasing Principles

UNCW Purchasing Services has the exclusive responsibility for making all purchase contracts entered into for the University (exception being rental or purchase of real property). This authority covers all supplies, materials, printing, equipment, and services.

State and University policies prohibit the Purchasing Office from entering into any purchase agreements for personal purchases on behalf of employees. All goods and services purchased remain the property of the State until consumed or disposed of by public sale through Surplus Property procedures. This is regardless of funding source.

NC General Statute 133-32 addresses the legal implications of State employees accepting gifts or favors from vendors. Briefly summarized, this statute states that it is unlawful for any vendor who has a current contract with a governmental agency, has performed under such a contract within the past year, or anticipates bidding on such a contract in the future, to give gifts and favors to any employee of a governmental agency who is charged with preparing plans, specifications, or estimates for public contract. It is unlawful for a State employee to willfully receive or accept such gifts or favors. For additional information, see Executive Order No. 24 regarding "Gift Bans" at:

When competition is received during the bid solicitation phase of an acquisition, the requesting department will normally participate in the evaluation process. After requests for quotes/bids have been posted or issued by Purchasing Services and prior to the award of a purchase order or contract, possession of bid/quote information is limited to University and State evaluating personnel only. Any communication with bidding vendors that may be necessary for the purpose of clarification of a quote or bid must be cleared in advance through Purchasing Services.

Conflict of interest relates to situations in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise, may involve the potential for compromising, or may have the appearance of compromising an employee's objectivity in meeting University duties or responsibilities, including research activities. The bias that such conflicts may impart can affect many University duties, including decisions about personnel, the purchase of equipment and other supplies, the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, the sharing of research results, the choice of research protocols, the use of statistical methods, and the mentoring and judgment of student work. An employee may have a conflict of interest when he or she, or any member of that person's immediate family, has a personal interest in an activity that may affect decision making with respect to University teaching, research, or administration.

A conflict of interest may be an actual or perceived interest by a UNCW employee in an action that results in, or has the appearance of resulting in, personal, organizational, or professional gain. A conflict of interest occurs when an employee has a direct or fiduciary interest in another relationship.

In order to avoid potential conflict of interest, the University's policy is that if a University employee has an immediate family member (spouse/partner, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother- in- law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law) who is a principal owner of a business, the department in which that family member is employed will not be allowed to do business with that firm.

If, however, it is essential for a department to purchase materials or services from a University employee's immediate family member or their company, a request should be submitted in writing to the Director of Purchasing Services explaining the nature of the need and the business justification for not seeking services from other suppliers and will be sent to the State Procurement Officer (SPO) for review and approval.

North Carolina Administrative Code and University policy prohibit purchases from University employees or companies in which any University employee has any ownership stake.

Faculty and staff should take the following steps to avoid falling victim to the supplier's scams:

  • Watch out for fake "invoices" that do not reference a UNCW purchase order number or that were not generated by an official PCard purchase.
  • Watch out for telemarketers that call you directly with "limited time offers." Do not order from a supplier calling you!
  • Order your supplies from state contract suppliers.
  • Never give out your PCard information to unknown suppliers.
  • Report any problems directly to Purchasing Services.
  1. Receiving calls from individuals claiming to be representatives from toner companies:
    • They will usually ask for your copier model and serial # or they may know it and ask you to verify it. Say, "I'm not authorized to accept your products" and hang up. Never give them any information or verify any information.
  2. Receiving unsolicited toner, other items, or invoices for services or items never requested:
    • If possible, get as much information off the label and refuse the box from the delivery service. Then call Purchasing Services.
    • If you end up signing for the items, DO NOT OPEN. Contact Purchasing Services with as much information as possible (company, address, etc.) and to receive further instruction.
    • Forward all documentation to Purchasing Services.

Purchasing Methods

Procurement Cards are issued to permanent UNCW faculty or staff and are to be used only by the named cardholder. The purchasing card is essentially a corporate VISA card for business use only that allows rapid purchase of low dollar goods. Liability rests with the University instead of the individual cardholder. Individuals with approval by their Dean or Department Head may apply for a card and are required to attend a PCard training session prior to card being issued and to sign a card use agreement. All state purchasing rules and regulations and University policies apply to PCard transactions. For more information please visit the purchasing card webpage.

uShop is the purchasing system for UNCW and completion of an afternoon training session (PUR206 "uShop Shopper/Requestor") is required before a user can be granted access to uShop. Training dates and registration is available via the Finance Training Program.

Users login to uShop for creating, tracking and/or approving requisitions through MySeaport. The uShop system makes the process of purchasing quick and convenient through its browser-based screens. Online catalog shopping, placing requisition requests, purchase order tracking, order history and other features help departments keep track of their spending. Online approvals and electronic distribution of purchase orders to vendors reduces processing time and paperwork and provides a cost savings to the University.

Requisitions are routed through uShop's workflow to Purchasing Services to request goods and services. Requisitions require departmental and divisional approval in accord with established workflow. Based on the requisition's account code(s), fund(s), dollar amount, commodity and other factors, the workflow may route the requisition to additional approvers, such as Grant Officers or IT, for their approval. Once the requisition reaches the Buyer Queue step, Purchasing Services will issue a purchase order for requisitions that are $25,000 and less or on State Term Contract. If the total order is over $25,000 and not on an existing contract, generally bids or proposals are solicited, and a new contract is awarded.

Please refer to the How‐To sections and Understanding Bids elsewhere in this guide for details.

Note: The purchase order shall be fully approved by Purchasing Services prior to any commitment being made to the vendor, or before services are performed, or goods be requested or delivered.

Purchasing Services orders the cards and distributes the monthly invoices for departmental review and approval for the Wex program, a commercial gasoline credit card program for the purchase of gasoline, diesel, or other designated motor fuels and oil. WEX is UNCW's authorized gas card provider.

The WEX gas credit card is for official use only for use with state-owned vehicles including Motor Fleet and other University-owned vehicles. The cards are assigned to a specific vehicle and not for use with any other. They are never to be used for personal vehicles even if the traveler is on official UNCW business.

As a rule, the gas cards are not to be used when the necessary services are available from State or University-operated facilities. Gasoline and diesel should be obtained from the University service pumps whenever possible. The WEX gas card is an alternative when the UNCW gas pumps are inaccessible, low on fuel, or in cases of campus emergencies. The gas cards can be used for fuel and fluids only and are recognized and accepted at most major gas stations.

When purchasing fuel and/or fluids with the WEX gas card obtain a priced, itemized receipt at the time of purchase. Purchasing Services will forward a copy of the monthly statement to departments that have purchased fuel and invoices are processed through uShop. Departments are responsible for matching the receipts to the statement and for verifying their charges.

To obtain a WEX gas card, please send an email to with the following information:

  1. Department name, cardholder name, departmental coordinator's name
  2. License plate number, make and model of the State-owned vehicle to which the card will be assigned

If your card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to WEX at 1-800-492-0669 and Any fraudulent charges made to the card are the responsibility of the department until WEX has been notified.

Any questions about this process should be directed to Purchasing Services

Office supplies are on State term contracts. Staples offers various office supplies at competitive pricing.

The Staples punch-out catalog is available in uShop. Orders are entered online in uShop, transmitted directly to the vendor, and billed to the requestor's PCard. Purchase orders are indicated by a number that starts with "CC" for credit card. Delivery from Staples is usually within 1 business day for in-stock items. The transaction reconciliation and fund approval are performed in Bank of America's software - Works. No receiving is required in uShop when the PCard is used.

Note: The local Staples store is a retail shop and not a contract location. The local store should only be used in cases when you are purchasing non-contract items or when you find yourself in a bind and a 24-hour turnaround is not sufficient. You must justify an in-store purchase in the Comment box when reconciling your transaction, and an uploaded receipt is required. The local stores should not be your primary source for office supplies. Additionally, are general consumer retail websites and are not contract sites for UNCW.

The State's mandatory contract 430A for gas cylinders is awarded to Airgas USA LLC. Pricing and program details may be reviewed on the P&C State Contract webpage (see link above on page 3).

Inventories are usually taken in the month of April or May.

  • Representative from Airgas/National Welders will contact Purchasing to schedule time on site to inventory each department's cylinders.
  • The Purchasing Specialist will schedule inventory with departmental contacts.
  • The Airgas/National Welders representative will accompany the Purchasing Specialist to the departments to record the inventory of cylinders in their possession.
  • The Purchasing Specialist will notify each department of the number of cylinders in their possession and an estimate that may be used to create a standing order for the upcoming year.
  • Changes to the inventory should be made at this time.

Payments for gas cylinders are made on UNCW PCard or by uShop standing/purchase order. Gas and other supplies are purchased on a separate standing order or PCard.

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) provides oversight to the AED (Automated External Defibrillators) program on campus. The University has taken a risk-based approach to identify AED locations on campus, focusing on areas considered to present a higher-than-normal risk for occupants to suffer cardiac arrest (athletic and exercise facilities, patient care areas, large assembly venues, etc.). UNCW Police are also equipped with AEDs in their patrol cars as they serve as first responders.

AEDs require a physician's prescription and must be registered with the County EMS Office. Also, the AEDs must be properly tested and maintained, personnel must receive CPR/AED training and there must be written protocols for operation, maintenance, and recordkeeping.

Departments wishing to purchase an AED must receive authorization from EH&S PRIOR to purchasing the AED. The approval from EH&S must be attached with your PCard documentation or in uShop with the requisition. All other purchasing rules and regulations apply (i.e., subject to competition if purchase is over $25,000).

For more information regarding AEDs, please contact the EH&

The interest in the use and procurement of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) (commonly referred to as "drones" or "quadcopters") by UNCW faculty and staff has increased over recent years, as has the uncertainty and complexity of the regulatory environment for the operation of such systems.

UAS purchased with University funds must follow the process for UAS operation required by UNCW Policy 05.450 Policy on the Purchase and/or Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

All procurements greater than $25,000 may be required to go through the process as described in "Purchasing greater than $25,000" section of this Guide.

UNCW is required by law to control the use of its trademarks and control is maintained through allowing only officially licensed manufacturers to reproduce University trademarks. Therefore, items such as apparel and promotional/gift items must use licensed vendors and submit designs for approval PRIOR to production.

Please visit, UNCW Licensing and Trademarks for more information.

All living vertebrate animals must have UNCW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval PRIOR to purchase. Live animal purchases are prohibited on the PCard. Live animal orders should be coded to 932340 ("Animal Purchases-Live Vertebrate);

For more information, please contact the IACUC at 910-962-3056 or

The possession and use of radioactive materials by UNCW is authorized by the State of North Carolina, in agreement with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Permission to obtain and use radioactive material is granted to a faculty or staff member who can demonstrate, through training and experience, that these materials will be used in a safe and proper manner consistent with all regulations. This permission is granted to a qualified faculty or staff member upon an application to and approval by the University Radiation Safety Committee. The Committee also empowers the Radiation Safety Officer to ensure compliance with regulations and carry out the administrative duties of the Radiation Safety Program at the University.

For more information, contact the Radiation Safety Office at 910-962-3057 or visit:

All used equipment purchases must be approved in advance by Purchasing Services. Any used equipment purchase request must include the model number, condition, and age of the equipment being requested and detail what makes the purchase of the used piece of equipment a better overall value than purchasing new (including cost and warranty). If the item is available on State Contract, departments must also submit a comparison showing the contract price versus the used equipment price. With the purchase of a used item comes a risk that the item will not work as intended and most used items do not come with a warranty or guarantee of working condition. As such, the department must state in writing if they are willing to accept the risk of purchasing a used item.

If purchasing from an online auction site (i.e., eBay) using the UNCW PCard, the payment will need to go through PayPal using an UNCW email address, mailing address, etc. and the item must be purchased from a vendor, not an individual. PCard holders must put their approval email with their statement to show the purchase of used equipment was approved in advance.

All used equipment purchases are also subject to funding source approval and have a UNCW business purpose documented.

Any questions about this process or purchasing should be directed to Purchasing Services at

Information to include on the purchase requisition

A full statement of work; what is it a vendor needs to do for a department. Attach to the purchase requisition any vendor provided quote or contract and vendor contact phone and email. For equipment maintenance, include equipment make, model, serial number, location and UNCW contact.

Need to know the total expenditures per year to assist with choosing the proper bid process requirements as well as the appropriate approval levels.

Keep in mind fiscal year and splitting money within a fiscal year.

The following services are exempt from competition but, based on the cost of the services (or other factors), the vendor may need to agree to UNCW terms and conditions:

  • Architect and Engineering Services or other similar services related to building construction, maintenance and repair are arranged through the University's Facilities Services Department.
  • Installation services which are incidental to the purchase of supplies, materials or equipment are acquired under the same requisition used for equipment or supplies.
  • Services provided directly by an agency of the state, federal or local government or their employees when performing service as part of their normal governmental function are purchased through Purchasing Services; however, competition is not required for such services.

Consultants are differentiated from other service providers by the nature of their a) skills and b) the contracted work. The State defines consulting services as:

Service is defined as work or tasks performed by State employees or independent contractors possessing specialized knowledge, experience, expertise, and professional qualification to investigate assigned problems or projects and to provide counsel, review, analysis, or advice in formulation or implementing improvements in programs or services. This definition includes but is not limited to, the organization, planning, directing, control, evaluation and operation of a program, agency, or department. Whenever possible, consulting services shall be obtained from other State agencies when the services available from other agencies substantially meet the reasonable specifications of the requesting agency.

When a department needs consulting services, a memo addressed to the Director of Purchasing Services and written by the faculty or staff member overseeing the work should accompany the purchase requisition. The memo should address the following points:

  • What services the department desires to secure
  • What benefits the department expects to receive from the consultant service
  • What is the estimated cost of the service
  • What sources the department has identified
  • Why the work cannot be performed by the department

Purchasing Services will review the memo and determine if competition is required, if Chancellor approval will be required, the appropriate form to memorialize acceptance of UNCW terms and conditions, and other approvals or actions needed. Please contact Purchasing Services for guidance through this process.

Purchasing Services has a comprehensive website to assist departments with initiating personal services. Please visit "Independent Contractor" webpage or the uShop Special Processing Form for Independent Contractors for the most current information, forms, and resources. The following is a partial list of requirements for contracting personal services.

  • All employees of UNCW, including student employees, are paid through payroll and not contracted through Purchasing.
  • Recent retirees may lose benefits if they work for UNCW. Contact HR for guidance.
  • Employees from other NC agencies are paid through the dual employment process. Contact HR for guidance. Note: K-12 teachers are not state employees.
  • Procurement of services performed by family members or companies owned by employees is not permitted. Temporary employment may be an option in the case of the former. contact HR for guidance.
  • Foreign nationals must provide appropriate documentation and may be subject to Federal tax (30%) and/or NC Withholding tax (4%). Contact the Tax Office for guidance
  • Services normally performed by an employee (as an example, but not limited to, teaching or research) will be reviewed by the Tax Office and/or HR to determine if engagement as a temporary employee is appropriate.
  • Vendors charging more than $25,000 have a written and signed agreement, inclusive of UNCW terms and conditions. Contact Purchasing Services to draw up the contract, service addendum, quote form or other needed document. Depending on the services, a contract may be required for amounts far less than $25,000. Examples include, but are not limited to, rights to intellectual property and complex services where clarification of responsibilities, deliverables, etc. are needed. Please contact Purchasing Services for guidance through this process.

How to Buy Information Technology Goods & Software

All computer purchases are placed through uShop. No check vouchers, personal reimbursements, or PCard purchases allowed. Basic purchasing policies and procedures apply.

On July 1, 2010, purchasing procedures were implemented by the UNC System Office for PC desktop and laptop computers. These procedures are a required mandate of all the UNC institutions. This bulk IT purchasing program is called the Combined Pricing Initiative (CPI). The program was instituted to reduce

expenses by taking advantage of the combined purchasing power of the 16 campuses and to meet requirements of the North Carolina legislation.

  • Dell Desktop/Laptop and Apple computers are recommended as the CAMPUS STANDARD.
  • All Non-Standard computers and tablets, to include HP, Lenovo, and Surface Pros, must be submitted through uShop using the Non‐Standard Computer Request Form with an attached quote detailing the configuration of the computer system.
  • Dell products are available through the Dell uShop punchout catalog. A quote can be requested from the UNCW Dell representative when the punch-out catalog does not have the required dell computer configuration as a Standard listing.
  • Apple computers and iPads must be purchased via the Apple uShop punchout catalog. Apple Computers and iPads do not require a Non-Standard Computer Request Form.

Basic purchasing procedures apply to all software, accessory, and peripheral purchases. No check vouchers or personal reimbursements allowed. Purchases under $5,000 may be made with a PCard ( PCard policies & procedures apply). Research should be conducted to see if any of the items are on contract prior to purchasing. All technology purchases are subject to IT approval.

  • Adobe Creative Cloud is now licensed through ITS. For more information visit the ITS website.
  • Other Adobe products (such as Captivate, Contribute, ColdFusion Enterprise, Director, Font Folio. Frame Maker and Presenter) are ordered through uShop with the non-Catalog form. For detailed ordering instructions visit ITS webpage.

Custom Software Products may require the acceptance of a license agreement prior to use. Software License Agreements (SLA)/End User License Agreements (EULA) are legally binding contracts and must be reviewed by Purchasing Services. Exception: Packaged Copyrighted Software (i.e., Microsoft, QuickBooks, and Adobe products).

Software that is installed, hosted, and accessed entirely from a remote server or location, typically over the Internet, is considered hosted software and requires an additional review. Vendors offering hosted software are required to go through an IT review. Please complete the Software/IT Related Solution form located in uShop.

In order to ensure that the University is in compliance with the state's legal requirements for software vendors and service providers, the following process is required when seeking software and software related services.

  • Identify need (What software/services are you purchasing).
  • Request a quote, license agreement and/or the maintenance agreement from vendor, if applicable.
  • Submit a requisition in uShop with the Software/IT Related Solution form for IT to approve
  • Once approved, a Purchase Order will be issued to the vendor.

The NC Department of Information Technology Services (DITS) has established contracts for IT related products.

Main IT contracts utilized:

NOTE: These contracts are mainly convenience contracts and are not mandatory; however, in some cases they offer better pricing with educational discounts along with free shipping and personal service.

Contact the Higher Education Sales Representatives listed in the contract for product and pricing information.

Requests and information regarding domains can be directed to IT Infrastructure at

Departments are required to order cell/pager service, calling cards and internet broadband service through IT. For more information visit IT Phone Help webpage.

Any questions about this process should be directed to TAC (910-962-HELP) or

Understanding the Bid Process

The following information is provided to help purchasing departments and requisitioners understand the responsibilities and sequence of events that must occur with every bid required on non-contract items over $25,000 ($10,000 for Grant funded procurements).

The goal of every bid is to satisfy the Five R's of Procurement:

  • The Right Quality,
  • The Right Quantity,
  • The Right Price,
  • The Right Place and
  • At the Right Time

All as specified by the department while complying with NC Purchasing Rules, Regulations, and UNCW policies and procedures.

  1. Requesting Department: To provide the specifics (i.e., detailed description of goods and/or services) of what is required to fulfill the particular need; to obtain funding and to oversee the contract once it is awarded.
  2. Purchasing Specialist: To oversee the process of obtaining goods and services for a department ensuring that State and University policies and procedures are met as required by law.
  3. Bidding Vendor: To provide the goods and/or services to the department as specified by the bid documentation.

The Bid Process

A Request for Quote (RFQ) is generally required when goods and/or services cost between $25,000 and $500,000. Requesting departments should enter a requisition into uShop with a detailed product description, quantity, and estimated cost based off market research or a vendor quote. A minimum of three (3) quotes must be solicited either by the department or Purchasing Services. The lowest cost vendor meeting the specifications of the good and/or service is generally issued the purchase order.

The Invitation for Bid (IFB) is a formal bid process that is typically used for goods and/or simple services that cost more than $25,000. Please note that the University's delegated threshold is

$500,000, so anything above that threshold will require the State's Purchasing & Contract Division's approval. Requesting departments should enter a requisition into uShop with a detailed product description, quantity, and estimated cost based off market research or a vendor quote. Requesting departments should use Purchasing Services as the supplier when initially entering the requisition because the supplier that will be awarded and issued the purchase order will be unknown at that time.

Invitation for Bids typically take 30 to 45 days to process and must be advertised on the State's solicitation website (NC Interactive Purchasing Services) for a minimum of ten (10) days. Generally, the lowest cost vendor meeting specifications will be awarded the bid.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is a formal bid process that is typically used for complex services that cost more than $25,000. Please note that the University's delegated threshold is $500,000, so anything above that threshold will require the State's Purchasing & Contract Division's approval. Requesting departments should enter a requisition into uShop with a detailed description of goods and/or services, quantity, and estimated cost based off market research or a vendor quote. Requesting departments should use Purchasing Services as the supplier when initially entering the requisition because the supplier that will be awarded and issued the purchase order will be unknown at that time.

Requesting departments must provide Purchasing Services a detailed scope of work, estimated cost, estimated delivery, award criteria, questions for vendors, and preferred contract term (i.e., initial three (3) year term with two (2) additional one (1) year terms). Please note that most contract terms will not exceed five (5) years to include any additional renewal terms. Purchasing Services will enter the provided information into the State's RFP template and assist the department with editing the information provided (i.e., detailed scope of work, questions to vendors, etc.).

Request for Proposals typically take 60 to 90 days to process and must be advertised on the State's solicitation website (NC Interactive Purchasing Services) for a minimum of ten (10) days. Request for Proposals require an evaluation committee of three (3) or more people to evaluate the proposals received. Evaluation committee members will sign a non-disclosure agreement and recuse themselves if there are any conflicts of interest between them and the vendors who submit proposals. The evaluation committee will evaluate the proposals received and the vendor with the highest score will be awarded the contract.

Air express packages and other UPS, FedEx, or DHL deliveries are shipped directly to departments according to the delivery address stated on the purchase order.

Bulk ground orders via common carrier or truck freight, and other deliveries are received by Warehouse Services personnel during normal business hours of 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm- 5:00pm Monday-Friday. Summer hours and holiday hours are different; visit Warehouse Services' webpage for details.

The receiving dock is located at the Warehouse facility on 5179 Lionfish Drive in the back of the Main Campus. Deliveries are noted on daily delivery logs and are delivered within 48 hours once department is notified of receipt to verify drop off locations to the address noted on the shipping label. Please contact Warehouse Services at 910/962-3620 or if you have questions or need assistance.

Warehouse Services also ships out packages by FedEx and UPS.

UNCW Campus Ship (UPS Campus Ship) is a web-based, UPS-hosted shipping solution that helps you increase efficiency and reduce costs. Shipping and Receiving can ship your business packages to off- campus sites. We have negotiated lower shipping rates with FedEx and UPS (but not USPS), which provides a cost savings to the University. To learn more visit the Campus Shipping webpage.

Departments initiate their disposals by submitting an online Disposal Request by logging into MySeaport. For instructions and details, including how to request access to the Surplus Property System, visit the Surplus Property website

Before lab or clinical items can be surplus, Environmental Health and Safety is required to inspect the items for contaminates and approve removal from the lab or clinic prior to being surplus. An item is considered contaminated if it has had contact with body fluids or blood, hazardous chemicals, etc. Departments, labs, and clinics are responsible for notifying EH&S.

When equipment is to be used as a trade-in for a discount or credit on a replacement order (and not being sent to surplus) the State Surplus Officer must approve the disposal. There must be a specific replacement item being ordered; UNCW cannot take a "credit on account" for a future, to- be-determined purchase. Notation of trade-in and value should be included in the PO, and the net value encumbered. Purchasing will make the request but will need details about the trade-in from the department.

Below is a sample request:

Trade In Disposal Request:

We are requesting approval to trade in the following property.

Fill in the following:

Description of Item(s) - Sim Woman and Baby

FAS # (if applicable) - 000046456

Current Condition - Poor

Original Purchase price total - $32,910.66

Date of Purchase(s) - 04/26/2005

Name of Vendor Offering Trade-in Allowance - CAE HEALTHCARE

Price of Replacement Item Before Allowance - $86,272.00

Amount of Trade-In Allowance - $6,000

Final Purchase Price - $80,272.00

Brief justification for trading property in verses selling to the public – Per the Department (School of Nursing) the equipment has a "bad leg" and is not usable for teaching application. A trade in for this equipment would be the best option as they are getting a set discounted amount for the new equipment, rather than submit the equipment to sale through Surplus.

If the equipment is tagged, then the department requesting the approval for trade-in will have to provide that FAS tag number for the complete information to be sent to State Surplus.

Once the Trade-In Request has been approved, a PDF of the approving email is attached to the requisition and a uShop comment created to the Fixed Assets Administrator, noting to that individual that tagged equipment is being moved. The Fixed Asset Administrator will contact the department for any additional documents that require updating.

Department will coordinate pick-up of the trade-in with vendor, using Warehouse Services if needed.

The following steps should be taken to surplus a departmental vehicle:

  1. Notify UNCW Surplus Property to start the process for surplus of a vehicles
  2. Return all gas card(s) to Purchasing Services (if applicable)
  3. Remove any UNCW property from vehicle
  4. Bring all LICENSE PLATE(s), KEYS, and any MILEAGE logs to Surplus

PLEASE NOTE: The department will be responsible for insurance coverage until tags are removed and Risk Management requirements are satisfied. Contact Institutional Risk Management for more information.

Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets identifies, tracks, manages, and reports the University's capitalized assets. Tracking activities include tagging newly acquired equipment, oversight of the annual physical inventory and maintaining a property database via Banner including the disposal of Surplus assets in

accordance with State rules and regulations. Additionally, Fixed Assets can provide asset reports by department, building or location, in preparation for departmental moves, supply information on stolen assets for police identification, provide custodian identification for assets, and answer questions regarding University policy and procedures for Fixed Assets.

  • UNC- Business Process Standards require all universities within the UNC System to follow system-wide Capital Asset Standards.
  • The purpose of tracking fixed assets is for financial accounting, preventive maintenance, and internal controls including theft deterrence.
  • Equipment with a purchase (or donation/gift) cost of $5,000 or more (any funds, including Grants) including shipping, legal fees, and installation.
  • Acquisition value (price that would have been paid to acquire the asset) should be used to record equipment received as a donation/gift. Receipt of the gift must be coordinated with University Advancement Services.

When purchased equipment meets the threshold, Fixed Assets will notify the department via e- mail to schedule a tagging appointment after the invoice is paid. The organization that the equipment will be assigned to and the location of the equipment will be verified at this time.

The University is required by the State to take an annual equipment inventory. Each department is accountable for their inventory and is responsible for verifying and reporting any changes or corrections to Fixed Assets.

For more information about Fixed Assets visit the Fixed Assets website.
