These are specific items that are not allowed on the purchasing card . (The appropriate method of purchase is in parenthesis)
1st Finding: PCard Transaction Audit Form is sent to the Cardholder, Reconciler, Approver, Budget Officer, and Dept Head identifying the finding, provides actions needed to resolve the finding, and a deadline for the return of the form signed by the Cardholder, Approver, and Budget Officer. The PCard may be placed in “Time Out” for a specified period of time.
2nd Finding: PCard Transaction Audit Form is sent to the Cardholder, Reconciler, Approver, Budget Officer, and Dept Head and, at the discretion of Purchasing Services, Internal Audit. The form shall identify the finding, provide actions needed to resolve the finding, and a deadline for the return of the form signed by the Cardholder, Approver, and Budget Officer. If the finding is upheld the PCard is de-activated for six months. After six months a request may be made to reinstate the PCard, and the Cardholder must complete the Purchasing Card Training Class, PUR202, before the PCard is reinstated.