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PCard Manual

Compliance & Audit

To ensure the integrity of the Purchasing Card Program, the following actions are taken by Purchasing Services when findings are discovered during audits. Each finding equals 1 Infraction.  Infractions accumulate over a 12-month period from the first infraction. Infractions will cause the PCard to be suspended. Purchasing has the discretion to suspend any card at any time.

These are specific items that are not allowed on the purchasing card . (The appropriate method of purchase is in parenthesis)

  • Advertising; (uShop) Web based i.e. Facebook is allowed with OUR approval
  • Amazon purchases on a personal Amazon account; Amazon purchases MUST go through the uShop catalog, no exceptions
  • Animals; (uShop)
  • APPLE APPs or iCloud Apps; (Reimbursement by Check Request)
  • Cell Phones; (Telecom)
  • Computers / PCs, Laptops, Google Glass, Notebooks, Tablets, Microsoft Surface and iPads, Netbooks, Programming, Servers; (uShop only)
  • Costco without a UNCW Departmental Membership (Membership may be paid via PCard)
  • Drones (uShop)
  • Entertainment/Events (uShop preferred or prior Purchasing approval)
  • Food, Prepared (Under $250 is allowed for on-campus events only, non-general funds, with a business purpose)
  • Food, Prepared over $250 is not allowed without Aramark written approval
  • Food/Restaurants off-campus is Business Entertainment (uShop, check request or prior Purchasing approval)
  • Furniture, Carpet, Blinds (uShop)
  • Gift Cards or Certificates
    • Some gifts for employees are allowed on the PCard. (Please refer to Policy 05.159 “Purchase of Gifts for Employees”, III. Policy, Section B. “Types of Allowable Gifts”)
  • Hazardous Materials (uShop)
  • Independent Contractors or Payments to Individuals (uShop)
  • Logo or Trademark Items including UNCW, House Logo or Sammy (uShop)
  • On-Campus Postal Services (Use an Inter Departmental Invoice "IDI"; Off-campus is allowed)
  • Shipping to an off-campus location is a critical violation without prior approval
  • Software without prior IT and Purchasing approval through uShop
  • Swain Center, TAC Repairs and Center for Innovation Entrepreneurship CIE, UNCW Departmental Charges, Parking Tickets, UNCW Event tickets- You may not pay another UNCW department via PCard (IDI)
  • Tax – We are a state university and should always be tax exempt
  • Travel or anything related to travel (Travel Card and/or Chrome River)


  • Not reconciling in WORKS
  • Inappropriate use of fund or account
  • Transactions with no receipt in WORKS
  • Inadequate receipts – Not Itemized with description and quantity of what was purchased
  • Failure to sign off on transactions in WORKS (Reconcilers and Approvers) by the listed deadline. Cardholder must ensure Approver signs off on their PCard transactions.
  • Sales Tax paid
  • Using the PCard when another method of payment is required (Travel Card, Purchase Order, Check Request)
  • Shipping to an off-campus location without prior approval
  • Failure to respond to the PCard Transaction Audit Form by date required will cause an additional finding and the PCard may be placed in “Time Out” until response is received.

1st  Finding: PCard Transaction Audit Form is sent to the Cardholder, Reconciler, Approver, Budget Officer, and Dept Head identifying the finding, provides actions needed to resolve the finding, and a deadline for the return of the form signed by the Cardholder, Approver, and Budget Officer.  The PCard may be placed in “Time Out” for a specified period of time.

2nd  Finding: PCard Transaction Audit Form is sent to the Cardholder, Reconciler, Approver, Budget Officer, and Dept Head and, at the discretion of Purchasing Services, Internal Audit. The form shall identify the finding, provide actions needed to resolve the finding, and a deadline for the return of the form signed by the Cardholder, Approver, and Budget Officer. If the finding is upheld the PCard is de-activated for six months. After six months a request may be made to reinstate the PCard, and the Cardholder must complete the Purchasing Card Training Class, PUR202, before the PCard is reinstated.

Immediate PCard revocation

  • Demonstration by Cardholder they do not have the capacity to follow the rules or be a responsible Cardholder
  • Split Transactions to circumvent the single transaction limit or prepared food rules
  • Inappropriate/unauthorized purchase
  • Failure to comply with State Contract (without acceptable explanation)
  • Intentional personal use
If a personal purchase is made on the purchasing PCard, a theft of state property has occurred.  The PCard is revoked.  Division head and University Police notified, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.   Cardholder is not eligible for future Pcard use.
P-Card Support