Cross Listing Courses
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The University offers courses across many departments, which is known as a cross-listed course. Cross-listed courses will be assigned the same number in each department in which it is offered.
The courses have the same:
- Attributes
- Catalog descriptions in each listing
- Course prerequisites
All students who enroll in cross-listed courses, regardless of which subject list they may have enrolled in, will have the same course experience.
When to Cross-List a Course
Any two or more courses that are taught in the same room at the same time and have identical meeting patterns should be cross-listed in Banner.
Contact the Office of the Registrar about any courses that do not fit this criterion and need to be cross-listed.
How to Cross-List a Course
These instructions include all courses listed at both the graduate and undergraduate level.
- Courses are first built on SSASECT as they normally would be.
- Go to SSAXLST.
- Enter your term if you know the Cross List Group Identifier that you want to work with.
- If you don't know the Cross List Group Identifier select the arrow to the right of the Cross List Group Identifier.
- This will bring you to the Banner form SSAXLSQ which will start asking to run a query.
- Execute a query and it will show you all of the cross listed courses for the term.
- Click on the row with the cross listing you want if you want to work with an existing cross-listed course.
- It will take you back to SSAXLST with the information for the cross-listed courses.
- Find the highest number that has been used if you want to create a new cross-listing.
- Add one to and enter this number in SSAXLST to create a new Cross List Group Identifier.
- There are only two alpha-numeric digits available for use. The convention is 01-99, then 1A-1Z, 2A-2Z, 3A-3Z, etc.
- Enter the Maximum Enrollment in the Cross List Enrollment block. This is the combined Maximum enrollment for each section.
- Next block.
- Then enter the CRNs for the courses that you wish to cross-list.
- The classroom will be selected using the Cross List Maximum Enrollment.
- The Cross List Maximum Enrollment will also need to be adjusted if a change is made to the enrollment of a single section within the cross-listed group.