Adding Section
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The Schedule Form (SSASECT) is used to build and maintain class sections according to the definitions and restrictions created in the Basic Course Information form in Banner (SCACRSE). A course record must exist on SCACRSE prior to the creation of a section for a particular course.
- Open the Schedule Form (SSASECT).
- Enter the appropriate term in the Term field.
- Tab to the CRN field and enter ADD in the field.
- Perform a Next Block to enter the Section Information window.
- Double click in the Subject field to open the Option List. They can be entered directly in to their respective fields if the subject and course numbers are known.
- Select view Existing Courses to open a list of all existing courses.
- Select the appropriate course.
- Then the Subject field and the Course Number field will populate with the correct information.
- Tab to the Section field. Enter the section number that corresponds to the correct numbering scheme:
- 001 - 199: Traditional, online, web-enhanced, info highway
- 200 - 299: Lab sections
- 300 - 325: Honors
- 326 - 349: Honors labs
- 700 - 799: Study Abroad
- 800 - 825: Extension traditional, online, web-enhanced, info highway
- 826 - 849: Extension labs
- 900 - 975: For official use only (Off-Formula)
- Tab to the Campus field.
- Double click on the field to open Campus choices.
- M for Main is used for most courses.
- EXT is used for extension courses that have a section number in the 800’s or 900’s.
- Tab to the Status field and enter A for active.
- Tab to the Schedule Type field and double click to open the Schedule Type choices. Schedule types must be unique for any topics courses that can be repeatable.
- Tab to the Instruction Method field and double click to open the Instructional Method choices. Those choices are:
- Blank: Face to face, in-person instruction classes
- WEBE: Classes that blend face-to-face meetings and 30%-99% online activities with an assigned location and time (Not to be used starting Summer 2013. Use either W<50 or W>50).
- WL50: Classes that blend face to face meetings and less than 50% online activities with an assigned location and time.
- WG50: Classes that blend face to face meetings and more than 50% online activities with an assigned location and time.
- OLSYN: Classes that are delivered 100% online synchronously* and have no required face-to-face meetings and no location assigned
- OLASY: Classes that are delivered 100% online asynchronously* and have no required face-to-face meetings and no location or time assigned
- INHWY: Interactive real-time video
- ONLIN: Internet or web-based (Do not use beginning summer 2011)
- REMOT: Non-web based at a remote site
- *Synchronous online classes – students and instructors are separated by distance but not time. These will have required meeting times and be coded as OLSYN.
- *Asynchronous online classes – students and instructors are separated by distance and time. These will have neither times or locations and be coded as OLASY.
- Tab to the Grade Mode field:
- This field is only used for zero credit hour labs.
- An N is used for non-graded in the case of a zero credit hour lab.
- It will default to the course defined grade mode on SCACRSE when you leave it blank. (Also see #19 on pg. 4)
- Tab to the Special Approval field:
- Only enter a choice if Special Permission is required for the section.
- The choices are Departmental Approval (DP) and Instructor Approval (IN).
- Leave this field blank if no approval is required.
- Tab to the Part/Term field and double click to open the Part of Term choices and select:
- F for full term.
- I for summer I.
- II for summer II.
- Other Part of Term values may be available depending on the term.
- Always tab out of this field.
- Tab once more and the cursor will be in the Credit Hours field. A section will have either a fixed or variable amount of credit and billing hours.
- A section that has a fixed number of credit and billing hours will have that number defaulted onto the form as in the example above.
- A section that has variable hours will require the number of credit hours to be added for the section. If this field is left blank, Banner will always default to the low credit hours.
- A section that has variable hours will require the number of credit hours to be added for the section. Banner will always default to the low credit hours if the field is left blank.
- The section will be non-graded if it is a lab that has zero credit and billing hours. First an N was placed in the Grade Mode field and now the Gradable checkbox must be empty as well.
- A save/commit (F10) must be performed to capture all of the selections. This will create a unique Course Reference Number (CRN).