Assigning Building & Room
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There are instructions for when you know which room your course will take place in and when you do not.
- Enter the building code in the Building field which could be:
- The building code (i.e. EB for Education Building).
- The site code (i.e. 067 for extension locations).
- Type ONLINE for online courses that are taught on the main campus.
- The online extension courses no longer need the site code plus ONL (i.e. 067ONL).
- Online extension courses should use the building code ONL. Online main campus courses should use the building code ONLINE.
- Next tab to the Room field and enter the room number. This field is left blank for all online sections, extension courses, independent studies, and some practicum.
- Follow the steps below to query all available rooms if the room number is unknown:
- Go to the Options menu and select Query Available Classroom (SLQMEET)
- This opens the Available Class Room Query form (SLQMEET).
- Make sure the meeting time and building code are correct.
- Perform a Next Block to enter the Desired Room Attributes window. You can enter attributes like SMAR for a smart classroom.
- Perform a Next Block again to see the Class Room Query Results window.
- Select a room by double clicking in the Building field in the appropriate row.
- This will return your selection to the Meeting Time window.
- Perform a save/commit (F10) to capture all of your selections.