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ID Scheme and Codes

Standard Curriculum

001 - 199 Traditional on-campus class - Online (All instruction delivered via the Internet), On-campus technologically enhanced, Information highway (One- or two-way video, classroom-based course)
200 - 299 On-campus lab

Honors College

300 - 325 Honors
326 - 349 Honors lab

Extension Program

800 - 825 Extension - Traditional on-campus class, Online (All instruction delivered via the internet), On-campus technologically enhanced, Information highway (One- or two-way video, classroom-based course)
826 - 849 Extension - lab


900 - 925 Off-formula - courses that are set up not to pay the traditional tuition rate to the university. Applies to in-state and out-of-state tuition.
926 - 949 Off-formula labs