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Degree Audit

How To


Here is UNCW's degree audit navigation guide for students.

  1. Logon to mySeaPort and choose SeaNet
  2. Click on "Student Services and Financial Aid"
  3. Then "Student Records"
  4. Then "Degree Audit"
  5. Your audit will populate in a new window


Here are a few useful links regarding graduation, transcripts, and degree audits.

It's important to track student progress at UNCW. Here is how student advisors conduct degree audits.


Our degree audit system is available to students and their advisors via SeaNet.

Degree Works is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor progress towards degree completion. Degree Works is live for all Fall 2016 students, going forward.

The system looks at the degree requirements from the UNCW official catalogue, and any coursework completed and in-progress, to produce an easy-to-read degree audit.

The degree audit is divided into block requirements of how courses count toward degree requirements. Checkboxes exist within each block to easily outline what courses and requirements are complete or in-progress.

How to conduct a degree audit for your advisees:

  1. Login to mySeaPort and choose SeaNet
  2. Click on "Faculty Services"
  3. Then "Advisor Menu"
  4. Then "Degree Audit"
  5. Click on "Submit an Audit"
  6. Select Term in which student is eligible to register
  7. Enter the student's ID and click "Submit"
  8. There are two choices: To run an audit showing a student's current major, click on "Run Audit;" OR to see how student's courses apply to another major, select "What-If?"
  9. Then select college, degree, major and catalog year from the drop-down menus
  10. For either choice, to view and read the audit click on "view submitted audits"
  11. A list of audits will appear. Click on the degree audit under "View Link" to view audit

Quick Notes for Advisors

  • If students are "non-degree", a "What if" audit will have to be run.
  • For some double majors, a "What If" audit will have to be run for the second major.
  • Should an audit fail to run and you receive a message "Degree Program Not Defined" contact the Office of the Registrar


How to view a student's audit who is not your advisee:

  1. Log on to your Faculty SeaNet account
  2. Click on "Faculty Services"
  3. Click on "Advisor Menu"
  4. Click on "Degree Audit"
  5. Click on "Submit An Audit"
  6. Place cursor in "Student ID" box and type students Banner ID *
  7. Click on "Run Audit"
  8. Click on "View Submitted Audit"
  9. Click on the degree program link and view the audit

You also have the option of searching for a student by name prior to submitting the audit.

You can perform a "what-if" audit analysis on students who are not your advisees by following the steps listed in the "What-if Audit" instructions above.


How to View an Alphabetical Listing of Undergraduate Courses

To run an alphabetical listing of undergraduate courses, go to the "What-if" option and select the College of Arts and Sciences as the college, Non-degree as the degree, Undeclared as the major, and Fall 2006 as the catalogue year.

How to View an Alphabetical Listing of Graduate Courses

To run an alphabetical listing of graduate courses, go to the "What-if" option and select the College of Arts and Sciences as the college, Non-degree as the degree, Undeclared-Graduate as the major, and Fall 2006 as the catalogue year.

How to View a Transfer Evaluation

To run a transfer evaluation of courses, go to the "What-if" option and select the College of Arts and Sciences as the college, Non-degree as the degree, Transfer Evaluation as the major, and Fall 2006 as the catalogue year.


Here are a few useful links regarding graduation, transcripts, and degree audits.

Degree Audit FAQs

Degree Works is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor progress towards degree completion.

Students with catalog years Fall 2016 and later will see a Degree Works audit. Students with catalog years before Fall 2016 will remain on the u.achieve system until graduation.

Degree Works looks at the degree requirements from the UNCW official catalog. It views any coursework completed and in progress to provide a degree audit that's easy to read.

How courses count toward degree requirements is sectioned into block requirements. Degree Audit will check off any courses you have completed. You'll quickly see your progress toward your general education, core, and concentration requirements. And you'll see your progress toward your minor if you have one.

Degree Works also allows students and their advisors to plan for future coursework.

A Degree Works audit is a review of past, current and planned coursework. It provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree/major/minor/concentration.

The audit is divided into block requirements such as Degree, University Studies, Major Requirements, Concentrations or Options in the major, Minor or Cluster Requirements, etc.

Each block works like a checklist that has boxes that are automatically checked when a requirement is met or is in-progress.

Degree audits may be accessed through SeaNet.

Yes. Like other processes through the mySeaport portal, Degree Works is accessed through your secure log-in. Your advisor, faculty, and authorized staff will be able to view the information contained in Degree Works.

No. Registration, including prerequisite checks, will continue to be handled through the regular SeaNet registration system.

The information in Degree Works will be refreshed at the following times:

  • Midnight
  • 5am
  • 8am
  • Noon
  • 4pm
  • 8pm

Any changes are made to the student record (e.g., grade changes, classes added/dropped, major or minor changes) will show after refresh.

Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of a part of term, they are viewable in Degree Works.

Yes. On the Worksheet tab, click on the Class History link at the top for a list of courses taken at UNCW, as well as transfer courses. This is not considered a transcript since repeated courses are not noted on this class history.

Once AP/CLEP exam scores are received and credit is granted, they are posted to the student record and will appear on the audit. Likewise, as soon as transfer work is posted to the student account, it will appear on the audit and fulfill requirements as appropriate.

Your audit will outline courses needed to meet degree/major/minor/concentration requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.

What Should I Do?

Ask your advisor for assistance. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong.

If none of these problems describe your situation, or if you need additional help identifying what's wrong, contact your advisor. If the advisor believes a technical error exists on the audit, email

Below you will find the most common problems and courses of action:

My Minor Is Missing From My Audit.

If you have not yet officially changed your major, log in to mySeaport and choose the "Major Declaration/Curricular Updates" application. Contact the Office of the Registrar ( with questions.

My minor is missing from my audit.

If you have not officially added your minor, log in to mySeaport and choose the "Major Declaration/Curricular Updates" application. Contact the Office of the Registrar ( with questions.

My Major Requires Me to Complete a Concentration, but It Didn’t Appear on the Audit.

If you have not officially added the concentration to your major, log in to mySeaport and choose the "Major Declaration/Curricular Updates" application. Contact the Office of the Registrar ( with questions.

The Requirements for My Major Are Wrong.

Look at the catalogue term that appears in the "Student Profile" section of the audit. UNCW records show this is the catalogue that you are using to complete your major requirements. If you believe you should be using older or newer requirements, contact either your advisor or the Office of the Registrar (

My Transfer Courses Don’t Appear in the Right Place.

If you are concerned about a transfer course that should be applying in the audit, contact your advisor.

My Advisor or Department Chair Gave Me Permission to Substitute a Course, but It’s Not Showing on My Audit.

Talk with your advisor. Advisors can request to have a degree exception (substitution, waiver) approved through the department chair and Dean of your major. Once the exception is approved and entered in the system, the change will appear on the audit.

Classes Are Not Applying in the “Right” Place.

Degree Works uses a "best fit" approach for meeting requirements so classes may shift between requirements as you complete/enroll in additional classes. If you have further questions, contact your advisor.

You will know you are ready to graduate when you see the “IN-PROGRESS” or “COMPLETE” indicators at the top of your degree audit listed next to your degree, as indicated in the graphics below: 

Contact your advisor for any questions regarding your eligibility for graduation.



You should review your audit at the following times:

  • Before you meet with your academic advisor to discuss registration for an upcoming semester.
  • After you register to ensure that the courses you selected applied to your requirements as expected.
  • After your grades are posted for each semester.
  • Any time you make a change to your schedule or major.

Your degree audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in your degree program.

Your transcript is your official university academic record and provides a chronological list of courses completed and other academic information.

Degree Works looks at your program holistically, and places each course using a "best fit" scenario. The "best fit" process will not always be perfect, particularly when multiple possibilities exist.

Classes may apply to different sections as you take more courses. If you have a course that does not appear in the area you expected, contact your advisor for assistance.

In most cases, yes. Degree Works is programmed to recognize that some courses can fulfill more than one requirement.

Classes from another institution are coded as transfer work and the grade begins with a "T".

After receiving department and Dean approval, the substitution will be recorded on the audit. The course you completed will fulfill the requirement, and an additional line will appear under it that explains why the degree exception was entered.

In the degree information next to your name at the top of the screen, the degree box has a drop-down arrow. Use this to select your second degree. Once you select this, an audit for the additional major will display.

If you are pursuing two majors under the same degree (e.g., BS Biology and Chemistry), both majors will be noted in the "Student Profile" section at the top of the audit.

The body of the audit will show both majors' requirements, as well as any major specific requirements (such as Writing Intensive Competency).

If you repeat a course, only your last attempt counts toward degree requirements. Once you enroll in a class that you have previously taken, the earlier attempt(s) will be placed in the "Failed, withdrawn, and excluded grades" section at the bottom of your audit.

The first three allowable repeated courses will appear in this section. Please read about repeating courses in the UNCW Catalogue.

  • If the @ sign appears with course numbers after it (e.g., @ 100:499), it means that you can take any subject area with that level (a 100-499 level course from any subject area).
  • If it appears after a subject prefix (e.g., PSY @), it means that you can take any course with that subject prefix (any course in Psychology).
  • If it appears after a subject prefix and a number (e.g., PSY 3@), it means that you can take any course with that subject prefix and at that level (any course in Psychology at the 300-level).

Contact should begin with your academic/faculty advisor.

This means the course has a pre-requisite course required before you can register for it.

The degree audit does not eliminate the need for advising. Rather, the degree audit serves to enhance advising and encourage student contact with an advisor for further academic and career counseling.

You can use the "What If" option on the Worksheets tab to run an audit using criteria you select. Be sure to select the correct Degree, Catalogue Term and Major.

What-If audits do not guarantee that you are eligible to major in the area you select. If you decide you'd like to change your major, discuss with your advisor and use the "Major Declaration/Curricular Updates" application in mySeaport.

The Graduation Calculator option on the GPA Calc tab will show what average you need in your remaining credits to graduate with your desired GPA.

The Term Calculator option on the GPA Calc tab will show an estimate of your cumulative GPA. Degree Works will pull in your current earned credits and GPA and place your in-progress courses in the table where you can then enter the anticipated grade for each course.

You will then see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates you provided.

The Desired GPA Calculator option on the GPA Calc tab will show various credit and grade scenarios in order for you to achieve your desired cumulative GPA.

No. This is an estimate only.

Additional FAQs for UNCW Faculty

Yes, u.achieve provides this option for you. You can even run a "what-if" audit on these students as well. Visit the instructions on viewing degree audits of students who are not your advisees.

If you feel that u.achieve is not correctly analyzing certain requirements on the degree audit, you should contact the Assistant Registrar for Records.

Be sure to give the student's name, Banner ID, and the nature of the problem. You can even go to the printer friendly version of the degree audit on SeaNet and add it to your email as a text attachment if it will help in explaining the problem.

Every attempt will be made to address your concerns as soon as possible.

All changes to the text of the audit must be approved and submitted by your department chair (or the u.achieve faculty liaison in your department, if one is designated) to the degree audit administrator.

Curriculum changes must be approved through the established University policies and guidelines as outlined in the Faculty Handbook.