When should I complete Form I-9?
The employee must complete Form I-9 on or before the first day of work. The earliest they may complete Form I-9 is as soon as they have accepted the job offer.
Please note: The university is at risk of significant fines for non-compliance if the Form I-9 is not completed on or before your first day of employment.
How do I begin Form I-9 process for new hires?
To hire temporary employees or student employees, the hiring department must submit an I-9 and Criminal Background Check Request form. The request form can be found on SeaNet, under the New EPAF options.
The form will guide you through the process, ensuring all required information is gathered.
Upon receipt of your request, a representative from HR will reach out to the new hire(s) directly to begin the I-9 process. The requester will be CC'd on the initial email and can follow the progress on the request spreadsheet. Note: Please do NOT have the new hires email HR directly to begin this process.
The I-9 process for permanent SHRA, EHRA non-faculty, and faculty employees is triggered by the PeopleAdmin hiring workflow. No action outside of PeopleAdmin is required to initiate an I-9 for these individuals.
Directions To I-9/CBC Request Form Explanation of I-9/CBC Request Form
How long is an I-9 valid?
I-9s are valid as long as the employee remains employed at UNCW. The only exception is for aliens authorized to work - international students or employees. Their work authorization status has an end date determined by their immigration status and their I-9 will expire at the end of that date, unless they extend their status and update their I-9. The work authorization status of US citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents never expires.
If there is a break in service, USCIS indicates that a new I-9 is not needed if there is a reasonable expectation that the employee will return to work. "Reasonable expectation" is not defined by USCIS, so UNCW has determined its own standards for consistency. The table below addresses possible scenarios. Key concepts are explained below the table.