Exceed national accrediting standards for retention, licensure and certification requirements.
Optimize effectiveness and efficiency of the admission processes for all programs.
Enhance recruitment strategies to attract diverse students.
Evaluate and address the workforce needs.
Achieve appropriate ratio of doctoral and masters prepared faculty to meet program needs.
Increase percentage of faculty members at the ranks of associate and full professor. Recruit and develop staff to address growing programs and faculty needs.
Improve new faculty and staff orientation and mentoring programs.
Deliver professional development programs and opportunities to meet faculty and staff defined needs.
Achieve and maintain competitive faculty salaries.
Continue growth of tenured track faculty and doctoral prepared clinical track faculty who
are diverse.
Demonstrate excellence in teaching and learning.
Create an environment that supports advancements in teaching and the use
of technology.
Increase the effective use of innovative instructional approaches that enable inter-professional, inclusive, applied, and evidence-based learning experiences for students.
Effectively utilize technology in teaching and learning.
Align undergraduate, Masters, and DNP curriculum with new AACN essentials.
Sustain and expand faculty professional expertise.
Increase submission and awards of internal and external grants and contracts.
Enhance research and scholarly productivity through publications and presentations.
Increase student participation in research and scholarly activity.
Sustain and expand relationships and agreements that support clinical and internship experiences.
Sustain and develop mutually beneficial collaborations with academic and community partners to support practice, research, scholarly activity, and service.
Engage in service that supports academic and community collaborations.
Sustain and support faculty, staff, and student outreach activities through teaching, practice,
and service.
Expand opportunities for and participation in experiences with populations from diverse backgrounds.
Demonstrate cultural awareness, acceptance, and responsiveness.
Foster a culture of health and well-being in our school for faculty, staff, and students.
Promote healthful living in professional and personal environments.
UNCW School of Nursing
601 S. College Road
McNeill Hall 3080
Wilmington, NC 28403
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Summer Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday, 7:30-11:30 a.m.