Our office will use Forms throughout the year to gather important information from chapters. Below you will find current forms our chapters should be familiar with and utilizing.
New Member Process Form
Prior to taking new members, chapters must submit their plans for their new member process for review. This form should be completed by the New Member Educator after completing the required Canvas course. Details about what needs to be included in the form are covered in the Canvas course.
Information submitted in the form will be reviewed by Fraternity and Sorority Life staff and kept private. FSL staff will discuss form submissions with the New Member Educator.
New member process information
Officer Update Form
Immediately following officer transitions, chapters should submit an Officer Update Form via WaveLink. This is to ensure that the staff and councils are communicating with the correct officers. Before you begin filling out the form, make sure you have the name, phone number and email address for the following positions:
- President, Vice President
- Risk Management Chair
- Social Chair, Recruitment Chair
- New Member Educator
- Philanthropy Chair
- Community Service Chair
- Academic Chair
- Secretary and Treasurer/Finance Chair
Keep in mind, the titles that we use are generic and may not exactly match the titles within your organization. Please supply the officer information that best fits the requested information.
Membership Status Change Form
Chapters should utilize this form to let our office know when members of your chapter are no longer active due to withdraw, transfer, or disaffiliation mid-semester. This form should NOT be used to submit initial and final roster updates but rather to share real-time updates regarding individual members. Graduating members will be removed from the roster at the end the term through the final roster update process.
Social Events with Alcohol Registration
In order to be eligible to register social events, chapters' social chairs and risk management officers must complete the required Canvas course. Additionally, the Fraternity and Sorority Life office must have a copy of the chapter's active insurance policy.
All events registrations must be submitted at least 7 business days prior to the scheduled event. After submitting the form, the social chair and/or risk manager must schedule a pre-event meeting at least 5 days prior to the event with their chapter's coach to review the submission and receive approval.
Social Event Registration