Dynamic Fields
The dynamic fields at the top are indicated by two asterisks** and are automatically filled in from Human Resources and Banner. Human Resources provides this data, which cannot be edited within the app.
To make changes to your job title, phone or office number, contact Human Resources at hrsearch@uncw.edu. Please be sure to include "fac/staff profile edit request" in your email subject line.
To make minor adjustments to your first name or middle name, such as shortening your first name or removing your middle name, submit the TAC ticket for Name Change for your UNCW Account. These name updates apply to your profile page and to other Microsoft applications such as Outlook and Teams. For details on how to update your preferred first name or middle name for other applications, or to update your legal name, visit the knowledge base article How Do I Create & Edit My Faculty or Staff Profile Page on the UNCW Website?
You can choose whether to display your phone number and/or office location. You can submit your profile without filling out any optional fields, and this HR data is all that will appear on your profile.
- Name
- Office
- Phone
- Email
- Department*
- Job Title
*The department shows only in the app; it will not appear on your profile page.
Optional Fields
Content in all optional fields should be limited to information related to your professional work. Optional fields are:
Content Fields
- Biography
- Create in the third person, referring to yourself as "she/he/they" rather than as "I." Focus on professional history and experience.
- Profile creators are encouraged to include their department or unit name in their biography.
- You may also include your preferred pronouns or name pronunciation with your biography.
- If you have a Scholars@UNCW profile, please use your biography to direct people to click the link that will appear with your profile when you fill in the URL field.
For example: “To learn more about my research and scholarship, click the Scholars@UNCW link.”
- Education
- Display your degrees using this format: [degree acronym] in [major/program], [university/college name]. Example: B.A. in Communication Studies, UNCW or MBA, University of North Carolina Wilmington.
- Professional Service
- Community Engagement
- Honors & Awards
- Additional optional fields for faculty:
- Research Interests
- Specialization in Teaching
Link (URL) Fields
All link fields must include the full URL, including https://.
- Department Site URL
- URL must start with 'https://' and be within the UNCW domain
- LinkedIn URL
- URL must start with 'https://linkedin.com/in/' or 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/'
- Custom UNCW URL and Link Text
- Use to link to an affiliated UNCW center, lab, etc., but not to people.uncw.edu or student.uncw.edu pages
- Professional Website URL
- Allows links to your people.uncw.edu or any external website you own and maintain. You are responsible for maintaining the content of these professional sites, including meeting accessibility standards.
- The link text is automatically set to display as "My Website."
- A disclaimer will appear before redirecting users to your site, allowing them to remain on uncw.edu or continue to your website.
- The required disclaimer, developed in collaboration with General Counsel, states: "Exiting University-Sponsored Content: By continuing, you acknowledge that you are leaving university-sponsored content. Any opinions or messaging that follow reflect the perspectives of [Your Name], not those of UNCW."
- Professional Portrait/Headshot Image URL
- It must be an official campus portrait.
- Anyone with a photo older than five years will be reminded within the app to get a new one taken.
- A branded graphic will be used for those who don't provide a PAD URL for their headshot.
- Additional optional fields for faculty:
- Scholars@UNCW URL
- Google Scholars URL
- Orchid ID URL