You will be sent an email with a link and an action password once the student grants you access to SeaNet Proxy.
Activate your account by opening the message with the subject, "UNCW - New SeaNet proxy identity (1 of 2)."
Click the single-use link in the email to open the login page, or paste the link in the address bar of your web browser.
Copy the action password provided in the email and paste it in the Action Password field.
Enter your e-mail address.
Paste the Action Password into the Old PIN Field.
Create your new PIN/password (Minimum PIN length: 6 Maximum PIN length: 15).
Validate your new PIN by entering it a second time.
Click Save (Account Activation is complete).
You can now modify your proxy profile by completing the required fields.
Click the tab for the student whose records you wish to view and look to your authorized pages (Page authorizations needs to be complete by the student).
Click the link for any page to view the student's information.
You can go to SeaNet for future access to SeaNet Proxy. Use the link for SeaNet Proxy Login (Parent or Legal Guardian's Access).