Types of Overrides
- Closed Class = No more seats, ignores maximum capacity
- Override All Except Time Conf = Most overrides included
- Instructor Approval = If your course requires instructor approval
- Prerequisite Override = Prerequisite/Concurrent prerequisite override
- Maj/Class Restriction Override
- Level Override
- Corequisite Override = Corequisite override
- Cohort and Attribute Override = Courses constrained by cohort, or student attribute
- Override All Exc Time & Closed = Override all except time conflict and closed class
Registrar only overrides
- Duplicate course override
- Time conflict override
Please email registrar@uncw.edu for more information.
Details to Know
Posting override permissions does not register students for the course. It only gives them the ability to register. The student will receive an email notification outlining the steps to register for the course via SeaNet once the override is granted.
Student registration activity is not permitted after 9 p.m. on the last day of drop/add. It's important to issue overrides in a timely manner so the student has adequate time to receive the override email notification and register by 9 p.m.
After being given a closed class override, the student will not be able to select add course from the drop down menu associated with the course. The student will need to enter the CRN in one of the boxes the bottom of the add classes worksheet.
Course overrides are section-specific. Check to ensure the proper override was provided if the student can't register after having been issued an override. Ensure the student is trying to register for the same section of the course for which they were given an override.
Please don't issue closed class overrides for courses with waitlists. It disrupts the waitlist. Waitlists and closed class overrides are mutually exclusive.