Faculty can now convert incomplete grades to the final grades through SeaNet. Get instructions now.
Converting an incomplete on Seanet
Once logged into SeaNet, click on "Faculty Services."
Click the link for "Convert Incomplete to Final Grade."
You will be prompted to select a term, part of term and CRN of the section.
You will be presented with a list of students in the section who currently have an assigned incomplete grade. Click on the ID of the student you would like to convert to the final grade.
Select the new final grade from the drop-down list. Please note that for undergraduates, all converted incomplete grades will be denoted with an 'I/grade' format. You may also enter optional text. Please note that this text remains a part of the student's academic record. When satisfied, click Submit.
The request will be forwarded to your department chair for approval. If the department chair approves, the grade will be automatically updated to the final grade.
Department chairs: Approving an incomplete conversion
When you receive a request to approve or deny an incomplete conversion, login to SeaNet.
Click on the Faculty Services tab at the top of the page.
Go to the "Approve Grading Activity" link.
Click on the ID of the student you would like to approve or deny.
Select either "Approve" or "Deny" from the drop-down box. You may also enter additional comments. Please note that these comments remain a part of the student's academic record.
Click Submit when finished.
The student will receive an email confirmation of the approved change.