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Quality Matters

Quality Matters Resources and Information

To learn more about any of these tools, please feel free to reach out to or schedule a booking with a member of our team. Note: Please do not share QM materials outside UNCW or with students without consulting

QM 7th Edition Rubric Resources 


UNCW faculty and staff can conduct a confidential self-review of their course using the current edition of the QM Rubric. This tool can be a helpful benchmark to prepare for an official QM review or help you develop a personal course enhancement plan. To get started, please view this video tutorial: QM Self-Review Tutorial 

QM Accessibility and Usability Resource Site 

This resource site provides helpful guides and tutorials for proactively addressing accessibility and usability in your online, blended, and web-enhanced courses. Anyone can register for free 

QM Research Library 

You can browse the QM Research Library to learn more about the scholarly work that informs the QM rubric and QM faculty development offerings. The library allows you to search by date range, QM standard, or keyword. Users with a MyQM account (free to UNCW faculty) may also submit a reference for possible inclusion in the library.  

Applying the QM Rubric

QM's flagship workshop on the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses is intended for a broad audience, including but not limited to faculty, instructional designers, administrators, and adjunct instructors. It is particularly helpful to those new to QM or those considering the adoption of a quality assurance process for online and blended learning.

In addition to learning about the QM Rubric and the course review process, participants will learn to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations for course improvement.

  • Course Length: 2 Weeks online asynchronous
  • Time Needed: Approximately 8-12 hours
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Dates Offered: TBA
  • Cost: $220 if taken through QM; free if taken through UNCW facilitated training

Peer Reviewer

The Peer Reviewer Course is designed to prepare experienced online faculty to become Quality Matters Certified Peer Reviewers. The Peer Reviewer Course includes a review of Quality Matters, practice in critiquing and writing helpful recommendations, and a Practice Review in which the participants are asked to review Specific Standards in an online course using the QM Course Review Management System (CRMS).

Upon successful completion of this course, eligible participants must complete and submit a Role Application as well as a Memo of Understanding in order to become a QM Certified Peer Reviewer. QM Certified Peer Reviewers are eligible to serve on both QM-Managed and Subscriber-Managed course reviews. QM Certified Peer Reviewers must have taught a fully online course within the last 18 months.

  • Course Length: 3 weeks online asynchronous
  • Time Needed: 10–14 hours
  • Prerequisites: APPQMR
  • Dates Offered: See MyQM for dates - only offered through Quality Matters
  • Cost: $220 if taken through QM

QM Success Stories 

Each month, QM delivers a free webinar about wide-ranging teaching, learning, and technology topics. You can register for upcoming sessions or catch up with past recordings. For even more QM video content, check out the Quality Matters YouTube Channel 

Course Name:  MIT 510 - Design and Development of Instructional Technology Faculty

Faculty:  Sheri Conklin 

Department: Instructional Technology, Foundations and Secondary Education 

Certification Date: May 15, 2023 

Course Name:  MIT 520Managing Instructional Development 

Faculty:  Sheri Conklin 

Department: Instructional Technology, Foundations and Secondary Education 

Certification Date: February 6th, 2023 

Course Name: NSG 501 - Health Care Systems & Education Informatics and Technology 

Faculty: Jeeyae Choi 

Department: Nursing – Nurse Educator  

Certification Date: November 9, 2023

Course Name: NSG 525 - Foundations and Evidence-Based Practices for Nursing Education Distance Learning 

Faculty: April Matthias  

Department: Nursing – Nurse Educator  

Certification Date: November 21, 2023

Course Name: NSG 584 - Test and Rubric Construction 

Faculty: Brandy Mechling  

Department: Nursing – Nurse Educator  

Certification Date: December 12, 2023  
