When you have completed all the tasks on your New Employee Checklist, email it to onboarding@uncw.edu to receive a new employee swag bag. If you prefer, send your checklist through intra-departmental mail to HR Onboarding, Campus Box 5960.
The New Employee Questionnaire is a great place to start developing an open line of communication between you and your supervisor! Your supervisor will meet with you on your first or second day to help you fill in the answers. Once done, you do not have to send your questionnaire to Onboarding, but keep it close to reference later.
3. Set up your Direct Deposit
All Employees are paid through a direct deposit. To set up a direct deposit, you will need your 850 number, UNCW email address, and a voided check or bank account verification document. Please set up a direct deposit by clicking on the Direct Deposit Form under the HR & Payroll column of the Employee Essentials tab in MySeaport. Follow the instructions carefully, and email payroll@uncw.edu if you have any questions. Note: we are paid once a month - typically on the last working day of every month.
4. Create Email Signature
Set up your Outlook Email Signature. Be sure to follow your department's guidelines for email signatures.
How to Create Outlook Signature
5. Meet the Chancellor - Virtually.
Dr. Aswani K. Volety, an experience leader in higher education with deeply rooted connections to the University of Carolina Wilmington, returned to the institution on July 1, 2022, as the seventh Chancellor.
About Dr. Volety