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Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff Directory

Marketing Department Faculty and Staff Directory
Name Title Email Office Phone
Dr. Lisa Scribner  Department Chair scribnerl CH 240-C 910.962.3814
Susanne Dieppa
Admin Assistant dieppas CH 240 910.962.3424
Full Time Faculty
Dr. Donald Barnes Professor barnesd CH 240-J 910.962.3966
Dr. Andrew Bryant Assoc Professor bryantap CH 240-A
Dr. James Hunt Professor huntj CH 240-H 910.962.3896
Dr. Brian R. Kinard Professor kinardb CH 240-K 910.962.2420
Dr. Alexandra Krallman Assoc Professor krallmana CH 240-D 910.962.7602
Dr. Matt Lastner Asst Professor lastnerm CH 240-M 910.962.2932
Dr. Mark J. Pelletier Assoc Professor pelletierm CH 240-L 910.962.2195
John Reed Lecturer reedj CH 240-N 910.962.7280
Dr. Fredrika Spencer Lecturer spencerf CH 240-G 910.962.2119
Dr. Stacie Waites Asst Professor waitess CH 240-B 910.962.7677
Dr. Shaoling (Katee) Zhang Asst Professor zhangs CH 240-F 910.962.7248
Part Time Faculty
Elaine Andrews Instructor andrewse CH 240-E 910.962.2211
Lee Backston Instructor backstonl CH 240-V
Andrew Cole Instructor coleam
Arthur Hughes Instructor hughesa CH 240-V
Charshae Marshall-Phillips Instructor marshallphillipsc CH 240-E 910.962.2211
Allen Patrick Instructor patrickr CH 131-B 910.962.7459
Dr. Elsy Sarkis-Garlough Instructor sarkise CH 240-E 910.962.2211
Emeritus Professors
Dr. Vincent Howe howe