UNCW logo goods to be used by a business or vendor, or a division, department, or organization of the university must be obtained from a licensed manufacturer and approved by UNCW Licensing prior to production.
Licensed Vendors
No department, division, or organization may authorize the production of merchandise bearing the university's name or logo, or authorize or produce items that combine the logo with any other name or logo unless approved by UNCW Licensing and all appropriate administrative office(s).
Complete List of UNCW Licensee Products
A current list of UNCW licensees and the products they are licensed to produce can be searched on the Affinity Licensing website. Select the vendor box to view a full list of licensed vendors or to search for a licensed vendor. Select the product category box to search for a licensed product.
Brand Identity Guide
Review the Brand Identity Guide for more information about approved fonts, appropriate logo usage and other policies and procedures.