What does it mean to be a Lesbian?
Lesbian—Refers to a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or physically attracted to other women. People who are lesbians need not have had any sexual experience; it is the attraction that helps determine orientation. Read about the meaning of being a Lesbian.
What does Gay mean?
Gay—The adjective used to describe people who are emotionally, romantically, and/or physically attracted to people of the same gender (e.g., gay man, gay people). In contemporary contexts, lesbian is often a preferred term for women, though many women use the term gay to describe themselves. People who are gay need not have had any sexual experience; it is the attraction and self-identification that determine orientation. Explore what the word "Gay" means.
What does it mean to be Bisexual? Is it like 50/50?
Bisexual—Refers to an individual who has the capacity for attraction—sexually, romantically, emotionally, or otherwise—to people with the same, and to people with different, genders and/or gender identities as themselves. People who identify as bisexual need not have had equal experience—or equal levels of attraction—with people across genders, nor any experience at all: it is attraction and self-identification that determine orientation. Sometimes referred to as bi or bi+. Find the definition of Bisexual.
What does it mean to be Transgender? Are there any other terms I should know?
Transgender—Often shortened to trans. A term describing a person’s gender identity that does not necessarily match their assigned sex at birth. Transgender people may or may not decide to alter their bodies hormonally and/or surgically to match their gender identity. This word is also used as an umbrella term to describe groups of people who transcend conventional expectations of gender identity or expression—such groups include, but are not limited to, people who identify as transsexual, genderqueer, gender variant, gender diverse, and androgynous. See above for common acronyms and terms including female to male (or FTM), male to female (or MTF), assigned male at birth (or AMAB), assigned female at birth (or AFAB), genderqueer, and gender expansive. Read more about the meaning of being Transgender.
What does Queer mean? Is Queer a slur?
Queer—A term used by some people to describe themselves and/or their community. Reclaimed from its earlier negative use, the term is valued by some for its defiance, by some because it can be inclusive of the entire community, and by others who find it to be an appropriate term to describe their more fluid identities. Traditionally a negative or pejorative term for people who are gay, queer is still sometimes disliked within the LGBTQ+ community. Due to its varying meanings, this word should only be used when self-identifying or quoting someone who self-identifies as queer (i.e. “My cousin identifies as queer”). The Q can also stand for questioning, referring to those who are still exploring their own sexuality and/or gender. Learn more about the meaning of the word "Queer".
Doesn't the Q stand for Questioning, too?
Sometimes, when the Q is seen at the end of LGBT, it can also mean Questioning. This term describes someone who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Learn more about the meaning of the letter "Q".
What does Intersex mean?
Intersex—A variety of conditions that lead to atypical development of physical sex characteristics are collectively referred to as intersex conditions. These conditions can involve abnormalities of the external genitals, internal reproductive organs, sex chromosomes or sex-related hormones. Some examples include:
- External genitals that cannot be easily classified as male or female.
- Incomplete or unusual development of the internal reproductive organs.
- Inconsistency between the external genitals and the internal reproductive organs.
- Abnormalities of the sex chromosomes.
- Abnormal development of the testes or ovaries.
- Over- or underproduction of sex-related hormones.
- Inability of the body to respond normally to sex-related hormones.
"Intersex" was originally a medical term that was later embraced by some intersex persons. Many experts and persons with intersex conditions have recently recommended adopting the term "disorders of sex development" (DSD). They feel that this term is more accurate and less stigmatizing than the term intersex. Read more about examples of "Intersex".
What does Asexual mean?
Asexual—A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction toward individuals of any gender. Asexuality is a sexual orientation, and is different from celibacy, in that celibacy is the choice to refrain from engaging in sexual behaviors and does not comment on one’s sexual attractions. An asexual individual may choose to engage in sexual behaviors for various reasons even while not experiencing sexual attraction. Asexuality is an identity and sexual orientation; it is not a medical condition. Sexual attraction is not necessary for a person to be healthy. Learn more about the term "Asexual".
What does the “+” stand for in LGBTQ+?
“+”—The “+” represents those who are part of the community, but for whom LGBTQ does not accurately capture or reflect their identity. Find the significance of the "+".
*Note these definitions are general and do not align with all individuals' definitions of these terms. Be open-minded and cognizant of variation when hearing these terms.