Explore the bylaws of the International Faculty and Staff Association of the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
International Faculty and Staff Association (IFSA) provides international faculty and staff a supportive on-campus network. It aims to increase the awareness of international issues by promoting academic and cultural programs for campus constituents and the community.
The association also serves as a liaison between all international faculty and staff and the UNCW administration, and it offers a forum for discussions on teaching, professional development, research, mentoring, wellness, and integration to the UNCW community.
IFSA is open for membership to all UNCW employees who support the Association’s mission and initiatives as outlined by the Bylaws. Members may vote, hold office, and serve on committees. Potential members are required to complete a membership form in order to maintain association records.
Membership in this organization may be terminated with or without cause.
The Executive Committee of the organization shall consist of five officers: two Co-Chairs, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Publicity Chair. The duties of the officers are as follows:
Officers shall be elected for two (2) academic years. Officers shall serve for as many terms as they are elected.
Election of officers shall take place during the spring semester prior to the end of the officer's term. The Executive Committee will initiate the nomination process which shall be kept open until two weeks prior to the meeting in which the election is to be held.
Confirmation of all officers shall be held by majority of the voting membership present at the meeting. Voting shall take place by secret ballot. Newly elected officers shall transition into office following the last regular meeting of the spring semester in which the election is held.
In case of a vacancy, a newly elected officer shall transition into office immediately following the election.
To ensure continuity of leadership, the election of Co-Chairs will be staggered. One of the Co-Chairs will be elected in the same year as the other officers. Election for the other Co-Chair will be held in the subsequent year.
In case an officer is unable to finish their term and a vacancy arises, a special election will be called to fill in the position until the following regular elections.
Elected officers may be removed if they miss three consecutive Executive Committee meetings or for cause by 2/3 vote of the membership.
The Social Events Committee is a standing committee appointed for a term of one (1) year by the Co-Chairs in consultation with the Executive Committee. The committee organizes social events.
Appointment to the Advisory Board is by formal invitation initiated by the Executive Committee. Board members shall serve a term of two (2) years and may be invited to serve multiple terms. The Board shall:
A quorum for voting shall consist of 5 association members. Decisions shall be made by simple majority.
Association meetings shall be held at least once every fall and spring semester. The Executive Committee may call other meetings as needed.
The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee, who in turn, shall make suggestions for changes. Additionally, any IFSA member may suggest changes in the Bylaws to the Executive Committee at any time. Proposed changes in the Bylaws reviewed and/or brought forth by the Executive Committee shall be approved by a simple majority of votes at a scheduled Association meeting.
Revised: 09/10/2024