UNCW Housing and Residence Life at UNC Wilmington employ a student staff that serves as inventory control support for the Housing Maintenance Supervisor.
The student staff is an important part of the day to day operations and the summer turn around process. A major area of responsibility is customer service and organization.
Application is now open!
Student Inventory Assistant's start at $9.00 hr. with potential to increase with continued employment.
The University of North Carolina at Wilmington is committed to and will provide equal educational and employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex, age, color, gender, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, veteran status or relationship to other university constituents - except where sex, age or ability represent bona fide educational or occupational qualifications or where marital status is a statutorily established eligibility criterion for state-funded employee benefit programs.
Questions regarding program access may be directed to the Compliance Officer, UNCW Chancellor's Office, by phone, or fax 910.962-3483.
UNCW residence halls allow all students the opportunity to become actively involved in campus life. UNCW Housing and Residence Life provides a variety of programs and activities in and around the residence halls to enhance students' total educational experience. All of the residence halls are accessible in that they have elevators and adapted restrooms. Further, entrances to all buildings are either ramp-accessible or located on the ground floor. The first floor of each residence hall has all the services that are available on higher-level floors to allow students with disabilities equal access to services. University Suites has some first-floor units that have been designed to accommodate students with disabilities.
For further information, contact UNCW Housing and Residence Life at 910.962-3241.