To enroll in a DIS, students must meet the following restrictions/requirements:
- Junior or senior standing;
- Nine hours of Film Studies courses, at least six of which are at the 300-400 level;
- Overall GPA of at least 2.50;
- Consent of instructor, department chair, and dean.
In addition, departmental criteria include:
- The availability of the instructor;
- The appropriateness of, and need for, the proposed study in the student's program;
- The availability of appropriate resources;
- The feasibility of completion of the proposed study in the allotted time.
Students should recognize that DIS, designated by the university as 491, is upper-level (400-level) work and, as such, represents a rigorous, in-depth academic challenge. DIS is not a substitute for existing courses.
Students who meet the restrictions/requirements, and who wish to pursue a DIS, should do the following:
- Meet with their advisor to confirm that they meet the requirements and discuss the viability of doing a DIS;
- If the advisor agrees that a DIS seems viable, submit a written proposal to a potential faculty sponsor;
- If a faculty member agrees to host the project, work with the faculty member to refine the proposal;
- Submit the proposal for review and approval by the department chair and dean.