Notify Your Professor, ASAP
- Notify your professor that you will be absent for an upcoming exam as soon as possible.
- In the event that you are sick or cannot attend the exam last minute due to personal reasons, you need to communicate with your professor as soon as possible and give them a timeframe that you can be available to make up the exam.
- You CANNOT schedule your make up exam until your professor submits a request.
- If you have testing accommodations with Disability Resource Center (DRC), do NOT schedule a make-up exam with the Campus Testing Center. Continue to schedule all testing with DRC if you have accommodations.
Book & Reserve Your Seat for the Make-Up Test
- You will be notified via email as soon as your professor submits a request for your make-up exam.
- Use RegisterBlast, a new reservation system integrated within Canvas, to book the make-up test once your professor submits a request.
- Reserve your seats in the CTC at least 2 days (48 hours) before your make-up test date.
Guide for Using RegisterBlast
- Do NOT try to access RegisterBlast from any link besides Canvas. Other links from Google or otherwise can take you to the wrong RegisterBlast site. Only use the link directly through Canvas.
- To find RegisterBlast in Canvas, click on the course for which you will take the make-up exam.
- Once in the course, the RegisterBlast link will appear as "Testing Center" and will be on the left-hand side with the other widgets such as grades, announcements, assignments, etc.
- If you do not see "Testing Center," your professor has not yet added the link to your course. Notify your professor immediately; if they are having trouble, give them our email,, for more instructions on adding the link to Canvas.
- Once you use the link you will not need to create an account, as a student you will automatically have a RegisterBlast account through single sign on.
- In RegisterBlast you will be prompted to schedule a time to take your exam, you will only have access to exams that a professor has made available to you. Follow the prompts on the screen and select a day and time to take your exam.
Photo ID Required to Take the Make-Up Exam
To take an exam, you must present one of the following forms of photo ID:
- UNCW student photo ID card (One Card)
- State-issued driver’s license
- State-issued identification card
- Military ID
- Passport
If you do not have an acceptable form of ID, please contact our office before coming to test.
Before Arriving, Review the Testing Procedures
Please review our testing procedures and our guidelines on what supplies you can bring into the testing center prior to arriving for your makeup exam.