Blogs, forums and wikis are examples of computer-mediated communication tools, often referred to as social software, for which certain requirements must be met to provide a safe and legal environment for users. UNCW groups interested in launching social software are asked to consult with general counsel, OUR and the Web Team prior to release.
Faculty, staff and student organizations are encouraged to use mySeaport, the campus portal, for group communication such as file sharing, message boards, photo sharing and chat.
Any use of the official UNCW house logo by administrative units on a social software site must have prior approval from OUR. Student organizations may not use the UNCW house logo on any social software site that is not located on the university server.
OUR reserves the right to edit or remove content that is deemed to be objectionable or counter to the university’s mission and/or strategic goals.
Note: Please contact OUR with questions regarding the use of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and any social media tools or review the university’s social media guidelines.