North Carolina state government agencies are required by law (G.S. 125-11) to deposit multiple copies of their publications with the North Carolina State Publications Clearinghouse of the State Library of North Carolina. UNCW Library is one of the depository libraries which is designated to receive and maintain state publications and make them available to the public.
Document means “any printed document including any report, directory, statistical compendium, bibliography, map, regulation, newsletter, pamphlet, brochure, periodical, bulletin, compilation, or register, regardless of whether the printed document is in paper, film, tape, disk, or any other format.” (G.S. 125-11.6)
A state publication means “any document prepared by a state agency or private organization, consultant, or research firm, under contract with or under the supervision of a state agency: Provided, however, the term ‘State Publication’ does not include administrative documents used only within the issuing agency, documents produced for instructional purposes that are not intended for sale or publication...” (G.S. 125-11.6)
Deposit of Items
When a print or digital publication is produced by a state agency, the agency must submit both paper and digital formats, within 10 days of issuance, to the North Carolina State Publishers Clearinghouse.
Quantities to Send
Print publication for sale.............5 copies
Print publication not for sale.....10 copies
Publication digital only........1 digital copy
Publication both print and digital.............. send 1 digital and appropriate number of print copies as stated above.
Publications only distributed through the agency’s website: send digital publications to or request access to the clearinghouse’s Dropbox. Printed publications are usually created in a digital format and then printed. Even if the publication is not distributed digitally, the State Publications Clearinghouse would like a digital file of each publication to be added to the digital repository of publications.
Publications to Send
- Course catalogs
- Exhibition catalogs
- Alumni publications for entire university
- University magazines
- Commencement materials
- Histories
- Annual reports
- Progress reports
- Student handbooks (if not primarily a day planner or calendar)
- Chancellor reports
- Publications from university institutes/centers
- Department/faculty newsletters* - These are decided on a case-by-case basis. Please send a copy and the clearinghouse will let you know if it is to be included on the publications list.
Exempt Publications
- Student handbooks (if primarily a day planner or calendar)
- Alumni publications for specific departments
- Application materials
- Recruitment and promotional materials
- Materials geared to parents
- Daily student newspapers
- Administrative documents supporting day-to-day business
- Training materials used within the university
- Manuals and handbooks for internal use
- Budgets
- Contracts
- Activity announcements and calendars that will be out-of-date within three months
- News releases
Denise Jones
State Publications Clearinghouse Liaison
(919) 807-7445
(919) 733-1843 fax
Mail Publications to
State Publications Clearinghouse
State Library of North Carolina
4643 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4643