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Chancellor's Advisory Board

DCVPA Chancellor's Advisory Board

2024-2025 Advisory Board Members

Represented Group Required by NCGS 116-239.8(1)(a)

Dean Tracy Linderholm  
Dean, Watson College of Education
Board of Trustees Member Frances "Perry" Chappell UNCW Board of Trustees
Faculty Member Angie Reid-Griffin 
Faculty, Watson College of Education
Faculty Member Candace Thompson 
Interim Assoc. Dean, Watson College of Education
LEA Superintendent Chris Barnes 
New Hanover County School
LEA Community Member Rebecca Clark 
President of the D.C. Virgo Advisory Board
Other* Philip Brown 
Community Member
Other * Jana Jones Halls 
Wrap Around Partner
Blue Ribbon Commission
Other* Clifford Barnett 
Community Member
Other* Kemeka Sibury 
DCVPA Teacher
Other* Jo'Landa Sidbury 
DCVPA Teacher



April 24, 2024 | Zoom

The D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy Chancellor’s Advisory Board held the third meeting of the 2023-2024 school year on April 24, 2024 at 3:30pm via Zoom. Interim Dean Carol McNulty called the meeting to order and read the required statement from the State Government Ethics Act.


Interim Dean McNulty welcomed all members of the Advisory Board and other guests. She acknowledged the attendance of the following appointed members in attendance: Frances “Perry” Chappell, Angie Reid-Griffin, Candace Thompson, Rebecca Clark, Clifford Barnett, Jana Jones Halls, Kemeka Sidbury and Jo’Landa Sidbury. Additional attendees were Principal Sabrina Hill-Black, Rachel Greer, Diane Lane, Steve Miller, Keith Westcott and Susan Finley.

Interim Dean McNulty announced that this would likely be her last meeting as the Interim Dean. She expressed appreciation for the experience and learning gained during her tenure, and introduced Dr. Tracy Linder Holm as the incoming Dean, who will commence her duties on June 24.


The review of minutes from the October 25 meeting proceeded, with Rebecca Clark motioning for approval and Jo'Landa Sidbury seconding the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.


6-month Improvement Plan

Rachel Greer presented updates on the 6-month improvement plan, which included three critical phases: Preparation, Transition, and Amalgamation.

In the Preparation phase, efforts were focused on identifying leaders and participants for various plan elements, revising assistant principal position responsibilities, and forming a search committee. Additionally, pending decisions include considering the addition of the Executive Director and Liaison Officer position, and adopting the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System.

Moving into the Transition phase, the team gathered staff feedback, reviewed compliance with exceptional children services, and enhanced Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) processes. Practical implementations during this phase included introducing a behavior response protocol, conducting substitute teacher interviews, and improving overall teacher working conditions. However, there are pending tasks such as finalizing the organizational chart, making budget/enrollment/assignment and scheduling decisions, placing orders for curriculum materials, recommendations for university processes to align with the K-12 schooling world.

In the Amalgamation phase, which is the action process or result of combining or uniting, it would highly focus on uniting university, school, community families. Notable achievements include executing school-wide deep cleaning initiatives and establishing a partnership with Learning Perspectives Incorporated. The primary goal remains to unite stakeholders from the university, school, and community sectors to drive collective progress.

Angie Reid-Griffin asked about Learning Perspectives and how they involve families in behavior management. Rachel Greer explained that Learning Perspectives is a new partner that trains staff in areas like de-escalation, social skills, and social-emotional development. They can work with students individually or in groups, and any student with a behavior intervention plan will have parental involvement. Principal Sabrina Hill-Black suggested creating an infographic to introduce Learning Perspectives to parents, which would explain who they are and invite parents to meet them at the next PTA meeting.


Staffing Update

Principal Sabrina Hill-Black provided a staffing update, including changes due to attrition mean and budget considerations. She mentioned the challenges in hiring an elementary EC teacher despite multiple postings.

Annual Budget Update

Diane Lane presented an overview of the current budget situation, highlighting both revenue and expenditure figures. She discussed the recent changes or updates to these numbers, including factors influencing revenue generation such as sales, fundraising efforts, or grants.

Regarding expenditures, Diane mentioned the trends in spending across various departments or programs. This includes unexpected costs, overages, or savings compared to the initial budget projections. She addressed how these expenditure patterns align with organizational goals and whether any adjustments are needed to stay within budget constraints. She outlined the upcoming financial challenges or opportunities facing the organization. This could involve potential changes in funding sources, cost-saving measures, or investments necessary to support strategic priorities.

UNCW Organizational Audit Process

Principal Hill-Black provided an overview of the recent internal audit process and its findings. She highlighted that every department at UNC Wilmington undergoes an internal audit after a certain number of years. As D.C. Virgo was in its fifth year, it was subject to this audit.

The audit revealed areas where improvements in internal controls and procedures were needed. While D.C. Virgo met overall compliance with laboratory school requirements, there were specific areas identified for enhancement. Sabrina mentioned that 11 findings were reported, and 8 of them have been closed, with the remaining 3 in progress. These findings included the need for policy review, inventory tracking, technology support, continuity of operations plans, staffing plans, admission, and cross-training for significant functions.


Frances “Perry” Chappell expressed thanks to Dr. McNulty for her contributions and the sentiment that she would be missed. Dr. McNulty reciprocated the appreciation and wrapped up the meeting with thanks and anticipation for future events. The motion for adjournment is made, seconded, and passed, concluding the meeting on a positive note with farewells and well wishes exchanged among the participants.


The next meeting will be TBD.


There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned at 4:20pm.


Archived minutes located here >


The D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy Chancellor’s Advisory Board held the second meeting of the 2023-2024 school year on October 25, 2023 at 3:00pm in the Restorative Room at D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy. Interim Dean Carol McNulty called the meeting to order and read the required statement from the State Government Ethics Act.


Interim Dean McNulty welcomed all members of the Advisory Board and other guests. She acknowledged the attendance of the following appointed members in attendance: Frances “Perry” Chappell, Angie Reid-Griffin, Candace Thompson, Charles Foust, Philip Brown, Kemeka Sidbury, and Jo’Landa Sidbury. Additional attendees were Principal Sabrina Hill-Black, Diane Lane, Steve Miller, and Jodi Hebert.


Minutes were reviewed. Angie Reid-Griffin made a motion to approve the minutes for July 26, 2023. The motion received a second from Jo’Landa Sidbury and the minutes were adopted unanimously.   


Parents Bill of Rights

Steve Miller explained the Parents Bill of Rights and assured members of the Advisory Board that DCVPA is actively updating policies and ensuring compliance. Many of the policies already exist but are being expanded where needed and a guide for families will be provided. One significant change is that families must opt in to some services provided at the school rather than opting out. While this is more challenging in securing participation in these services, it allows families to be more involved in decisions. In addition to updating the policies, work is happening with Human Resources to ensure that staff responsibilities are outlined and communicated clearly. The main Parent Involvement policy will cover most policy needs and an example of the policy and form regarding name and pronoun changes was provided to the board for review.

Interim Dean McNulty asked if any staff have come forward with concerns or questions. Principal Hill-Black explained that a teacher had a question about a student who wanted to be called a different name. The form and process were in place, but the student changed their mind before the process was necessary. Steve Miller explained that until all policy changes and notice to families are finalized, the school will work with families when issues arise and resolve them within the allotted time frames. Charles Foust explained that concerns from families that escalate beyond the school level are handled by the Superintendent in New Hanover County Schools and asked how these concerns from families will be handled at DCVPA. Steve Miller explained that these cases will be decided by the Dean or a designee. Candace Thompson asked Charles Foust what happens when these matters escalate beyond the Superintendent’s office at NHCS. Charles Foust indicated that families can escalate the matter to the State Board of Education. Each district has to create a form for families that notifies the State Board that a matter must be heard. A section of the NHCS website will go live on January 1 to address these matters and NHCS will hire a person to manage and handle these complaints. Kemeka Sidbury asked how the forms and documentation will be structured at DCVPA. Steve Miller answered that how the forms and documentation are designed can be tailored to what is best for the school. The process at DCVPA will mainly consist of providing families access to forms and responding to concerns as needed. Charles Foust explained that training is being provided to their principals on compliance with the law and invited Principal Hill-Black to attend.

Parent Inspection of and Objection to Course Materials

Steve Miller provided this policy to members of the Advisory Board for review and feedback. This policy was created to follow the Parents Bill of Rights law. Perry Chappell asked if the school anticipates this policy being utilized often. Principal Hill-Black answered that she does not think so. Steve Miller added that as families choose to attend our school that we do not foresee many concerns.


Staffing Update

Principal Hill-Black shared that DCVPA is almost fully staffed. Currently, positions are posted for an Elementary Exceptional Children teacher. A current elementary vacancy will be filled by an Instructional Assistant in January once she completes degree and certification requirements. All classroom teaching positions are filled. Through grant funding, DCVPA was able to hire interventionists, two Exceptional Children tutors, a literacy coach, and an Academic and Learning Coordinator. DCVPA also added a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Specialist. 

Annual Budget Update

Diane Lane provided copies of the budget discussed at the previous meeting. There are no updates because the school continues to wait on allotments. She expressed that feedback on the budget and how it is presented for review was welcome. Principal Hill-Black explained that she likes the current format that each line item because it can be easily shared with and understood by stakeholders.

UNCW Organizational Audit Process

Steve Miller explained that the organizational audit process is a regular procedure for UNCW departments and did not occur as a response to a complaint. Interim Dean McNulty reviewed outstanding items regarding Chancellor’s Advisory Board procedures and bylaws to be addressed from the organizational audit that took place last year. While the bylaws exist to explain requirements, Principal Hill-Black expressed that a process needs to be defined that shows the bylaws are being followed. Election of a Vice Chair was discussed as well as the role of the position. Steve Miller explained that the main duty of the Vice Chair is to run the meeting when the Chair is unavailable. Charles Foust nominated Candace Thompson for Vice Chair. The motion received a second from Kemeka Sidbury and the motion passed unanimously. The Vice Chair position will not be tied to a specific position at Watson or DCVPA. A Vice Chair will need to be re-elected when Candace Thompson leaves the position. The Dean appoints members to the Advisory Board.

The process for annual review of bylaws was discussed by Interim Dean McNulty. Steve Miller explained that the bylaws should be sent out for review prior to a meeting and then discussed during the meeting. A motion was made by Philip Brown for this process to occur before and during the January 2024 meeting and then will occur as a part of the October meeting agenda in subsequent years. The motion received a second by Charles Foust and the motion passed unanimously. Perry Chappell asked about the process for changing the bylaws if necessary. Steve Miller explained that members of the Advisory Board may suggest changes, but only the Chancellor’s designee can change the bylaws. 


Steve Miller asked if there are enough players for a basketball team this year. Jo’Landa Sidbury explained that tryouts are currently being held and the team members will be decided upon and posted on Monday. 

Charles Foust asked about LETRS training and implementation for DCVPA. He offered assistance from NHCS if needed. Principal Hill-Black shared that most staff members have completed both years of training and new staff are beginning the training. 

Interim Dean McNulty asked DCVPA teachers what is on their minds right now. Kemeka Sidbury answered that there are many focus points now such as behavior, math instruction, instructional practices, and literacy practices, and that DCVPA is working to build collective mindsets and consistency. Principal Hill-Black shared that collective reflection and self-reflection as the school year started has been difficult for some but necessary. She conducts teacher talks to determine what is and is not working and utilizes feedback to determine next steps. She expressed that despite the legislative profile of DCVPA students, DCVPA educators must build them academically and social emotionally while remaining strengths-based. Interim Dean McNulty asked what UNCW can do to assist. Kemeka Sidbury shared that there is a list of potential event dates that can be shared for UNCW participation as well as commitment from UNCW staff and invitations for our students to join events and offerings on UNCW.

Charles Foust invited Principal Hill-Black to participate in principal meetings at NHCS. 


Our next meeting will be TBD.


There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned at 4:00pm.


The D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy Chancellor’s Advisory Board held the first meeting of the 2023-2024 school year on July 26, 2023 at 3pm in the Media Center at D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy. Interim Dean Carol McNulty called the meeting to order and read the required statement from the State Government Ethics Act.


Interim Dean McNulty welcomed all members of the Advisory Board and other guests. She acknowledged the attendance of the following appointed members in attendance: Frances “Perry” Chappell, Rebecca Clark, Jana Jones Halls, Kemeka Sidbury, and Jo’Landa Sidbury. Additional attendees were Principal Sabrina Hill-Black, Joy Childs, Diane Lane, Steve Miller, and Jodi Hebert. Dean McNulty introduced herself and expressed excitement about working with the Advisory Board as Interim Dean this year and as UNCW faculty throughout the new five-year renewal period. She gave updates about Watson College of Education, UNCW, and bills working their ways through the state legislature specific to education. Steve Miller clarified how bills passed by the state legislature may or may not pertain to DCVPA depending on the language within the law.


Minutes were reviewed. Perry Chappell made a motion to approve the minutes for April 26, 2023. The motion received a second from Rebecca Clark and the minutes were adopted unanimously.   


Principal Hill-Black provided a calendar update. DCVPA will follow the year-round restart calendar for the 2023-24 school year. This year’s theme is Leveling Up. She also provided a testing update. Scores from the 2022-2023 End of Grade tests are still embargoed, but staff is analyzing preliminary data within their teams.

Principal Hill-Black provided a staffing update. Several new positions have been created and hired to support academics and instruction. The new positions are Exceptional Children Director, Academic and Learning Coordinator, Instructional Coach, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Specialist, and Literacy Coach. All positions except for Literacy Coach have been hired and that search is currently underway. Several new staff members have been hired to fill open positions. There are new hires in Music, Elementary, Middle School and as Instructional Assistants. Some positions are still open. These positions are Assistant Principal, Exceptional Children Teacher, and Elementary Teacher.

Principal Hill-Black provided enrollment updates. 156 students are returning, 53 new students have enrolled, 21 students have applied but have not completed enrollment, and 10 students are currently on a waitlist.

Joy Childs provided the annual budget update and reviewed the budget for FY22-23. She praised Diane Lane for her diligence and hard work in keeping the budget balanced and funds protected.

Steve Miller explained the UNCW Organizational Audit Process. DCVPA is in general compliance and the DCVPA team is working to address the findings and establish protocols for processes as suggested in the audit. He also provided updates on the new five-year Memorandum of Agreement and lease with New Hanover County Schools. Several items that were a point of difficulty in the previous agreement were resolved.


Rebecca Clark explained that flooring in the Action-Based Learning Lab needs to be replaced. This will be an expensive project and funding is needed. Principal Hill-Black suggested that the School Improvement Team and Support Team discuss the integration of action-based learning school-wide, usage of the lab, and curriculum connections to establish a cost/use analysis before allocating funds to the initiative. It is possible that the school can work with Dawn Carter at UNCW Advancement to seek donations.


Our next meeting will be October 25, 2023 at 3:00pm.


There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned as Kemeka Sidbury moved to adjourn and Jana Jones Halls seconded.


The D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy Chancellor’s Advisory Board held the fourth and final meeting of the 2022-2023 school year on April 26, 2023 at 3pm in the Media Center at D.C. Virgo Preparatory Academy. Dean Van Dempsey called the meeting to order and read the required statement from the State Government Ethics Act.


Dean Dempsey welcomed all members of the Advisory Board and other guests. He acknowledged the attendance of the following appointed members in attendance: Frances “Perry” Chappell, Candace Thompson, Rebecca Clark, Philip Brown, and Kemeka Sidbury. Additional attendees were Principal Sabrina Hill-Black, Joy Childs, Steve Miller, and Jodi Hebert. Dean Dempsey expressed gratitude for the group’s attendance at this meeting given the busy time of year.


Minutes were reviewed. Perry Chappell made a motion to approve the minutes for January 25, 2023. The motion received a second from Philip Brown and the minutes were adopted unanimously.   


Principal Hill-Black provided staffing updates. A new first-grade teacher has been hired who will co-teach with our current first-grade teacher until she transitions to become MTSS Specialist. The new first-grade teacher will loop up with the students to be their second-grade teacher next year. The Data Manager position has been filled as well as an Exceptional Children Instructional Assistant. A new middle school teacher (Language Arts and Social Studies) and elementary teacher will start the 2023-24 year. One middle school teacher may or may not be returning. The Music teacher is retiring. The Music teacher position has been posted and will close on May 2. Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Literacy Coach, and Academic and Learning Coordinator are in the search committee process. The Exceptional Children Director position is vacant and will be posted soon. A K-1 Instructional Assistant position will be vacant as of June 30, 2023.

Joy Childs provided the annual budget update and reviewed the budget for FY22-23. Dean Dempsey praised the detail and effort put into business processes by the business office. Steve Miller expressed that being affiliated with the university is a blessing given the staff time and expertise that keep school business affairs working efficiently.

Dean Dempsey shared that the UNCW Organizational Audit Process is complete. This is a typical, rotating process for all university units. Suggestions for improvement were presented to the school from the audit panel. DCVPA’s responses to the suggestions and a plan action were submitted to complete the final report. The Advisory Board will have the opportunity to review the report at a future meeting and DCVPA will begin working towards the audit panel’s recommendations.

The new five-year Memorandum of Understanding with New Hanover County Schools will go before the NHCS school board on May 2. Steve Miller expressed that all issues have been resolved and approval is the final step.


There were no items raised for discussion.


Our next meeting will be July 26, 2023 at 3:00pm.


There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned as Perry Chappell moved to adjourn and Kemeka Sidbury seconded.
