Welcome to the Office of Assessment, Accreditation, and Data Operations in the Watson College of Education. This office is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and distributing data related to program assessment. We also provide support services related to Taskstream, edTPA, and the accreditation of the college.
Jaci Webb-Dempsey is serving as the Director of Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Development for three professional schools (Watson College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, and the Cameron School of Business). A former arts administrator and high school art teacher, she earned her M.Ed. in Educational Supervision from UNC Wilmington and her Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education from UNC Chapel Hill.
Prior to returning to UNCW, Jaci served as a Research Associate at Research for Better Schools, as Director of Assessment for the Benedum Collaborative and a faculty member in the College of Human Resources and Education at West Virginia University, and as a faculty member and Associate Dean at Fairmont State University. Jaci’s areas of expertise include qualitative research, program evaluation, assessment of learning, and building and sustaining school-university partnerships.
Jessica Rivenbark serves as the Assistant Director for Data Operations for the Watson College of Education. She has experience in the private and public educational sectors and has been in higher education for the last 15 years. Earning her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction: Technology ignited her passion for all things technology in education.
Recently she completed the Doctor of Educational Leadership program at UNCW with a concentration in Higher Education.
Amy Carroll is the Data Management Specialist for the Office of Assessment, Accreditation, and Data Operations, where she brings her passion for data to the forefront. Amy joined UNCW in October 2019 after completing her AAS in Healthcare Business Informatics. Amy loves transforming data into visualizations and constantly strives to expand her knowledge and expertise in this ever-evolving field.
The WCE Assessment and Accreditation Committee promotes the belief that assessment, including candidate learning assessment and program outcomes assessment, is an integral part the WCE culture. A main purpose of the committee is to facilitate the development of assessment and accreditation processes to allow the WCE to best support candidate learning and success. The committee's responsibilities are to: