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Registration FAQ's & Common Errors

Common Registration
Add Errors
What it Means
Permission of instructor or department required
CLOSED SECTION Course is closed
MAJOR RESTRICTION  This course is restricted to majors only. For Cameron courses, it is likely an “admission-restricted”
course, meaning you cannot register for it as a “Pre-Business” major.
CLASS RESTRICTION This course is restricted to certain class of students ex: JR or SR status
Course has a prerequisite, or co-requisite, or test score requirement. Note: Co-requisite courses
require enrolling in both sections simultaneously to avoid a registration error (see below).
DUPLICATE CRN You are attempting to register for course you are already registered for -OR- are currently taking.
TIME CONFLICT WITH Time conflict with another class / section
RPT HRS EXCEED You are attempting to register for a course in which you are currently registered or have already
"earned" a grade of C or better.

Example: you will need to register for ACG 201 and ACG 201L at the same time.

1. mySeaport>>> SeaNet>>> Student Services>>> Registration
2. “Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes”
3. “Search classes”
4. “Look-Up Classes to Add”
5. Go to the course subject (e.g. Business or Accounting) and find open sections.
6. Write down the CRN number for your selected section.
7. Go back to “Look-Up Classes to Add” and select the second course subject (e.g. English or Accounting Lab) and
find open sections.
8. Write down the CRN number for your selected section.
9. Access the Add/Drop/Withdraw page and scroll to the bottom of the page.
10. Type in BOTH CRN numbers into the blanks.
11. Click “Register.” Verify both courses appear in your registered classes list.

If the class section is closed or if you need to request from the department chair a special permission to register for the section. This is called an 'override'.  If granted (you will receive an email from the registrar):

1. Login to mySeaport and click on SeaNet from the Launchpad menu on the right
2. Click on Student Services and Financial Aid
3. Select Registration, then Add/Drop/Withdraw Classes.
4. Enter your Registration PIN, which can be found on your advising worksheet.
5. Click on the Term for which you are registering (i.e., Summer 2024, Fall 2024. etc.).
6. Scroll to the bottom and enter the 5-digit CRN number assigned to the closed course

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