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Honors 110

What Makes Honors Different

A seminar is a group of people who come together to talk about a particular topic. Seminars are cooperative ventures and their success depends upon the full and active participation of each member of the class. Therefore, conscientious preparation and regular attendance are required. You should expect to be fully and actively engaged in the work of the seminar, whether in connection with class discussions, research or completion of original projects or reports.

If lecture classes tend to emphasize “coverage” through lectures and some reading, seminars tend to emphasize intense reading of books and articles or research into primary sources followed by a group discussion about what everyone is learning and what questions are arising. Regular writing assignments help to ensure that you continue to refine your skills in expository writing.

The Honors College offers tickets to Honors students for cultural events around the Wilmington/Cape Fear Region. Each year we secure a limited number of tickets to:

  • Symphonies
  • Lectures
  • Concerts
  • Cultural treasures like the:
  • Cameron Art Museum
  • Airlie Gardens
  • North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher and other venues

Also the Honors Scholars Association will sponsor several cultural activities this year. See below for links to different cultural venues. Tickets must be picked up from Nikki Kroushl in Randall 2007D.

All first-year Honors Scholars are required to participate in and react to at least 3 different cultural activities at UNCW or in the Wilmington area during the fall semester. Your seminar instructors have specifics about this.

Most Honors Scholars are interested in volunteer activities on campus or in the community. Below are links to several of the agencies in Wilmington that offer service opportunities. You can also visit the Center for Leadership, Education, and Service for more ideas. The Honors Scholars Association will sponsor several service activities this year.

All first-year Honors Scholars are required to participate in and react to at least 4 hours of volunteer service activities through UNCW or in the Wilmington area (2 different types). Your seminar instructor will have specifics about this.

Local Cultural and Service Opportunities

Check out the many activities and events for you to participate in and enjoy.