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Enrolled Students

Enrolled DRC Student Information

  • Self-disclose to the Disability Resource Center by completing the application in a timely manner prior to the perceived need of an accommodation.
  • Provide the appropriate documentation when requested by the DRC.
  • Understand the nature of one’s disability and the impact of a diagnosis on the educational experience.
  • Request course accommodation letters at the beginning of each semester.
  • Review specific accommodation procedures on the DRC website and check for email communications from DRC.
  • Speak with instructors to implement accommodations for those classes where the need for accommodations exists.
  • Contact the DRC immediately if denied an accommodation or have concerns about how the accommodation will be implemented.
  • Schedule exams through the DRC when the course instructor is unable to provide appropriate exam accommodations.
  • Remind instructors before tests (preferably at least one week) about the need for accommodations; do not assume the instructor remembers your needs from one test to another.
  • Speak with instructors if experiencing difficulties.
  • Contact the DRC office if you believe accommodations are not working or if an instructor is not being helpful with coordinating accommodations.
  • Provide your own personal care and independent living supports as necessary when applicable.
  • Know what aspects of the course are essential functions (i.e., what you must be able to demonstrate in terms of skill, knowledge, and participation to pass the course).
  • Complete all degree requirements and all technical standards of academic program.
  • Understand your rights and responsibilities with respect to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act.

You are responsible for sending your accommodation letters to faculty each semester - no earlier than one week prior to the start of classes each semester.  It is your responsibility to touch base with each faculty member the first week of classes (or when accommodation letters are sent) via office hours for in-person classes or by email for online courses. 

To request your accommodation letter:

  1. Log on to the DRC's Student Portal.
  2. Select Request Accommodation Letters from the choices and then choose Accommodations from the menu bar.
  3. Select the correct term: (e.g., Spring 2024, Fall 2024, etc.).
  4. Select ONE of the blue request buttons.
  5. Check all accommodations and all courses.
  6. Select “My accommodations are correct.”
  7. Scroll to the bottom, check the box agreeing to the terms and hit Submit.
  8. An email will be sent to each professor on your behalf alerting them to view your accommodation letter.

To schedule an appointment with a member of the DRC, log in to the Student Portal and select “Schedule an Appointment.”  

Appointments are available on a first come, first serve basis. We recommend checking back frequently to see if there have been any cancellations to find an earlier appointment time.

When scheduling an appointment, be sure to select the appropriate meeting type:

  • Enrollment Meeting (60 minutes)
    • Students who are new to the DRC and received an email asking to schedule an enrollment meeting.
  • Revisit Accommodations (30 minutes)
    • for students already enrolled with the DRC and need to make changes or have questions about your accommodations
    • New Diagnoses: submit an updated Disability Verification Form or comprehensive evaluation from your provider.
  • Assistive Technology Consultation (30 minutes)
    • for students already enrolled with the DRC and need access to assistive technology or training on an AT tool
  • Other (30 minutes)
    • Select this meeting type if you seek additional support not mentioned above. Be sure to include a comment on your purpose for the meeting.

Students must be approved for this accommodation.

Testing in the Disability Resource Center is available to students who have been approved for this accommodation.  If 'EXTENDED TIME' is your only accommodation, discuss with your instructor as they may be able to provide this accommodation in their department. If your instructor is not able to accommodate you, then schedule your test proctoring appointment with the DRC.

To schedule your test, you must coordinate with your instructor well in advance of your test.  To arrange test proctoring with the DRC, log in to the Student Portal and select “Schedule a Test or Exam.”  Read the instructions on the Welcome page and select "Next" at the bottom of the page.

  1. Select Course: Select your course from the drop down menu.
  2. Date and Time: Select the date, time, and duration of your test.
    • Time = The time you will be taking the test in the DRC.
    • Duration = Amount of time your instructor is allowing everyone. Do not add in your extended time.
  3. Confirm Professor Info: Verify your course, instructor name and contact information.
  4. Choose Accommodations: Select the accommodations you wish to utilize on the test.
  5. Select Your Date & Time
  6. Confirm and Complete: Review your test information to ensure it is accurate.  Check the acknowledgement box at the bottom of the page and select "Finish."
    • If your test was submitted successfully, you will receive a "Thank You" message and an email confirmation.

DRC Proctoring Hours  

Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (all tests must be completed by 5:00 PM) 
Friday 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM  
During finals week, the DRC operates under the schedule determined by the Registrar’s Office.

  • Exams can only be scheduled at 8:00 AM, 11:30 AM, or 3:00 PM. The DRC will stay open until 7:30 PM during finals week to accommodate extended time. You should plan to schedule your finals accordingly. 
  • The window for scheduling finals to be proctored in the DRC opens approximately one month before finals begins and closes one week prior to the start of finals.  

Student Responsibilities & Agreement 


Use of the DRC for testing is not required to meet accommodated testing needs. The DRC provides proctoring as a courtesy to students and faculty. If you and your faculty member choose not to utilize the DRC and schedule alternate testing arrangements, you are free to do so. You are not required to notify the DRC about alternate arrangements. For this agreement, all assessments will be denoted as “tests.” 


  1. It is your responsibility to request accommodations through the DRC Student Portal at the beginning of the semester or following enrollment with the DRC if the semester has already begun. 
  2. Prior to each test (at least one week in advance), you should plan to speak with your instructor regarding the implementation of your approved testing accommodation(s) (e.g., alternate testing arrangements, testing in the DRC, etc.). 
  3. To utilize the DRC for test proctoring, you should: 
    • Schedule your test through the DRC’s Student Portal at least four business days in advance of the scheduled test. Walk-ins and day-of requests are unlikely to be honored.  
    • Tests should be scheduled on the same day and time as the rest of your class. 
  4. If you are unable to keep your appointment, notify your instructor and cancel your appointment in the DRC Student Portal. The decision to reschedule testing appointments is at the discretion of your faculty, unless permitted by an accommodation for a disability-related reason. 
  5. Scheduling for accommodated pop quizzes should be discussed with the faculty member and DRC at the beginning of the semester. 

Testing in the DRC 

  • Plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment/start of test to allow for check-in, setup and to avoid losing test time. 
    • Once checked in, you will be offered a locker, if available, to store personal and prohibited items. DRC staff will select a testing room based on availability and accommodation.
  • If you are late, additional time will not be added to the end of your test. The testing clock starts at the scheduled start time.   
    • DRC staff will not proctor tests if you are over 15 minutes late.  If you arrive over 15 minutes late, you will need to contact your faculty to make arrangements for your test. 
  • DRC proctoring rooms are assigned based on accommodation and availability, not your preference.  If you feel you need different testing accommodations, you will need to log on to the Student Portal to revisit your accommodations for use on future tests. Same day requests to change your accommodations are unlikely to be able to be accommodated. 
  • Only approved testing materials, indicated by the instructor or your approved accommodations, will be permitted in the testing room. All other items should be stored in the DRC lockers. 
    • You are responsible for supplying your own personal testing materials, such as blue books, scantrons, calculators, etc. 
      • Personal technology, such as laptops, used for testing is your responsibility. Make sure the item is in working order, charged and ready for use. DRC staff are not equipped to troubleshoot technical problems on non-DRC technology items.
    • The following items are not permitted in testing rooms, unless specifically approved for the test, by accommodation, or by DRC staff:
      • Electronic Devices (e.g., cell phones, tablets, smart watches, etc.)
      • Calculators
      • Headphones/Earbuds of any kind (noise canceling ear plugs are available from the DRC)
      • Any other item not approved by DRC staff (e.g., hats, items in pockets, etc.).
  • DRC staff are unable to answer any test-related questions. Questions may be brought to DRC staff and the DRC staff can email the instructor on your behalf during the testing window but cannot guarantee a response. 
  • You should plan to use the bathroom prior to the start of their test and use of the bathroom during an exam is by accommodation or emergency only.
    • If you leave the testing room for an approved accommodation or restroom break, you will not be afforded extra time on the test. The testing period will still be active during any break. 
    • You will not be allowed access to stored locker items without permission from DRC staff. 
    • Cell phones may not be used during breaks without a specific accommodation. 
  • Tests, additional testing materials, and any notes/scratch paper will be collected and returned to instructor at the end of testing appointment. 
  • If an appointment is no longer needed, you need to cancel the appointment in the DRC Student Portal.  

DRC Responsibility to the Honor Code

Any student who is allegedly caught cheating during or after completion of a test (via video playback) will have their instructor and the Office of the Dean of Student notified.  The instructor will be provided with a copy of the video recording capturing the alleged offense. The instructor may then consult with the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss appropriate procedures.

Students must be approved for this accommodation.

Alternate Format Materials

The following formats are generally available through the DRC:
  • Electronic text from the publisher
  • Text scanned and edited
Students granted this accommodation can request required textbooks in alternative format through the DRC Student Portal.

Electronic Format of Books Procedures

Individuals should first attempt to purchase/rent accessible versions of books, if available. You can search any of the following resources for audio versions through outside sources (may require personal memberships):
If you are unable to locate an accessible version:
  1. Log in to the DRC's Student Portal.
  2. Select Alternative Texts from the portal’s welcome page and review the directions.
  3. Select New Request and agree to the terms if prompted.
  4. Search for book by ISBN and add text by selecting the + sign.
  5. Continue searching for books until all have been added, then hit the shopping cart with the arrow button.
  6. Review the requests and upload receipts indicating purchased/rented books.
  7. You will receive an email when your book(s) are ready for download with instructions for how to access them.
  8. If we can NOT obtain an accessible copy, you will receive an email stating you need to bring the book in for scanning. Do not bring in books unless you receive this email.
  9. All books will be available in PDF format with instructions provided in email for how to use screen reading software.

Additional Information

  • Alternative Textbooks are processed on a first come, first serve basis and could take up to four weeks to complete.  The timeframe for completion depends on several factors, which could include:
    • Whether or not the requested material is already in the database,
    • The type of content takes more time to properly convert,
    • If the DRC can obtain an electronic copy from the publisher.
  • Instructors/professors are responsible for creating alternative formats (including enlarged font) for any other classroom materials such as: syllabi, handouts, assignments, worksheets, articles, tests etc.

Student Forms on the DRC Student Portal are only for students who have completed their enrollment meeting and were told to complete a specific form by DRC staff. 

  • You must be approved for these accommodations.
  • Carefully read through the form you have been told to fill out, check the box and enter your name and date accepting the outlined terms and conditions.

If a member of the DRC staff has requested you submit additional documentation, please log on to the Student Portal and select “Student Files.”

You can upload the following file types:

  • PDF
  • Doc
  • Docx

Please do not upload pictures of documentation taken from a smart phone with the filename .HEIC.  We are unable to open these.

When uploading files, please add a comment stating the purpose of the documentation.

Throughout the semester, the Disability Resource Center may hold workshops.  Workshops will be advertised on the DRC website or by selecting “Book a Workshop” while logged in to the Student Portal.

From the “Book a Workshop” page, you will be able to view a list of workshops, sign-up, and view scheduled appointments. 

Workshops may include:

  • Executive Functioning Supports
  • Midterm or Finals Prep Tips
  • Helpful Apps and Websites
  • Software Training

To view all upcoming appointments you have scheduled, log in to the Student Portal and select “My Calendar.”  From here you can:

  • View the details of each appointment,
  • Cancel an appointment.

Accommodation Reconsideration Process

If you disagree with the DRC’s decision to deny a specific accommodation you can request a reconsideration.

When a request for accommodation is denied or not fully approved, the DRC will send an email explaining the decision. Most denials fall into either of these two categories: 

  1. More Information Is Needed 
    If the email notification asks for more information, you are welcome to submit additional documentation that meets the DRC documentation guidelines. In this case, if you choose to submit additional documentation, you do not need to engage in the reconsideration process. All additional documentation will be reviewed.  
  2. Documentation Does Not Support Some or All of the Requested Accommodations 
    In some cases, documentation may be submitted but may not demonstrate a functional impairment to support the requested accommodations. Your decision email will explain why the requested accommodation(s) were not approved. 

An Accommodation Reconsideration process provides you with the opportunity to request a review of a prior DRC decision regarding an eligibility determination. To initiate this process you should submit a request in writing to the DRC Director by completing the Accommodation Reconsideration Request form

You are encouraged to submit the request for reconsideration as soon as possible following receipt of the disputed determination. 

The DRC Director will review all relevant information, including your documentation, your self-report of disability and enrollment meeting notes.  During the review, the Director may request additional information to ensure a careful and thorough reassessment of the initial decision(s) made. A final determination will be made by the DRC Director within 15 business days of receipt of the reconsideration request.

Reconsideration vs. Grievance – Which one do I need?

Reconsideration: Students who disagree with a determination of eligibility for accommodations have the option to request a reconsideration. A reconsideration is specifically designed to address a requested accommodation that was not approved by the DRC. 

Grievance: Report of alleged discrimination on the basis of disability or the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits by UNCW expect where ability represents a bona fide educational or occupational outcome.  To view the grievance process, visit our Student Grievances webpage.

Additional Information

Contact Us

Monday - Friday  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Test Proctoring
Monday - Thursday  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM*
Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM*
*All tests completed by 5:00 PM.
