UNCW's Safe Zone Series workshop program is designed to help campus allies foster an atmosphere of support and safety for UNCW's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning population (LGBTQIA+), including students, faculty and staff.
The mission of Safe Zone is to identify, educate and support allies. This will allow allies and UNCW to provide a comfortable environment for all members of the UNCW community, to encourage an atmosphere free of homophobia and heterosexism, and to support the LGBTQIA+ community. Our purpose is to provide a setting of appreciation, affirmation and information for and about the LGBTQIA+ community.
Our multi-part series of workshops are designed to build on one another, however there is no requirement to take all of them or to take them in order. We do, however, strongly encourage everyone begins with LGBTQIA 101.
If you have questions about our workshops, your group cannot attend an already scheduled workshop or you have more than 20 participants, contact Asher Persin at persina@uncw.edu. Please keep in mind we may not be able to accommodate all requests.