The UNCW Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the governing body over all of the Area Councils for the on-campus student population. RHA holds weekly meetings where student concerns are addressed, programs and initiatives are planned, and leadership skills are fostered.
The Executive Board of RHA is made up of the President, Director of Programming, Director of Administration and Finance, Director of Public Relations, Director of Service & Sustainability, Director of Advocacy & Development, National Communications Coordinator, and a National Communications Coordinator In-Training.
In addition to the executive board, RHA requires four representatives from each residential Area Councils to attend the weekly RHA meetings. These are the Area President, Area Director of Communications, Resident Assistant Representative, and the Area Advisor (ARC). Any student/resident may attend the meetings throughout the year.
A large part of what RHA does is campus programming and initiatives, including leadership development retreats for each area council, an open forum for students to bring housing concerns, and attending conferences throughout the year.
Conferences are a time for student housing leaders to organize and present successful programs, which can then be shared with other campuses. Conferences are a time to celebrate school spirit, teamwork, and dedication to the campus community.
This is the approved Constitution for the 2020-2021 year. RHA Constitution 2020-2021 For any questions or concerns regarding the constitution or any amendments throughout the year email Hayden Raynor.
This portion of the RHA website is dedicated to the conferences that UNCW students and staff attend throughout the year. The three primary conferences are the Regional Leadership Conference (RLC), Regional Business Conference (RBC), NACURH conference on the international level.
Conferences are a great way to meet people from other universities, to share ideas and exchange programs with one another. We like to take as many delegates as possible but spaces are limited to keep an eye out for when applications become available.