The Salinity dataset is a culmination of year-round data from 2007-2017 from the Statewide Oyster Spat Monitoring (SOSM) Project sites and North Carolina Department of Marine Fisheries (DMF) collection stations.
There is both a continuous raster layer that is used for a general pattern in salinity for the state, as well as the individual point layer that allows the user to click on each point to look further into the data from it. The legend color codes each site based on the average salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) and the ranking for most suitable salinity ranges for shellfish growth:
Clicking on the site provides further information including average salinity, salinity minimum and maximum, average water temperature, water temperature minimum and maximum, average air temperature, air temperature minimum and maximum.
The Shellfish Growing Area (SGA) Boundaries are divisions of growing areas provided by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The legend displays the division lines in blue with each line labeled for the boundaries it separates. The NC DENR disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the Shellfish Growing Areas (SGA) Boundaries layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Shellfish Leases dataset is provided by North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The legend color codes each area based on the status of the bottom lease (i.e.: Active, Legal, Proposed, or Terminated). Clicking on the lease provides further information about the lease including acreage and status. The NC DMF disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata (PDF) for the Shellfish Leases layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Shellfish Growing Area (SGA) Classification dataset is a culmination of year-round data from 2007-2019 from the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) shellfish harvesting closure maps.The legend color codes each area based on the classification of the shellfish managed areas:
There are two layers derived from this dataset, one is the Current 2019 SGA Classifications that displays the most current classifications available. The Historic 2007-2017 SGA Classification layer displays the whole dataset from the beginning of the program in 2007 up until the most recent data, which can be displayed through time with the time slider function.
Clicking on the desired area provides further information including classification, shellfish growing area, location, and date of the dataset. This is a time-enabled dataset; use the time slider located at the bottom of the map to view the changes in classification over the last few years. The NC One Map disclaimer and the NC DMF disclaimer provide information on data use.
The metadata for the Current 2019 Shellfish Growing Area (SGA) Classification layer provides information on the layer and data collection. The metadata for the Historic 2007 to 2017 Shellfish Growing Area (SGA) Classification layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Depths dataset is from the US Army Corps of Engineers. There are two layers derived from the dataset that include a continuous raster layer used for general patterns in depth, as well as the point layer in which it allows the user to click on the data points to view the metadata associated with it.
The legend color codes depths between +5.0 and 0.0 feet above mean lower low water (MLLW) as yellow, and depths between -0.1 and -10.0 feet below mean lower low water (MLLW) as shades of blue (light blue=shallow, dark blue=deeper). The US Army Corps of Engineers disclaimer provides information on data use.
The Raster Nautical Charts is a web map service (WMS) obtained from NOAA. The NOAA disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the NOAA Nautical Charts layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Boating Access Area dataset is provided by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Division of Engineering and Lands Management. The legend displays boat ramps with a blue boat icon. Clicking on the boat icon provides further information including location of the ramp, ramp types, and facilities provided. The NC One Map disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the Boating Access Areas layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Artificial Reefs dataset is provided by North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The legend displays artificial reefs with a yellow diamond. Clicking on the reef icon provides further information including location and description. The NC DMF disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata (PDF) for the Artificial Reefs layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
View additional information about the layer.
The Military Danger Zones and Restricted Areas dataset is provided by North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The legend displays military zones with a red hashed pattern. Clicking on the red hashed area provides further information including location and description. The NC DMF disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the Military Danger Zones layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
View additional information about the layer.
The River and Streams dataset is provided by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Quality. The legend displays rivers, streams, and waterways with a blue line, and names appear when zooming in. The NC One Map disclaimer and the NC DENR disclaimer provide information on data use.
All surface waters in North Carolina are assigned a primary classification by the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR). Use the BIMS database to determine the classification of a particular water body. The BIMS classifications are as follows:
The metadata (PDF) for the Rivers and Streams layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) dataset is provided by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The legend color codes each area based on the density of the SAV:
Clicking on the desired area provides further information including acreage. The NC One Map disclaimer and the NC DMF disclaimer provide information on data use.
The metadata for the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) layer provides information on the layer and data collection. Additional information about the layer.
The Submerged Land Claims dataset is provided by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The legend The legend color codes each area based on the Classification field (i.e.: Board of Education, Seine Fishing Easement, Private Bed, Shellfish, or Wharf Easement) The NC DMF disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the Submerged Land Claims layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Fishing Nursery Areas dataset is provided by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The legend color codes each area based on the classification (i.e.: Permanent Secondary Nursery Area, Primary Nursery Area, or Special Secondary Nursery Area). The NC DMF disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata (PDF) for the Fishing Nursery Areas layer provides information on the layer and data collection. View additional information about the layer.
The Bottom Type dataset is provided by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). The legend color codes each area based on the bottom type classification Shell verses Without Shell.
Clicking on the desired location provides further information including the strata description (ie: Vegetated vs Non-vegetated, Intertidal vs Subtidal, Firm vs Hard vs Soft, Shell vs Without Shell) The NC One Map disclaimer and the NC DMF disclaimer provide information on data use.
The metadata for the Bottom Type layer provides information on the layer and data collection. View additional information about the layer.
The Management of Lands dataset is compiled from two datasets from the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, downloaded from NC One Map. The legend color codes each managed area based on what organization manages the land area (i.e.: Federal, State, Private). Clicking on the desired area provides further information including acreage, status, purpose, and if a fee is required. The NC One Map disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the Management of Lands layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Seafood Markets dataset is created by the University of North Carolina Center for Marine Science. The legend is a single symbol with a green outline fish.
The metadata for the Seafood Markets layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Utilized Channels dataset is provided by UNCW CMS, NOAA, and Marine The legend color codes the known utilized channels with blue hatched lines.
The metadata for the Utilized Channels layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The Wrecks and Obstructions dataset is provided by NOAA Digital Coast. The legend is the known wrecks and obstructions with boat symbols
The metadata for the Wrecks and Obstructions layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The North Carolina Land Cover dataset is an image (nc_06.img) obtained from the NOAA Coastal Services Center. The legend color codes each area based on what analyzed 2006 land cover is (i.e.: Bare Land, Grassland, Developed, or Water). The NOAA disclaimer provides information on data use.
The metadata for the Land Cover layer provides information on the layer and data collection.
The North Carolina Orthoimagery is a web map service obtained from NC One Map. The aerial images were taken in 2012 by flying over the 25 coastal counties. The project was funded by the NC 911 Board, for the acquisition of 0.5-foot resolution imagery (6-inch pixels, equivalent to mapping at 1 inch = 200 feet).
The NC One Map disclaimer provides information on data use. The metadata for the NC Orthoimagery layer provides information on the layer and data collection.