The goal of the program is to construct and demonstrate the potential scientific applications of two high resolution (~120m) ocean color instruments to be carried by two 3U (10cm x 10cm x 30cm) CubeSat Platforms.
They are called ACC Clyde (Scotland) provided the CubeSat bus named SeaHawk and Cloudland Instruments (California) provided the Hawkeye Sensor.
Mission Summary
- The Program was funded in 2014 by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
- The program is administered by Dr. John Morrison – UNCW.
- NASA provided “advice and review” during the development phase and with formal NASA/HQ Space Act Agreement (2017), will provide services for the collection, processing, calibration, validation, archive and distribution of the data.
- A second Moore Foundation grant was awarded in 2017 to provide the funds for another commercial launch for the second CubeSAT and operations of both spacecraft and instruments for a duration of 2 years each.
- In 2021, the University of Georgia Skidaway Institute of Oceanography joint the team, Dr. Sara Rivero-Calle's team will be co-leading the Science Program and Mission Management.
Key Mission Parameters
- Launched December 3rd 2018
- Nominal orbital height = 575 km
- Sun-synchronous around 10:30am
- 9-day repeat orbit
- Baseline orbital lifetime of 1 year (18-24 month)
- Baseline of 15 scenes per day (200 x 600km of approximately 120 meter resolution - 100MB/scene)
- X-band downlink (Wallops & Alaska) data rate of 6 --> 100mbps
- Weight of instrument less than 1 kilogram
- Total weight of spacecraft plus instrument less than 5 kilograms
- Off-the-shelf CCD arrays used
- Sensitivity comparable to SeaWiFS
- Open intellectual property and knowledge sharing
Additional Information
Project Partners
- Cloudland Instruments
- AAC Clyde Space
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Spaceflight
- UGA Skidaway Institute of Oceanography