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A Spring Update from Our CIO, Sharyne Miller

As the spring semester is well underway, I’d like to update you on the various projects and initiatives within ITS. Our team is dedicated to ensuring students, faculty, and staff are fully supported on campus, remotely and abroad. Technology is an ever-changing environment, and with the power and innovation of artificial intelligence, we strive to provide UNCW with the utmost security, innovation, and research needs.  

In the last year, our department has been working hard to develop a strategic plan that aligns with the new UNCW Strategic Plan. Once completed, this plan will serve as the framework for our ongoing initiatives, ensuring that we remain fully aligned with the priorities identified by the campus community as most significant and impactful.

Research Support

This year, we announced the kickoff of an assessment of our research computing needs (including high-performance computing), and we are engaging with the consulting firm BerryDunn to assist with the initiative. As our research capabilities grow, academic programs expand, and the frontiers of knowledge advance, the institution's needs are also changing. We will engage faculty, students, and research support staff to help shape the design of a research computing strategy that best meets the needs of UNCW today and into the future.

Data Governance

Data Governance is pivotal in efficiently and effectively managing data within a university. It ensures the availability, quality, and security of the university’s data, providing a foundation for decision-making regarding policies, processes, and priorities for institutional data assets. We work to ensure that data is used wisely to inform campus-wide decisions.

Protect Your Information & Data

Please protect your personal information and university data to keep yourself and the campus safe. Remain cautious of unsolicited phone calls, texts, or email messages from individuals seeking sensitive information such as your university ID, password or SSN, and always verify the identity with legitimate sources before sharing information.

ITS will never ask for your personal information. Refrain from entering this type of information into AI platforms such as Copilot, ChatGPT and Google Gemini, as there is risk of it being accessed by unauthorized parties, putting your privacy and security at risk. I would be remiss if I did not remind everyone to take their Security Awareness Training if they have not done so already!

May your spring semester continue to be filled with learning, collaboration and shared success.   

Be well,
