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Financial Reports

Finance Report Listings

Notes: Do not need a SSRS Account. Not Fund/Org Secured.

Report Name Description
Award List by Grant Grant listing report which displays PI Name, Sponsor Award Number, Agency Name, Org Code, Funds, Start Date, End Date, IDC Code, IDC Rate, Active or Inactive and Award Amount.
FWRUPOST Displays all unposted documents within Banner. This report should be reviewed anytime the Net Totals on FGIBAVL and FGIBDST do not match. (Note this report runs from Production)
FOAPAL Reports
Active Rule Codes Displays A Rule Code and Rule Code Description for all active rule codes.
Attribute-HR Conversion For Use by Office Institutional Research and other offices to determine the Banner Finance Equivalent of the PMIS Number.
Budget Authority by Fund Dissplays the Budget Authority for a specific fund. Prompt=Fund.
Budget Authority by Person Displays the Budget Authority for a specific fund. Prompt=Budget Authority email
Data Entry Accounts Displays active Accounts that can be used to post revenues and expenditures.
Data Entry Expenditure Accounts Displays active Accounts that can be used to post expenditures.
Data Entry Funds Displays Active Funds. Includes Fund Title, Default Org, Default Program, Predecessor Fund, Fund Type, Budget Fund Group, Budgeted/Unbudgeted.
Data Entry Organizations Displays Active Orgs. Includes Org Title and Division.
Funds by Default Org Displays Funds and the Orgs associated with the funds.

Reconciliation Reports

Noes: Requires Login-Need SSRS Finance Account. Fund/Org Secured (Based on Banner Finance Security).

Report Name Description
Budget Status (e-Print name=FWRBSTAT) Provides YTD summary information by account code and budget pool. Displays Permanent Budget, Adjusted Budget, Current Month, YTD, Encumbrance and Available Balance.
Ending Fund Balance Displays Ending Fund Balance by fund.
General Funds Reports
Budget Balance Available Reports Provides budget balance available by budget pool for General Funds (Funds starting with a 1). Ranges of accounts included in each report are as indicated:
Operating Accounts 920000-989999
Salary Accounts 911000-917999
Salary-Operating Accounts 911000-917999 and Accounts 920000-989999
EXPORT Salary-Operating Export Format=No subtotal. Accounts 911000-917999 and Accounts 920000-989999
Perm Budget Reports
Operating Permanent Budget Accounts 920000-989999
Salary-Operating Permanent Budget Accounts 920000-989999 and Accounts 911000-917999
Grant Fund Reports
Grant Funds Available Reports Provides budget balance available by budget pool for Grant Funds (Funds starting with a 5). Ranges of accounts included in each report are as indicated:
Operating Accounts 920000-989999
Salary Accounts 911000-917999
Salary-Operating Accounts 920000-989999 and Accounts 911000-917999
Non-General Funds Reports
Non-General Funds Budget Balance Available Provides budget balance available by budget pool for trust funds. Includes budget pools 800000, 91000, 92000, 921000, 930000, 940000, 950000, 960000, 980000
Budget Bal Avail Budgeted and Unbudgeted Trust Funds.
Budgeted Budgeted Trust Fund
Unbudgeted Unbudgeted Trust Funds
Transaction Reports
Monthly Transactions (e~Print Name=FWRMSTAT) Provides Account, Transaction Description, Transaction Date, Document Number Rule Code, Budget, Transaction or Commitment Amount.
Date Prompt For Specific Date Range
Period Prompt For Specific Period
YTD Transactions-Operating Ledger (e~Print Name=FWRYSTAT) Provides Account, Transaction Description, Transaction Date, Document Number, Rule Code, Budget, Transaction or Commitment Amount. All fiscal year transaction up to and including a specific period.