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Academic Standing is based on the last semester a student is graded. Academic Standing is defined as follows:

Good Standing

Student has met or exceeded a minimum grade point average of 2.00.

Insufficient Academic Progress

An undergraduate is automatically placed on Insufficient Academic Progress if the student does not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory academic progress is generally defined by the following:

  • Completing 67% of all attempted hours (excluding transfer hours) towards the completion of a degree program.
  • Having earned a D- or better.

This is determined by dividing the number of credit hours successfully completed by the total number of credit hours actually attempted


Concerning Standing

An undergraduate is automatically placed at Concerning Standing when the cumulative GPA drops below 2.0.

  • Students who begin a semester with less than 2.0 GPA will have concerning standing that semester. 
  • Students placed on Concerning Standing are able to enroll in courses. 
  • Students who begin a semester with a standing of Concerning and earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher will return to Good Standing. 

Warning Standing

An undergraduate who begins a semester already on Concerning Standing and earns less than 2.0 cumulative GPA that semester will progress to a standing of Warning. 

  • Students on Warning status can enroll in courses
  • Students who begin a semester with a standing of Warning and return to a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher will return to Good Standing. 

Appeal Required Standing

An undergraduate who begins a semester with a standing of Warning and does not earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher will progress to a standing of Appeal Required 

  • Students on appeal required cannot register for courses. Any enrolled courses may be dropped. 
  • Students with a standing of Appeal Required who wish to re-enroll must submit an appeal request to enroll in courses. Please work with your advisor to submit this request. 


Contact your academic advisor or your college Dean’s Office as soon as possible.


Advising Resources Across Campus
Center Who? Email Phone
Center for Academic Advising (CAA) Undeclared students are served by CAA 910.962.4290
Watson College SSC Advising Students of the Watson College of Education 910.962.7745
Cameron School Advising Cameron School of Business students 910.962.3899
CHHS Advising College of Health and Human Services students 910.962.3208
CHSSA ARC College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts students 910.962.2329
CSE ARC College of Sciences and Engineering students 910.962.2548

No. You cannot improve your GPA by taking courses elsewhere because the hours transfer from other institution, not the grades.

Total hours used to calculate a UNC Wilmington GPA (includes UNC Wilmington passed hours, F's and WF's).

Total number of hours of transferable credit UNC Wilmington accepted from courses taken at other schools.

Total Quality (GPA) Hours + Transfer Hours

The GPA is determined by dividing the accumulated number of quality points earned by the accumulated number of quality hours earned. The transcript shows the official grade point average. The grade point average is calculated out to the ten-thousandths decimal place and then truncated.

Point value assigned to each grade value.

A = 4.00
A- = 3.67
B+ = 3.33
B = 3.00
B- = 2.67
C+ = 2.33
C = 2.00
C- = 1.67
D+ = 1.33
D = 1.00
D- = 0.67 (Passing)
F = 0.00 (Failure)
WF = 0.00 (Failure/Late Withdrawal)

I, IP, W, NR, Z, and P grades do not have grade point values and do not affect the GPA calculation.

Transfer courses are not calculated in your UNC Wilmington GPA. All transfer work attempted is used to calculate graduating students' degrees with distinction (Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude). Complete details appear in the Undergraduate Catalogue.

Students who receive a grade lower than a 'C' in a course taken at UNC Wilmington may repeat the course at UNC Wilmington.

Catalogs: 2007-2008 through 2011-2012

Students are allowed up to 5 repeats for grade forgiveness. For the first 5 different courses repeated, the previous grade and hours of credit for the repeated course will not be used in calculating the student's grade point average and hours toward graduation. All grades shall remain on the student's transcript.

Catalogs: 2012-2013 or Later

Students are allowed up to& 3 repeats for grade forgiveness. For the first 3 different courses repeated, the previous grade and hours of credit for the repeated course will not be used in calculating the student's grade point average and hours toward graduation. All grades shall remain on the student's transcript.

All subsequent courses will be factored into the GPA calculation once the maximum number of course repeats.

See "How Does Repeating a Course Affect my GPA?" for details on maximum course repeats.

Repeats are processed in the order of the term in which they are registered. For courses registered within the same term, the oldest repeated course (the original attempt) takes precedence over repeats of more recent courses. For example, if a student has one repeat left, and repeats two courses in the term:

Fall 2015
CSC 105

Fall 2015
ENG 201

Spring 2015
CSC 105

Fall 2014
ENG 201*

*This course received repeat forgiveness since it is older than the Spring 2015 CSC 105

In the example above, if the two prior courses were taken within the same term, the system would process them alphabetically, so CSC 105 would receive the grade forgiveness.

No. Grades do not transfer, and the "F" would remain in your GPA.

However, if a student retakes a course at another college and earns a "C" or better, they will receive credit for that course. This is not generally advisable, however, since once a student earns a "C" or better in a course at any institution, they may not retake the course at UNC Wilmington for credit.

Passing the course elsewhere with a "C" creates a situation in which it is impossible for the student to replace their original grade of "F" at UNC Wilmington, since a student cannot receive credit for the same course twice.

Your first resource is always your academic advisor.

Contact Us

UNCW Office of the Registrar

Phone: (910) 962-4202
Fax: (910) 962-3887

James Hall Suite 110
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5618

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday 9 a.m to 11:30 a.m
