Use this handy A-Z list to understand commonly used terms from the Office of the Registrar.
An academic year is 24 credits and 32 weeks of instructional time. The academic year consists of a fall semester and spring semester. Find specific semester dates on the academic calendar.
A summer session is considered a trailer and used to get ahead or make up for shortfalls in your program of study. Fall and spring semesters may contain late start classes and mini-sessions of less than 16 weeks.
An alt pin is a four digit number, randomly assigned each semester, used to access registration within the Registration Portal. The alt pin is provided to the student by his/her academic advisor. We cannot provide the PIN for students.
If you are unsure who your advisor is, check within DegreeWorks or Starfish. If no advisor is listed, the student should contact his/her major department.
This pin ensures that students have met with their academic advisor and have had a conversation and possible recommendations for course selections in the next term.
University Studies is otherwise referred to as general education for all programs of study. It is the core of an undergraduate education and provides students with a comprehensive educational experience, preparing them for study within their major.
These core courses teach students to think critically, communicate effectively, provides an introduction to the methodologies and practices of the academic disciplines, and promotes intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.
There are different fees for extension and main campus courses.To learn more about what fees are charged for students, please click here.
A complete term withdrawal is when a student wishes to withdraw from all courses for the term. It is important that you speak with your academic advisor before requesting a complete term withdrawal. There are implications for withdrawing from all courses.
After speaking with an advisor, undergraduate students will submit an online request via mySeaport (under the Student Services tab), by the deadline indicated in the university calendar.
Graduate students will submit a paper withdrawal form, within the Graduate School, by the deadline indicated in the university calendar.
This is a unique five-digit number assigned to a course. This number is used when referencing a course to add or drop through the portal.
In defining a credit hour, UNC Wilmington recognizes the University of North Carolina policy on scheduled instructional time or equivalent per credit hour and the Federal definition and Carnegie unit recommendations.
1. For courses taught in a traditional classroom format, a credit hour is normally granted for completion of at least one 50 minute session of classroom instruction per week for 15 weeks, or the equivalent time per semester, and a minimum of 2 hours per week for 15 weeks of out-of-class student work, or the equivalent time per semester.
2. Alternatively, a credit hour may be granted for at least an equivalent amount of work as required in item 1 above for other academic activities or instructional modes of delivery, such as distance education, blended distance and face-to-face instruction, laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.
Two or more courses within different disciplines, taught at the same time, in the same location, by the same instructor, combined for the purposes of designing/teaching within Canvas and interacting with all students in the combined section.
Students enrolled in courses for credit, who are recognized by UNCW as seeking a degree.
Off-campus instruction for credit (whether face-to-face, electronically mediated or a combination of methodologies).
Taught by on or off-site faculty, to an off-campus student audience. Face-to-face occurs away from the main campus (601 S College Rd). Identified as: any section # and any instructional method (inclusive of extension courses)
A course drop may occur without penalty through the last day of add/drop as cited on the calendar. The course will not appear on the student's transcript and does not affect GPA.
Extension campus refers to coursework originating from a site other than the main campus. Extension courses have a section number in the 800-899 section range. During the summer sessions all online courses are taught as extension courses. The extension colleges are:
Some extension courses are restricted to extension students only. Other extension courses will allow both main and extension student registration. Check the course description for more details.
A request made of the Office of the Registrar to continue enrollment after the semester in which the student has graduated. Students who apply for graduation will automatically have their matriculation (registration access) closed at the end of their graduation term unless a request to extend their matriculation is submitted.
Extending your matriculation is often used to fulfill graduate school prerequisites, pursue a second degree, add-on licensure, or personal enrichment.
The name of the instructor for a course section. "Staff" or "TBA" indicates that no assignment has been made at the time the schedule is viewed. More than one instructor may be assigned to the section.
Structured experiences in which a small group of first-year students share common classes and activities related to an academic or personal interest.
Main campus refers to coursework originating on the Wilmington campus. The main campus Academic colleges are:
Other units include the Graduate School and the Honors College.
This a term that refers to a student's enrollment at UNCW as a degree candidate.
A "Part of Term" course is offered for part of a full semester and has different add/drop/withdrawal dates.
A request, usually submitted on a form (and soon--online), for a transfer or UNCW course to satisfy one of the three building competency requirements: Writing Intensive, Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy.
A student classification used to indicate that a student has previously earned a degree at UNCW or elsewhere and does not fit the traditional classifications of freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior.
A proxy is a person for whom a student or former student has authorized view access to their student records. Students are able to select exactly what is visible and for how long, for each proxy. A proxy can be a parent, guardian, coach, mentor, etc.
An online application process, whereby former UNCW students (who left in good academic standing) who have been away from the university for at least two consecutive semesters, request to return to the university.
Registration time tickets indicate the specific days and times you can register for classes. Time tickets are issued based on credit hours (including in-progress hours).
The Office of the Registrar does not offer changes to these tickets for reasons outside of DRC accommodation or status as a veteran student, athlete, or Honors College member. If you believe you fit into one of these categories, please contact your academic advisor.
A process whereby former UNCW students who have been declared academically ineligible to appeal to return to the university.
Plans and requirements for reinstatement should be discussed with your academic advisor and the case manager for your academic ineligibility.
A semester is one of three, usually 15 week periods of instruction that make up an academic year. Semesters are commonly referred to as summer, fall and spring.
Qualified persons who are not interested in a degree program and wish only to take certain courses may be permitted to register as special students, provided facilities are available.
Undergraduate students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Semester hours passed are used to determine these classifications. In-progress hours are not counted until the course is graded. The required number of hours passed for each classification is as follows:
A request submitted by a department or advisor for a course to be substituted into a degree requirement, in place of another course.
Unofficial transcripts
These are not considered official documents and are usually available to students through the school's student information system or grading portal if the student is an active student. Students can view, print, and save unofficial transcripts for free, and they can be used for personal reference or to check grades or progress. However, unofficial transcripts are not accepted for official purposes, such as transferring to another school. Unofficial transcripts are not offered to non-current students at UNCW and as such, the student must order an official transcript from Parchment.
Transcripts can be ordered on our website through this link. Official transcripts cost $10.50 per transcript and can be emailed or mailed. Transcripts are only official if mailed/emailed directly to the certifying organization and remain unopened until arrival.
Official transcripts
These are sealed documents that are issued by the school and sent directly to the university. They are often used for credit transfer evaluations, degree conferral, or other official purposes. Official transcripts, once opened by the student or non-university entity, become unofficial transcripts.
University Studies is otherwise referred to as general education for all programs of study.
As a consciously integrated component of each student's overall education experience, the program reflects our institution's fundamental commitment to fostering ethical and intellectual development and to promoting the growth of well-informed, creative, literate members of society.
University Studies first establishes the basis of an essential liberal education through a multi-faceted exploration of our diverse intellectual heritage.
As it extends through each student's educational career, University Studies builds upon this foundation through a course of study designed to cultivate the skills and capacities students require to respond to and anticipate the complexities of modern citizenship in an inclusive and creative manner.
A request submitted by a department for a course or hours in a degree requirement to be waived when no other completed courses fit or are eligible for substitution.
A registration action in which the student no longer attends the course, but the course remains on their record. The student is still financially responsible for any tuition and fees associated with the course.
Depending on the date of the withdrawal, a withdrawal passing results in a grade of W on the student's transcript, counting towards the sixteen (16) hour career maximum, and negatively impacts satisfactory academic progress.
Withdrawal passing occurs between the first week through the seventh week of the semester. A withdrawal failing results in a grade of WF on the student's transcript and negatively impacts the GPA and satisfactory academic progress. More can be learned about withdrawals here.