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Academic Eligibility and Withdrawing

Academic Eligibility

Academic standing and grade point averages are posted in SeaNet. Sign into your account, click on Student Services and Financial Aid, Student Records, and View Unofficial Transcript. For more information about academic standings, visit the Undergraduate Catalogue.

Good Academic Standing

If your Academic Standing is listed as Good Academic Standing, you are eligible to continue taking classes at UNCW.


If your Academic Standing is listed as Concerning, you are eligible to continue taking classes at UNCW. 


If your Academic Standing is listed as Warning, you are eligible to continue taking classes at UNCW. 

Appeal Required

If your Academic Standing is listed as Appeal Required, you must submit an appeal requesting permission to enroll in courses at UNCW. 

For information on how to submit an appeal, please refer to the letter you received from your College you received in your UNCW email.

Your appeal must be submitted 10 business days before the Add/Drop deadline in the fall or spring semester.

The Learning Center

Contact the University Learning Center at 910.962.7857 for academic support services or schedule an appointment online.

Learn About Withdrawing

A student may drop any or all courses without academic penalty through the end of the first week of the semester.

Inclusive of the second through the seventh week of the semester, any student who withdraws from the university or from individual courses will receive a grade of "W" for the first 16 credit hours of course withdrawal. A grade of "W" will not affect the student's grade point average.

Beginning with the eighth week of the semester, a grade of "WF" will be assigned for each course withdrawal and will count as GPA hours. If a student is suspended after the deadline for withdrawal with a "W," each instructor shall assign a grade of "WF" or "W" based on the student's academic performance prior to the suspension.

Excluding course withdrawals due to extenuating circumstances, students are limited to a maximum of 16 hours of full course withdrawals.

After the initial 16 credit hour threshold has been met, students will be required to remain in the course and subject to the grade earned at the conclusion of the semester. A student may withdraw from an individual class or classes through the seventh week of classes, via SeaNet or by reporting to the Office of the Registrar before or on the last day for withdrawal, as indicated in the university calendar.

Students attending summer sessions need to be cognizant that the withdrawal period in summer may be only one or two days. Therefore, summer school students should carefully note the last day to withdraw from classes as found in the summer school university calendar.

Before withdrawing, students should consider all of the implications:

  • Will it drop me from full-time student status?
  • Will it negatively impact my financial aid? Scholarships? Insurance?
  • Will it impact my plans for graduation?

Students are urged to discuss this decision with their academic advisor and, if applicable, their financial aid counselor.

After the last day of registration and add/drop, students may withdraw from individual classes through SeaNet. The Complete Term (all classes) Withdrawal request is located in My Seaport and must be submitted by the deadline indicated in the university calendar.


Withdrawing after the deadline results in a "WF" for the course, which counts in your GPA as an "F." The course will also be counted in your attempted hours. A "WF" can be replaced if you repeat the course.

Applies to Center for Academic Advising students who have not declared a major. 

What Is an Extenuating Circumstance?

A Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances (W.E.) is an option for students who are unable to complete their coursework for an academic term because of a situation that may include, but not be limited to:

  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Traumatic and unforeseen circumstances that are considered beyond a student’s control
  • Serious mental health issues that have resulted in the student’s inability to complete academic responsibilities in a given term
  • Physical injury or illness that has resulted in the student’s inability to complete academic responsibilities in a given term
  • Other (i.e., parental job loss, etc.)

Students should note that poor academic performance in a course does not constitute an extenuating circumstance in and of itself. Withdrawals for extenuating circumstances are still subject to all financial aid and SAP rules and calculations.

What Are the Steps to Request a Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances ?

Application Process

  1. Prepare documentation that supports the extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical provider statement, CARE, Crossroads, police report, obituary). Documentation is required to complete the Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances request.
    If applicable, please use the Medical Documentation Request form. You may upload this completed form within your request or your medical provider may send it to us directly (emailed to or faxed to 910-962-4290).

  2. Submit the online request to Withdraw for Extenuating Circumstances. All parts of the online application must be completed by the UNCW student requesting the W.E. For questions or concerns please callCAAmain office (910) 962-3245. 

  3. Monitor your UNCW email. You will receive an email regarding the decision after your application is completed and your academic advisor will be copied on the correspondence. We encourage you to work with your academic advisor should you need additional academic support. 

Can I Pursue Individual Course Withdrawals?

In most cases, the answer is no. Students typically cannot select individual classes when petitioning for an extenuating circumstance withdrawal.

However, there are times when something would be appropriate (i.e., breaking your leg and no longer being able to attend a dance class). Documentation that clarifies and supports individual class withdrawals are required.

Please see your academic advisor if you have questions about extenuating circumstances that pertain to only one course.

When Does the Request and Any Supporting Documentation for Extenuating Circumstance Need to be Received?

The online request with supporting documentation must be made as soon as possible after circumstances requiring the withdrawal. At the latest, by the last day of classes in the semester following the one for which the withdrawal is requested.

If I am Approved for a Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances, Will it Appear on my Academic Transcript?

No. Once your petition has been approved, a W will be reflected on your transcript.

My Request to Withdraw for Extenuating Circumstances was Denied. Can I Appeal this Decision?

In cases where the request is denied, the student may submit, within 10 regular class days of the dated decision, a written request for consideration with supporting documentation to the Committee on Withdrawal Appeals.

Grounds for appeals are limited to substantive new evidence or material procedural irregularity. All decisions made by the Committee on Withdrawal Appeals are final.

Contact Center for Academic Advising

UNCW Center for Academic Advising

Phone: (910) 962-3245
Fax: (910) 962-4290

Hoggard Hall, Room 172
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
