The employer letter must contain:
- The title of the job.
- A brief description of the "goals and objectives" of the "Training Program" (i.e. employment);
- The starting and ending dates and location of the employment.
- The name and address of the Training Supervisor.
- The number of hours per week.
- The salary amount to be paid. If no salary will be provided, this must be mentioned. Proof of funding must be presented to cover living expenses before a new DS‐2019 can be issued.
Sample Employer letter:
April 1, 1491
Mr. Christopher Columbus
10 Water Street
Death Valley, California 92655
Dear Mr. Columbus:
This is to confirm that Ocean Blue, Inc., is offering you employment as a Small Craft Pilot starting April 12, 1491 ending on Oct. 12, 1492.
This employment will serve as "academic training" following your Bachelor of Science program in Navigation and Aquatics at Parched Desert University.
The goals and objectives of your training with us will be practical experience in guiding small propeller‐driven crafts through sand bars in shallow salt water, without striking bathers.
The location of your training program will be 1 Ocean Blvd., New York NY, 10023. Your training supervisor will be Mr. Amerigo Vespucci, Vice President for Mainland Relations. His address and telephone number appear above on the letterhead.
You will be expected to work for 40 hours each week and you will receive a weekly salary of $5.
On behalf of the company, I welcome you to Ocean Blue.
Niña Pinta
Director of Personnel