Thank you for your interest in leading a summer or short-term education abroad program and for your efforts towards greater internationalization of UNCW. All faculty-led, credit-bearing programs involving UNCW students abroad must be approved by the Office of Education Abroad after review by the International Programs Advisory Committee (IPAC).
Before submitting a proposal, please review the guidelines below. Faculty members proposing programs are invited (and first-timers are required) to meet with Kara Pike Inman, Director, Education Abroad (, or 910-962-3685) for guidance. A complete Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposal consists of the five parts described below. Use the parenthetical questions and comments to guide you as you prepare the proposal as they reflect the criteria used by the IPAC to review proposals.
1. Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Cover Form
Proposals will not be considered unless the Cover form is complete and includes all requires signatures.
2. Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Budget Form
Is the budget realistic and feasible, given the time allotted and the expected expenditures? Is the program likely to attract enough students to support the budget and justify your academic area’s support for the class(es).
3. Clear, detailed and realistic daily itinerary. Include excursions and site visits. Differentiate program time from “free time”.
4. Syllabi of course(s) to be offered on site (Be sure to outline learning outcomes and sources for achieving those outcomes on the syllabus.)
5. Program Design Statement which addresses the following:
Include in your response how many days will be missed, what, if any, provisions have been made to compensate for the absences, and why travel on these dates was chosen. In reviewing study abroad proposals, IPAC may consider additional criteria. For example, is it attractive enough and of sufficiently broad interest? Is it in direct competition with another program offered during the same time period, and if so, can both programs recruit enough students? Completed proposals should be sent to Kara Pike Inman at Again, thank you for your interest in leading an education abroad program!