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The UNCW Academic Advising Council (AAC) strives to promote student success by enhancing the academic advising experiences at UNCW. The AAC serves to embody, unify provide leadership and direction for the academic advising community at UNCW.

This organization provides a unified voice to university administration for issues related to academic advising, policy, and procedure. The Council will serve the academic advising community by recognizing the following:

  • Excellence
  • Providing professional development opportunities
  • Encouraging collaboration
  • Communication across campus

The UNCW Academic Advisory Council is the organization created to connect and collaborate with academic advisors across campus. The academic advising community at UNCW includes professional and faculty advisors, administrators and staff that focus on student success.

By working together, UNC Wilmington’s academic advising community will be able to accomplish the following goals:

  • Create a common advising experience for all students
  • Share best practices and strategies in the field of advising
  • Create a platform for professional development opportunities
  • Serve as a collective voice to provide information and opinions to key University administrative offices
  • Provide insight on the creation and implementation of policies and procedures that impact holistic academic advising practices to promote persistence, retention and student success
  • Provide networking, training and recognition opportunities for the academic advising community

UNC Wilmington Academic Advising Council (UNCW AAC)

1. Vision

The academic advising community at UNCW is essential to student success and supports the academic mission, vision and values of University of North Carolina Wilmington. The AAC strives to exemplify academic advising by implementing best practices while supporting campus collaborations designed to holistically promote student success.

2. Mission

The UNCW Academic Advising Council (AAC) strives to promote student success by enhancing the academic advising experiences at UNCW. The AAC serves to embody, unify and provide leadership and direction for the academic advising community at UNCW.

This organization provides a unified voice to university administration for issues related to academic advising, policy and procedure. The Council will serve the academic advising community by recognizing excellence, providing professional development opportunities and encourage collaboration and communication across campus.

3. Definition of Academic Advising

Academic advising at UNCW is a student-centered, interactive, collaborative relationship between the student and their advisor. Advisors assist with creating meaningful personal, educational and professional goals that align with students’ beliefs and values.

Advisors facilitate decision-making, selection and confirmation of a student’s academic major and appropriate coursework. Students are referred to appropriate resources to address areas related to success while encouraging independence, resourcefulness and resilience.

4. Diversity Statement

The AAC is a diverse community comprised of staff, faculty and administrators who hold various religious, racial, national, cultural and sexual identities. In order to prepare, support and lead UNCW students entering a global society the AAC embraces diversity in all forms. Each member of the AAC is committed to appreciating and supporting a diverse.


  • Enhance the advising experience for all students
  • Provide insight for the creation and implementation of policies and procedures that impact holistic academic advising practices to promote persistence, retention and student success
  • Share best practices and strategies in the field of advising, as well as assessment strategies and outcomes
  • Plan and lead educational training for professional development
  • Serve as a collective voice to provide information and opinions to key University
  • Administrative Offices
  • Provide networking, training and recognition opportunities for the academic advising community

Article III: Association with the National Academic Advising Association

NACADA Affiliation

It is the intent of the organization to remain an allied member of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) and support the goals and programs of NACADA. A $75 fee is paid annually in order to remain in good standing with NACADA.

Section 1. Equal Opportunity

Membership in AAC and opportunities for leadership shall be open to all individuals. There shall be no discrimination for reasons of race, gender, marital status, age, color, national origin (including ethnicity), creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or veteran status.

Section 2. Eligibility

Membership in AAC is open to professional and faculty academic advisors, administrators, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students serving in leadership roles and other higher education professionals who share an interest in academic advising.

Section 3. Admission Procedure

A professional advisor will be included in membership unless they select to decline membership. Other campus faculty, staff and students shall become an active member by electing to join the organization. These action will be reflected in the membership records of the AAC.

Section 4. Rights

All members shall be eligible to vote, hold office, and attend meetings of the AAC and are entitled to the services and benefits provided by the organization.

Section 1. Times

The Executive Board shall determine regularly scheduled meeting times for the year. The academic year shall run from July 1 to June 30. Special interest meetings of the membership shall be held with the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 2. Agenda

The Executive Board is responsible for the preparation of the agenda. Individual members shall submit agenda items to the Executive Board in advance of the meeting.

Section 3. Quorum

Twenty percent of the membership is required to vote to change the constitution.

Section 1. Composition and Tenure

The governing structure of AAC shall be referred to as the Executive Board of the Academic Advising Council.

  • The Executive Board membership consists of the following: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Faculty Representative, Staff Representative, Treasurer, Communications and Membership Coordinator, and Parliamentarian
  • Terms of the office shall run from July 1 to June 30
  • Executive Board members (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Staff Representative, Faculty Representative, Treasurer, Communications and Membership Coordinator, and Parliamentarian) are elected or appointed for two year terms
  • The Executive Board members are elected by the AAC membership in May every two years with the exception of the Faculty Representative position
  • Executive Board members can only serve two consecutive terms in the same position. After two consecutive terms, the member is eligible to serve in another Executive Board position.
  • Executive Board will be elected by a simple majority of members who vote.
  • The voting process is by secret ballot and can be conducted either online or in person
  • Executive Board members may only hold one office per term except in extenuating circumstances that must be approved by Executive Board
  • Newly elected officers will assume their duties July 1
  • Communication Coordinator will provide the names of the new officers to Office of University Relations and the Provost Office representative for publication and distribution

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

Each member of the board has their own duties and responsibilities.


  • Provides leadership and direction for the board’s activities and encourages collaboration across the university that helps to promote and support the advising community.
  • Presides over the AAC meetings
  • Abstains from voting on matters except in the event of a tie, in which case the Chair will vote and serve as a tie-breaker
  • Prepares agenda for meetings in coordination with other members on the Executive Board.
  • Coordinates with Secretary to disseminate the agenda amongst members of the AAC
  • Receives and brings forth recommendations for designated positions on the board
  • Serves as a liaison between the advising community and university administration
  • Serves ex-officio on the board for initial transition of the incoming Chair for a period of no more than 6 months

Vice Chair

  • Takes on duties of the Chair in their absence
  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Responsible for designating leadership for ad hoc committees that are deemed necessary to continue the good work of the AAC
  • Leads evaluative and assessment efforts for UNCW’s academic advising community
  • Leads awards program efforts to recognize the nature of the work being done across campus and the work being done in the AAC
  • Mentors incoming Vice Chair for a period of no more than 3 months


  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Responsible for maintaining meeting minutes and distribution of the agenda amongst the membership
  • Maintains membership database, records and documents of the AAC in an accessible electronic format
  • Edits, updates, and maintains records
  • Reserves rooms for meetings and other events as needed
  • Works with communications coordinator to ensure accurate and timely distribution of information
  • Helps to coordinate election process
  • Mentors incoming Secretary for a period of no more than 3 months

Faculty Representative

  • Appointed by Provost. Attention should be given to rotating representation from across Colleges and Schools.
  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Represents faculty advising matters to the Executive Board and takes AAC matters back to faculty senate steering committee
  • Works to connect with key liaisons in academic departments to bring faculty advising issues to light
  • Mentors incoming Faculty Representative for a period of no more than 3 months

Staff Representative

  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Represents staff advising matters to the Executive Board and takes AAC matters back to staff senate
  • Works to connect with key liaisons in academic departments to bring staff advising issues to light
  • Mentors incoming Staff Representative for a period of no more than 3 months


  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Prepares budget in consultation with members of the Executive Board prior to the start of the fiscal year
  • Presents budget to membership for approval
  • Maintain records of expenditures and revenues (for fee generated events)
  • Treasurer will abide by university policies regarding fiscal management to include but not limited to workshops and training
  • Mentors incoming Treasurer for a period of no more than 3 months

Membership and Communications Coordinator

  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Creates a communications/marketing plan for the academic calendar
  • Responsible for distributing electronic communication to membership
  • Helps to coordinate election process
  • Maintains and updates the AAC website
  • Works with Secretary to ensure timely and accurate distribution of information
  • Mentors incoming Communications Coordinator for a period of no more than 3 months


  • Serves on the AAC Executive Board
  • Holds voting privileges on AAC matters
  • Maintains working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised
  • Serves as meeting manage to ensure compliance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised
  • Verifies if quorum is present for voting matters
  • Responsible for certifying membership eligibility
  • Trains incoming Parliamentarian for a period of no more than 3 months

Section 3. Selection

There are requirements and processes that must be completed to serve as a board member.


  • Members must be an employee of University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Members seeking a position on the Executive Board will have been employed at UNCW for at least one year
  • Members seeking a position on the Executive Board must have attended at least 75% of the general membership meetings during the previous year


  • A list of nominations will be developed during the final meeting each spring
  • Membership can be nominated or self-nominated for vacant positions
  • Members can be nominated for multiple positions, but only be elected to one
  • Nominees must elect to accept or decline the position they were nominated for prior to running for a position
  • Nominees must submit a platform statement that details their experiences and aspirations to serve in the role for which they have been nominated two weeks prior to elections

Election Process

  • Ballots will be created by the Secretary
  • Platform statements will sent to the voting membership by the Communications Coordinator
  • A secret vote will be presided over by the current outgoing Chair, or designee
  • The counting and tallying of the ballot will take place at the meeting and be presided over the by the Parliamentarian

Section 4. Removal or Resignation

  • Members of the Executive Board can be removed for negligence or dereliction of duties as assigned.
  • Members of the Executive Board can be removed for just cause by a vote of the majority of the Executive Board
  • Members may submit an appeal in writing to any member of the Executive Board requesting an investigation and removal from position. All requests will be processed and reviewed by the Executive Board and voted upon by secret ballot
  • A letter addressed to the Chair or designee, must be submitted to the Executive Board detailing when the position will become vacant in the event of resignation
  • Member is not eligible to serve in any other leadership capacity for a period of one year if removed from a position on the Executive Board

Section 5. Vacancies

  • The individual must be eligible for a position as outlined in Article VI Section 3
  • The incumbent can be replaced by a special election to complete the vacated term
  • The Executive Board can appoint an individual to finish out the vacated term
  • The Executive Board will consider issues of fair and equitable representation, experience and needed skills when making appointments
  • Communications Coordinator, or designee, will announce vacancies to the membership

Section 6. Interim Officers

Interim officers are either elected or appointed to serve during the remaining time of the current term. Interim officers are eligible to run for a full term in the position they were appointed or elected to serve

Section 1. Membership

  • Membership in standing or ad hoc committees shall be open to all members of AAC
  • Members may join a standing committee by voicing their interest to the chair of the committee or any members of the Executive Board
  • A standing committee member may remain as long as they are actively participating or until they resign from the committee

Section 2. Chairpersons

  • The chairpersons of the standing committees shall be elected from among the membership at the annual meeting
  • The Executive Board shall appoint a chair if a standing committee does not have a chair by the second meeting of the Executive board after the annual meeting
  • Meet as requested with the Executive Board

Section 3. Duties

  • Each standing committee shall prepare an annual budget to be submitted to the Executive Board prior to the annual meeting
  • Each standing committee shall prepare an annual plan and report to be submitted to the
  • Executive Board prior to the annual meeting
    Each standing committee will be responsible for fulfilling the purpose of the committee

Section 4. Descriptions

1. Professional Development Committee (Ad-Hoc)

The purpose of this committee is to establish and maintain a program of professional development opportunities for the members of AAC. This committee will establish criteria, solicit nominations and select members to receive awards, scholarships and other honors. The Executive Board and to forward nominations for appropriate NACADA awards to the NACADA Executive Office.

2. Pre-Professional Committee

The purpose of this committee is to examine trends related to pre-professional students and to share information regarding pre-professional student success. This committee will bring together a collaborative voice for pre-professional concerns, programming opportunities and encourage collaboration amongst faculty advisors, professional advisors, students and staff members.

3. Social Committee

The purpose of the Social Committee is to create opportunities for the members to informally meet to dialogue and build relationships across campus. The events will be open to all members and may be open to other invited guests based on the goal of the activity.

4. Technology & Assessment Committee

The purpose of the committee is to identify the technological needs of academic advisors from across the campus and recommend technological solutions to meet those needs for academic advising at UNCW.

In addition, they will develop assessment strategies and instruments to measure the effectiveness of academic advising and support on student success and retention. The committee will seek out innovative and practical solutions from within UNCW as well as other institutions.

Members will identify technologies that assist with advising practices and empower advisors as well as students to make decisions that support personal and academic goals.

5. Training Committee

The purpose of this committee is to examine campus-wide training for academic advisors. This committee will create a baseline advisor training for new advisors and existing advisors on the campus. This training will be website-based and will be available to all current advisors on campus.

6. Transfer Students Committee

The purpose of this committee is to examine trends in transfer students and examine future opportunities for growth on the campus in regards to academic advising. This committee will be a collaborative voice concerning transfer student concerns from faculty advisors, professional advisors, students and staff members.

Section 1

Any member is in good standing may submit a proposed amendment to these bylaws to any member of the Executive Board. It must in writing and be signed by five members of the AAC.

Section 2

Upon affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Board, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the membership for a vote.

Section 3

The bylaws shall be amended by affirmation of two-thirds of the voting membership

The Executive Board shall provide the payment of all debts and claims against the Association. The Board also oversees the transfer of all remaining funds and property to the University of North Carolina Wilmington upon dissolution of this organization.


Portions of the UNCW-AAC bylaws wording was adapted from the:

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