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French, B.A. with Teacher Licensure

Become a French Language Educator
  • 10+

    Exciting Study Abroad Options in France & French-Speaking Countries

  • 8+

    French Internship Sites for Applied Learning Locally & Abroad

  • 5th

    UNCW is 5th Among Peer Institutions in Number of Students Studying Abroad

French Majors with Teaching Licensure work as:

Teach French language and culture at the elementary level.

Teach middle school students French language skills.

Teach French language and culture at the high school level.

Supplement students’ understanding of French language and culture as a specialized tutor.

Help individuals and companies bridge the gap in communication.

program completion feature
program completion feature

Learn To

Gain a well-rounded education while majoring in French and preparing to teach French in grades K-12

Become proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing in French

Understand theories of language acquisition, the history of foreign language teaching and methodology for teaching foreign languages

Perform the training required for NC teaching licensure necessary to seek employment in grades K-12

I wanted to take advantage of UNCW's Study Abroad opportunities and fell in love with learning the language under the wings of the French professors at UNCW.
Kaitlyn Woollen '19
French, B.A. with Teacher Licensure Program Overview