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Gerontology Concentration Plan of Study

Gerontology Concentration Plan of Study

First Semester

  • UNI 101 - First Year Seminar (3 hrs)
  • WPA/L 101 - Physical Activity & Wellness (2 hrs)
  • University Studies (12 hrs)

TOTAL: 17 hours

 Second Semester

  • University Studies (15 hrs)

TOTAL: 15 hours

First Semester

  • EXS 216 - Anatomy & Physiology I (3 hrs)
    • EXSL 216 - Anatomy & Physiology I Lab (1 hrs)


  • BIO 240 - Anatomy & Physiology I◊ (3 hrs)
    • BIOL 240 - Anatomy & Physiology I◊ Lab (1 hrs)
  • MAT 111 - College Algebra or Equivalent (3 hrs)
  • University Studies (6 hrs)

TOTAL: 17 hours

 Second Semester

  • EXS 217 - Anatomy & Physiology II (3 hrs)
    • EXSL 217 - Anatomy & Physiology II Lab (1 hrs)


  • BIO 241 - Anatomy & Physiology II◊◊ (3 hrs)
    • BIOL 241 - Anatomy & Physiology II◊◊ Lab (1 hrs)
  • PSY 105 - General Psychology♦ (3 hrs)
  • GRN 101 -Introduction to Gerontology♦* (3 hrs)
  • University Studies (6 hrs)

TOTAL: 16 hours

Pre or Co requisites are BIO 201 AND CHM 101◊

EXS 216 & EXSL 216 are pre-requisites◊◊

Meets University Studies requirement♦

Gerontology Concentration Course*

First Semester

  • PBH 290 - Introduction to Public Health (3 hrs)
  • PBH 295 - Public Health Practice (3 hrs)
  • PBH 299 - Biostatistics♦ (3 hrs)
  • PBH 310 - Social & Behavior Determinants of Health (3 hrs)
  • PSY 223 - Life Span Human Development(counts as Gerontology Elective)* (3 hrs)

TOTAL: 15 hours

 Second Semester

  • PBH 320 - Foundations of Global Health (3 hrs)
  • PBH 401 - Foundations of Environmental Health (3 hrs)
  • PBH 359 - Research Methods in Public Health [WI] (3 hrs)
  • PSY 324 - Psych of Aging (PSY 524 if in 4+1)* (3 hrs)
  • SOC 336 - Sociology of Aging (GRN 501 if in 4+1)* (3 hrs)

TOTAL: 15 hours

[WI] = Writing Intensive course

Prerequisite course or satisfactory performance on the UNCW mathematics placement test for MAT 111, or an ACT math score of 22 or higher, and PBH major or consent of instructor♦

Gerontology Concentration Course*

First Semester

  • PBH 400 - Health Ethics, Policy & Law (3 hrs)
  • PBH 452 - Epidemiology [WI] (3 hrs)
  • GRN 440 - Current Issues in Gerontology (GRN 540 if in 4+1)* (3 hrs)
  • HEA 325 - Health and Aging (GRN 525 if in 4+1)* (3 hrs)
  • Approved Gerontology Elective* (3 hrs)

TOTAL: 15 hours

 Second Semester

  • PBH 496 - Capstone in Public Health (3 hrs)
  • PBH 497 - Internship in Public Health - Gerontology* (12 hrs)

TOTAL: 15 hours

TOTAL HOURS: 125 hours

[WI] = Writing Intensive course

Gerontology Concentration Course*


Michelle Cathorall, Dr.PH., MPH | Program Coordinator & Associate Professor

For a copy of the self-study report or the CEPH decision letter, please get in touch with the program coordinator.

For questions regarding admissions, advising, transfers and program of study, please contact the CHHS Student Success Center at (910) 962-3208 or
