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Plan of Study

BS in Clinical Research Plan of Study

CLR 301
CLR 310
CLR 350
CLR 420
CLR 430
CLR 450
CLR 496
CLR 325
CLR 330
CLR 340
CLR 410
CLR 440
CLR 470
CLR 497
CLR 301
CLR 350
  • PSY 105 General Psychology* (3 hrs)
  • BIO 201 Principles of Cell Biology* (3 hrs)
  • University Studies; Electives (9 hrs)

Total Semester Credits: 16 hours

*Prerequisites (C or better required)

  • CHM 101 General Chemistry 4 (hrs)
  • MAT 111 College Algebra* (3 hrs)
  • University Studies; Electives 9 (hrs)

Total Semester Credits: 16 hours

*Prerequisites (C or better required)

  • BIO 246 Microbiology* (lab not required) (3 hrs)
  • BIO 240 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (or EXS 216)* (4 hrs)
  • University Studies; Electives (9 hrs)

Total Semester Credits: 16 hours

*Prerequisites (C or better required) 

  • BIO 241 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (or EXS 217) (3-4 hrs)
  • *STT 210 Introduction to Statistics with Applications in the Health Sciences (or STT 215, QMM 280, PSY 225) (3 hrs)
  • University Studies; Electives (9 hrs)

Total Semester Credits: 15-16 hours

*Prerequisites (C or better required) 

Total Credits Pre-CLR: 63-63 hours

  • CLR 301 Basics of Clinical Research (3 hrs) - only offered in the fall and summer I
  • CLR 310 Writing and Communication (3 hrs) - only offered in the fall
  • CLR 350 Med Term & Clinical Endpoints (3 hrs) - only offered in the fall and summer I
  • PAR 215 Bioethics (or PAR 115)¥
  • CLR Elective±,¥ (3-4 hrs)

¥ Students may take courses during other semesters, as schedule/availability allow. Courses with the CLR prefix (except 460 and 496, 497) are completely online.

± CLR Elective - Choose one of the following:

  • CHM 102 General Chemistry II (4 hrs)
  • ECN 327 Health Economics (3 hrs)
  • EDN 211 Principles of Leadership (3 hrs)
  • ENG 313 Writing about Sciences (3 hrs)
  • GRN 101 Intro to Gerontology (3 hrs)
  • HEA 452 Epidemiology (3 hrs)
  • MKT 340 Principles of Marketing (3 hrs)
  • MIS 213 or MIS 313 Intro Information Systems (3 hrs)
  • OPS 370 Principles of Operations Management (3 hrs)
  • PSY 245 Drugs and Behavior (3 hrs)
  • PSY 256 Brain and Behavior (3 hrs)
  • PSY 425 Psychometrics (3 hrs)
  • QMM 384 Data Mining & Applications (3 hrs)
  • STT 305 Statistical Programming (3 hrs)

Total Semester Credits: 15-16 hours

  • CLR 325 Pharmacotherapeutics (3 hrs) - only offered in the spring
  • CLR 330 Fundamentals Product Development (3 hrs) - only offered in the spring
  • CLR 340 Study and Site Management (3 hrs) - only offered in the spring
  • University Studies; Electives (6 hrs)

Total Semester Credits: 15 hours

  • CLR 420 Regulatory Affairs (3 hrs) - only offered in the fall
    CLR 430 Managing Clinical Trials (3 hrs) - only offered in the fall
  • CLR 450 Data Management (4 hrs) - only offered in the fall
  • CLR 496 Senior Internship I (6 hrs) - only offered in the fall

Total Semester Credits: 16 hours

  • CLR 410 Collaborative Writing in Clinical Research (3 hrs) - only offered in the spring
  • CLR 440 Bioanalytics (3 hrs) - only offered in the spring
  • CLR 470 The Business of Clinical Research (3 hrs) - only offered in the spring
  • CLR 497 Senior Internship II (6 hrs) - only offered in the spring

Total Semester Credits: 15 hours

Total Credits Junior and Senior Year: 61-62 hours

Contact the Undergraduate Clinical Research Program

Annemarie Petroff, MS | Program Coordinator & Lecturer

For questions regarding admissions, advising, transfers and program of study, please contact the CHHS Student Success Center at (910) 962-3208 or
