Learn more about the Future Teachers Career Academy at Isaac Bear Early College High School by reading answers to these commonly asked questions.
The Future Teachers Career Academy at Isaac Bear Early College High School is a small learning community for high school students interested in a career in teaching. The innovative program is designed to attract and prepare future teachers to make a positive difference for children.
FTCA participants are Isaac Bear High School students who have identified teaching as their career goals, so their high school experiences will be directed towards a future career in teaching.
FTCA is established to encourage and support future teachers, even from their first days in high school. With opportunities to mentor, volunteer, and experience education from many points of view, FTCA guides high school students to become leaders in their classrooms and schools. FTCA is also designed to lift the profession of teaching in all respects.
FTCA participants are Isaac Bear Early College High School students. FTCA requirements for coursework, high school graduation credits and attendance are the same as for Isaac Bear Early High School.
Additionally, FTCA students will have an EDN designated seminar on Friday afternoons, have after school tutoring/volunteering requirements, be paired with a master teacher mentor, serve as a mentor for young students, and/or participate in visits to different kinds of schools through their ninth and tenth grade years. These opportunities and requirements will be in addition to their requirements at IBEC.