Below you will find more information about this specific policy.
All requests for readmission of students who have been suspended for 365 days or expelled will be considered in accordance with the procedures set out below.
A. Requests by Students Suspended for 365 DaysA student who is serving a 365-day suspension may submit a request to the Dean’s designee for readmission any time after the 180th calendar day of his or her suspension. Upon receipt of the request, the Dean’s designee shall offer the student an opportunity for an in-person meeting to be held within five days. The student may provide documents in support of the request, such as signed statements from individuals knowledgeable about the student or documents verifying that the student is participating in or has completed counseling or rehabilitation programs. If the student demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Dean’s designee that the student's presence in school no longer constitutes a threat to the safety of other students or employees, the Dean’s designee must readmit the student.
Within 30 days of the student's request, the Dean’s designee shall provide written notice of his or her decision to the student, the student's parents and the Dean. If the Dean’s designee decides to readmit the student, the notice will include the date of readmission and any reasonable restrictions placed on the readmission. If the Dean’s designee rejects the request for readmission, the notice will advise the parents of the right to appeal the decision to the Dean. Any appeal to the Dean must be made in writing within five days of receipt of the Dean’s designee's decision. The Dean’s designee shall inform the Dean of the request for an appeal and arrange in a timely manner a hearing before the Dean. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with policy 2500, Hearings Before the Dean. The Dean will provide to the student, the student's parent and the Dean’s designee written notice of its decision within 30 days of receiving the appeal of the Dean’s designee's decision.
If the request for readmission is denied, no subsequent requests from that student will be considered during that 365-day suspension.
B. Requests by Expelled StudentsA student who has been expelled may submit a request to the Dean for readmission any time after 180 calendar days from the start date of the student's expulsion. The Dean immediately will forward the request to the Dean’s designee who shall arrange in a timely manner a hearing before the Dean. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with policy 2500. After considering the student's request and the Dean’s designee's recommendation regarding readmission, if the Dean determines that the student has satisfactorily demonstrated that his or her presence in school no longer constitutes a clear threat to the safety of other students or employees, the Dean will readmit the student. The Dean will notify the student, the student's parents and the Dean’s designee in writing of his or her decision within 30 days of the submission of the request for readmission.
If the Dean decides to readmit the student, the notice will include the date of readmission and any reasonable restrictions placed on the readmission. If the student was expelled as a result of assaulting or injuring a teacher, the student will not be returned to that teacher's classroom following readmission without the teacher's consent.
If the expelled student's request for readmission is denied, the Dean will not consider a subsequent request for readmission of that student until six months after the submission of the previous request.
Issued: July 12, 2018