Below you will find more information about this specific policy.
DCVPA recognizes the need for parents and guardians to work with school employees in helping students to learn and practice acceptable standards of behavior. School employees are directed to encourage parents to participate in discussions on effective strategies for correcting misbehavior and appropriate consequences for violations of school policies, the Code of Student Conduct, and other school standards and school rules.
School employees are expected, as part of their school's student behavior management plan, to identify strategies that involve parents. At a minimum, the plan must provide for inviting parents to conferences whenever there are repeated violations of school policies, the Code of Student Conduct, school standards or school rules or whenever there is a serious violation that may result in removing the student from his or her regular educational environment for any extended period of time. Parents also have the right to inspect or obtain copies of student records as provided in policy 4700, Student Records.
When the principal decides to impose a short-term suspension, the principal shall:
When a short-term suspension has been imposed, the principal shall inform the parent of the student's rights under policy 4351, Short-Term Suspension.
When the principal decides to recommend a long-term suspension, a 365-day suspension or an expulsion, the principal shall inform the parent of the student's rights, as outlined in policy 4353, Long- Term Suspension, 365-Day Suspension, Expulsion. If English is the second language of the parent or guardian, the principal shall provide the notice in English and also in the parent's or guardian's first language when the appropriate foreign language resources are available.
All records of parental contact should be maintained in the student's records and retained at least through the end of the school year.
Issued: July 12, 2018