Below you will find more information about this specific policy.
Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic allergic reaction from exposure to allergens that is rapid in onset and can cause death. Many severe allergies are undiagnosed, and students or others may experience their first severe allergic reaction while at school. Epinephrine auto-injector devices can be used to administer epinephrine to provide rapid, convenient first aid for persons suffering a potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction. This policy addresses the use of emergency epinephrine auto-injector devices administered under a non-patient specific prescription. Student-specific orders for epinephrine auto-injector devices are addressed in policy 6125, Administering Medicines to Students.
Designated trained school personnel and health center workers are authorized to use emergency epinephrine auto-injector devices to deliver emergency medical aid to any person suffering from an anaphylactic reaction during the school day or at a school-sponsored event on school property. DCVPA shall ensure that at least two emergency epinephrine auto-injector devices are located at each school for this purpose and are stored in secure, but unlocked and easily accessible, locations.
Each school principal shall designate one or more school personnel, as part of the medical care program under G.S. 115C-375.1, to receive initial training and annual retraining from a school nurse or qualified representative of the local health department regarding the storage and emergency use of epinephrine auto-injector devices. Only such trained personnel are authorized to administer epinephrine to persons believed to be having an anaphylactic reaction. The principal shall make reasonable efforts to notify other school staff members as to which employee(s) has received this training in order to facilitate a prompt emergency response.
The principal, in collaboration with appropriate school personnel, shall create an emergency action plan for the use of epinephrine auto-injector devices that complies with all state law requirements. Principals are encouraged to include in the plan school-wide employee training in recognizing symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Epinephrine auto-injector devices provided by the school are intended for unforeseen emergencies. Students known to have medical conditions requiring the availability of an epinephrine auto-injector device are expected to provide such devices for their use at school. Parents of students with known life threatening allergies and/or anaphylaxis should provide the school with written instructions from the students' health care provider for handling anaphylaxis and all necessary medications for implementing the student specific order in accordance with policy 6125, Administering Medicines to Students.
Students who meet the conditions established in policy 6125 may possess and self-administer their own medication.
This policy does not require emergency epinephrine auto-injector devices to be available at activities held off school grounds during or after the school day, including field trips or off-site athletic events, or during transportation to or from school, except as may be required pursuant to an individual student's IEP, Section 504 Plan, or health or emergency plan.
Issued: July 12, 2018